| - Frieda was next seen after Pruneface retrieved the Professor after Flattop kidnapped him. She was being held hostage in order to motivate the Professor to build Pruneface his own cache of Xylon Torpedos, showing that he would use force on her if he didn't cooperate. Frieda was freed when Bard complied. 40 years later in 1986, after Wendy Wichel told Dick Tracy that the Xylon Affair had been declassified, she also revealed that Frieda Smith was suspected by the FBI of Espionage, which Jim Trailer confirmed. Now a spinster, sleeper agent Frieda Smith was apprehended before she could kill Tracy with her hidden gun. The last remaining Xylon Bomb she hid in her basement under Pruneface's orders was defused. Frieda was later placed in Federal custody, revealing that Pruneface was supposed to contact her. She expressed how much of a burden the whole affair had been to her and her regret that she had never married. That night after she was arrested, a phone call was placed to her empty house, with a recently reanimated Pruneface on the other end, intending to tell her to set off the bomb. Known Relatives:
* Mother; deceased Known Associates:
* Roloc Bard (neighbor and admirer; deceased)