| - The advent of the time-viewer revealed the truth about the Mary Celeste's fate. Recordings were quite popular.
- Her abandonment apparently was not a fixed point in time, as there were several different accounts of the event. The first three incarnations of the Doctor were all involved in different sets of experiences surrounding the crew's disappearance, though only the Second Doctor knew that he was on the ill-fated vessel. Another account had it that the Daleks on the ship had actually arrived via a human-made Time-Conveyor and they were being pursued by two human brothers named Peter and David. These time travellers also left without realising the name of the ship. (PROSE: Timechase)
- The Mary Celeste was a sea-faring vessel, a brigantine on Earth in the 19th century. In 1872, Mary Celeste was found adrift in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Portugal. Devoid of her crew, she was found unmanned and under full sail heading towards the Strait of Gibraltar. How and why the ship lost her crew remains a mystery to this day. In 2254 when the USS Enterprise was sent to investigate after a number of ships were discovered adrift, Captain Pike described the situation in his log entry as; investigating a "fleet of Marie Celestes". (EV comic: "Flesh of My Flesh")
- The Mary Celeste was a very heavy ship, made completely of wood. She was built at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, which is coincidently where they made the Titanic. (Which, if you didn't know, is ALSO a ship that killed practically everyone on board.) She was originally called the 'Amazon'.
- The Mary Celeste was a 282-ton brigantine constructed by Joshua Dewis in 1861 as the Amazon. The ship was originally launched from its home at Spencer's Islan, Nova Scotia, Canada and immediately subjected to bad luck. Her first captain, Robert McLellan, would die on the ship's maiden voyage, the first of three captains to die on board the vessel.
| - The Mary Celeste was a very heavy ship, made completely of wood. She was built at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, which is coincidently where they made the Titanic. (Which, if you didn't know, is ALSO a ship that killed practically everyone on board.) She was originally called the 'Amazon'. The Amazon's first captain, Robert McLellan, son of one of the owners, contracted pneumonia nine days after taking command. John Nutting Parker, the next captain of the Amazon, struck a fishing boat, and had to steer her back to the shipyard for repairs. At the shipyard, a fire broke out in the middle of the ship, killing him. Her first trans-Atlantic crossing was also disastrous for her next captain, after she collided with another vessel in the English Channel near Dover, England. This resulted in the dismissal of the new captain. After this rather, er, awkward beginning, the ship had a couple of years of peace (or what we would call 'fast forward this part' in the movie world). She travelled to the West Indies, Central America and South America, and transported a wide range of cargoes, including the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. Then, the ship ran aground and a couple more people were killed by that ruthless bitch of a ship. The new owners' intention was to take her across the Atlantic and make a profit trading with the Adriatic ports. lol
- The advent of the time-viewer revealed the truth about the Mary Celeste's fate. Recordings were quite popular.
- The Mary Celeste was a sea-faring vessel, a brigantine on Earth in the 19th century. In 1872, Mary Celeste was found adrift in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Portugal. Devoid of her crew, she was found unmanned and under full sail heading towards the Strait of Gibraltar. How and why the ship lost her crew remains a mystery to this day. The Mary Celeste became the basis of a Human popular culture "ghost ship" legend, and is often used to describe a situation when the crew or populous of something or somewhere has inexplicably disappeared. The fate of the crew is the subject of much speculation, with theories ranging from alcoholic fumes to underwater earthquakes, and a large number of fictional accounts. In 2254 when the USS Enterprise was sent to investigate after a number of ships were discovered adrift, Captain Pike described the situation in his log entry as; investigating a "fleet of Marie Celestes". (EV comic: "Flesh of My Flesh") The mystery of the Mary Celeste was Benjamin Sisko's favorite seagoing legend. He was fascinated that the ship's stoves were still on, the crew's meals half eaten and that its crew went missing in the middle of an ocean. (DS9 novel: The Long Night)
- The Mary Celeste was a 282-ton brigantine constructed by Joshua Dewis in 1861 as the Amazon. The ship was originally launched from its home at Spencer's Islan, Nova Scotia, Canada and immediately subjected to bad luck. Her first captain, Robert McLellan, would die on the ship's maiden voyage, the first of three captains to die on board the vessel. The trouble continued until, in 1867, the Amazon ran aground in Glace Bay, Nova Scotia and needed to be salvaged. The owners of the boat finally decided to cut their losses and sell the boat to an American from New York, Richard Haines in 1868. In 1869, she was transferred to the American registry and redubbed the Mary Celeste.
- Her abandonment apparently was not a fixed point in time, as there were several different accounts of the event. The first three incarnations of the Doctor were all involved in different sets of experiences surrounding the crew's disappearance, though only the Second Doctor knew that he was on the ill-fated vessel. Another account had it that the Daleks on the ship had actually arrived via a human-made Time-Conveyor and they were being pursued by two human brothers named Peter and David. These time travellers also left without realising the name of the ship. (PROSE: Timechase) Yet a third said that the Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon and Zoe Heriot found that the crew of the Mary Celeste had been abducted by Arcturans. The Doctor freed the crew, but they were all killed by a sea serpent. Their experience of the ship was different from those of other time travellers on board the vessel, in that they actually knew they were on the Celeste. (PROSE: The Mystery of the Marie Celeste) A fourth history put the Third Doctor into the mix. When he landed the TARDIS on the New York docks, the crew of the Mary Celeste mistook it for cargo and had it loaded on board. To regain access to his ship, the Doctor paid for passage on the Mary Celeste. When he showed Professor Theodore Cassells the TARDIS interior, he fled from the hold to the deck. When he tried to tell Captain Briggs what he had seen, the Captain Briggs misunderstood and thought the TARDIS was a time bomb. He, Cassells and the crew left the Mary Celeste in a lifeboat, which was swamped by a large wave that drowned everyone on it. The Doctor left, unaware of the name of the ship he was on. (COMIC: A Stitch in Time)