| - * Stan says "Remember the deal, Whitney. First you sing, then you get your precious cocaine." In this scene, Stan is making fun of Houston's crack cocaine addiction, which was posted in all the tabloids in the late '90s.
* Francine's quote "Not if you're gonna spend the weekend tinkling on Bob Guccione!" is a reference to Penthouse Magazine founder Bob Guccione, who produced and edited the 1979 film Caligula. The movie featured, among other perversions, the actresses playing the Emperor's sisters urinating on the corpse of a recently executed soldier.
* The scene where the raccoon dances to, "I'm Alright" by Kenny Loggins, after surviving the explosion is reminiscent of the movie Caddyshack.
* When Steve says that no human being could date a girl that ugly, Roger walks into the room saying "Hello." This is Squiggy's famous line from Laverne & Shirley, which he used whenever Laverne or Shirley would make a reference to something creepy or disgusting.
* Stan runs into the port-a-potty and instantly goes out fully-dressed, in much the same manner Superman does in phone booths.