A card with a status of not yet released in the TCG or OCG refers to a card that doesn't yet exist in the format in question, but has a confirmed debut. It is sometimes possible to own a card before it is officially released (like from a Sneak Preview Event or an English Duel Terminal). However, it is not considered a legal card until the release date. This status is by definition temporary, so the lists below are constantly changing, and may at times be empty.
Attributes | Values |
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| - A card with a status of not yet released in the TCG or OCG refers to a card that doesn't yet exist in the format in question, but has a confirmed debut. It is sometimes possible to own a card before it is officially released (like from a Sneak Preview Event or an English Duel Terminal). However, it is not considered a legal card until the release date. This status is by definition temporary, so the lists below are constantly changing, and may at times be empty.
- Articles about World of Warcraft or other content that has been announced, but are not yet released (NYR). This is usually for content related to world events because of their seasonal nature. But, is also used for products that have been announced but 'not yet released'.
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| - A card with a status of not yet released in the TCG or OCG refers to a card that doesn't yet exist in the format in question, but has a confirmed debut. It is sometimes possible to own a card before it is officially released (like from a Sneak Preview Event or an English Duel Terminal). However, it is not considered a legal card until the release date. This status is by definition temporary, so the lists below are constantly changing, and may at times be empty.
- Articles about World of Warcraft or other content that has been announced, but are not yet released (NYR). This is usually for content related to world events because of their seasonal nature. But, is also used for products that have been announced but 'not yet released'.
* Place {{<a href="/mediawiki/Template:NYR" title="Template:NYR">NYR</a>}} at the top of the article, they should have some citations authenticating their content.
* For sections that are not yet released, use {{<a href="/mediawiki/Template:NYR-section" title="Template:NYR-section">NYR-section</a>}}.
* For a single inline item, use '([[NYR]])' (NYR).
* If the content will be available immediately after the release of the next patch, please use {{<a href="/mediawiki/Template:Stub/PTR" title="Template:Stub/PTR">Stub/PTR</a>}} (like {{<a href="/mediawiki/Template:Stub/PTR" title="Template:Stub/PTR">stub/PTR</a><span style="color:#999;"></span><span style="color:#999;"></span><span style="color:#999;"></span><span style="color:#999;"></span><span style="color:#999;"></span><span style="color:#999;"></span><span style="color:#999;"></span><span style="color:#999;"></span><span style="color:#999;"></span><span style="color:#999;"></span><span style="color:#999;"></span><span style="color:#999;"></span><span style="color:#999;"></span><span style="color:#999;"></span><span style="color:#999;"></span><span style="color:#999;"></span><span style="color:#999;"></span><span style="color:#999;"></span><span style="color:#999;"></span>}}).