| - A story about three girls:
* A schoolgirl who stalks the city streets, trying to destroy a deadly evil whilst hiding under a lilac cover...
* Her daughter, who lies awake at night pondering her fate as she sees a bizarre shadow following her everywhere...
* And a child-girl, the daughter of two people who were never supposed to meet, who witnesses all the carnage with a strangely-calm disposition... As of now, the first four chapters are up — "Reasons", "Home", "Darkness", and "Storm" (last three contain some mature content; Deviant ART account is required to view).
| - A story about three girls:
* A schoolgirl who stalks the city streets, trying to destroy a deadly evil whilst hiding under a lilac cover...
* Her daughter, who lies awake at night pondering her fate as she sees a bizarre shadow following her everywhere...
* And a child-girl, the daughter of two people who were never supposed to meet, who witnesses all the carnage with a strangely-calm disposition... Story from Wario Barker, inspired by (and uploaded in Fall 2009 as a response to) this artwork. Originally intended as a simple oneshot, positive reception caused it to become a multi-chapter story. As of now, the first four chapters are up — "Reasons", "Home", "Darkness", and "Storm" (last three contain some mature content; Deviant ART account is required to view).
* Crapsack World: Suggested by Allura's comments in "Reasons", although the area was in fact mostly evacuated.
* Curse Cut Short: Done many a time with Chrissie, thanks to Allura.
* Everyone Is Gay: Averted with Allura. While straight, it's implied that she's had more than a few completely and utterly unwanted experiences.
* Het Is Ew: Nadimia's parents are a pair of girls.
* Hot Mom: Allura.
* Incest Is Relative: Chrissie's all for it, but Allura knows the mere concept is wrong.
* Medium Awareness: Chrissie.
* Noodle Incident: Allura doesn't want Chrissie to go into the "Machu Piccu incident".
* Only Sane Girl: Nadimia, since Allura's gone a bit off due to Chrissie (who is almost-entirely off-kilter).
* Parallel Porn Titles: "Home" originally had Chrissie looking through TV listings and reading off four titles, two of which paralleled stories the author had previously written. The author had published one (The First Story), but the other (The Twelve Dimensions, which sets up a sizable chunk of Allura and Chrissie's backstory) never saw release — and, indeed, a majority of it was never written.
* Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Allura and Chrissie.
* Shout-Out: A few things.
* You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Allura's hair is lilac when she first appears, although this isn't her natural color.