| - Hordak is a fictional character in the Masters of the Universe franchise. Long before King Hiss and the ruthless Snake Men, formed a thread to Eternia, the Evil Horde was there. An army of pure evil and ruthless warriors, with the goal to destroy the light. Their leader, the terrible Hordak, is the most powerful of the evil beings in Etheria (Eternia's sister planet).Hordak killed King Grayskull and was the former mentor of Skeletor. He now operates as the evil ruler of Etheria and is the main villain in the show She-Ra: Princess of Power.
- Hordak is a Spanish pagan / black metal band from Madrid, formed in 2002. The members of the band include Winter, Autumn, A. Mansilla, J. Sierra and L. Mansilla.
- Hordak on entinen Rahkshi Lerahk, joka on mutatisoitunut ja on nykyään lajissa, jonka nimi on Hordika-Rahkshi.
- Hordak is a fictional character in the Masters of the Universe franchise who opposes She-Ra and He-Man, as well as the franchise's main villain, Skeletor, to whom he was once mentor.[2][3] Hordak is the lead villain of the She-Ra: Princess of Power cartoon, in which he is the nemesis of She-Ra, He-Man's twin sister.[4]
- Hordak is a major character in the Masters of the Universe franchise. Long before King Hiss and the ruthless Snake Men formed a thread to Eternia, the Evil Horde was there. An army of pure evil and ruthless warriors, with the goal to destroy the light. Their leader, the terrible Hordak, is the most powerful of the evil beings in Etheria (Eternia's sister planet).
- Hordak is a fictional character in the Masters of the Universe franchise. He is the leader of the Evil Horde, an army of savage warriors, most of whom wear a red bat symbol on their chests to convey their allegiance. He is the former mentor of Skeletor, one of the franchise's main villains. According to most story media, Skeletor betrayed Hordak and trapped him in another dimension before beginning his own conquest of the planet Eternia. Hordak then returned with a vengeance to take over Eternia for himself. This background is consistent across most story media.
- 250px|thumb|Hordaki Hordaki (ang. hordling) to istoty, których niezliczone hordy zamieszkują Szare Pustkowia, stanowiąc zdecydowaną większość mieszkańców tego planu. Różnią się między sobą znacznie pod względem wyglądu i wielkości. Są mniejsze i większe, humanoidalne i zwierzokształtne, skrzydlate i wyposażone w macki. Nie ma dwóch identycznych istot tego rodzaju. Nie rozwinęły one też żadnych typowych sposobów komunikowania się.