| - Taku, was a younger brother of Koda from 100,000 years ago.
- Taku es una ciudad abandonada situada en el noroeste del Reino Tierra. Antes de la Guerra de los Cien Años, la ciudad fue un importante centro de comercio, sin embargo, fue destruida por la Nación del Fuego en su primera oleada de ataques debido a su estratégica ubicación y su importancia para el Reino Tierra.
- : This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it, or perhaps you could contribute to discussion on the topic. Taku (タク Taku) is a fictional character from the anime series Mobile Suit Gundam AGE.
- Categoría:Rahi Los Taku son patos Rahi.
- El taku es un tipo de árbol de corteza carnosa. Los bosques de taku, que se pueden encontrar en Telkadis, estaban a menudo infestados de arañas camufladas de los árboles de Telkadis.
- Taku (タク, Taku) es un niño de Konohagakure.
- Taku ist ein Einwohner von Konohagakure.
- Taku sind Enten-ähnliche Rahi.
- is a young Konoha citizen.
- Taku, known as Takuya Hashimoto in the Japanese version, is a character appearing in the Tag Force series. He is a Slifer Red student. In Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4-6, his name is given to Yosuke Adachi.
- Categoría:PersonajesTaku (タク, Taku) es un niño de Konohagakure.
- Takut ovat ankkamaisia lintuja ja hyvin läheistä sukua Gukkojen kanssa, vaikkakin paljon pienempiä. Toisin kuin raadonsyöjä serkkunsa, Takut ovat vesilintuja ja pystyvät sukeltamaan syvälle pyytääkseen kalaa.
- Taku (焚く, Taku) est une Mage Indépendante maîtrisant la Magie des Liens de feu.
- Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes Taku est un jeune citoyen du village caché de Konoha.
- Taku was a type of tree with pulpy bark. Found on Telkadis, taku forests were often infested with Telkadis hiding tree spiders.
- Taku ist eine verlassene Stadt an der westlichen Küste des Erdkönigreichs. Vor dem Hundertjährigen Krieg war es ein wichtiger Handelsposten, den die Feuernation wegen seiner strategischen Bedeutung bereits früh zerstörte.
- As of the Alpha Timeline, Taku was born on 4/21, in the year -208 ADC. In the year -200 ADC, it is known that both of his parents died, leaving him to be raised by his sister, who was a bit over nine years older than him at the time. Five years after the death of his parents, Taku transitioned upon realization of his gender identity disorder, coming out as male. Later, in this same year, there was an incident in his village, where a young member of UFPO tried to raid the village, only to be stopped by Taku. This young member, named Anicetus, became good friends with Taku shortly after, a while after it was revealed that Anicetus lived in a village not too far from Taku's own.
- Taku (検索, Takuo) is the fighter of The Zwei Pirates and was a member of the Zwei triad before they had become a pirate crew. After Haku eating the Heka Heka no Mi, he and his other brother Baku. After eating the Heka fruit, Haku had made two other whole entities and then they went through a rampage on the noble’s house.
- Taku's primary purpose was to distribute cargo imported from ships throughout the entire nation. After the Fire Nation recognized its position, Taku became one of the first Earth Kingdom cities to be destroyed in the Hundred Year War. However, a small number of inhabitants remained in the area, and around 60 AG, a herbalist began teaching at the city's medical institute. Eventually, her students left to help the Earth Kingdom Army, and the herbalist became Taku's lone resident. She continued to maintain the institute, providing medical assistance for the wounded Earth Kingdom soldiers that would occasionally traverse the area.
- Taku to przypominające ptaki Rahi. Gatunek ten został stworzony przez Makuta przy użyciu wirusów i Protodermis. Po Wielkim Katakliźmie, pewna ilość Taku przeniosła się na nową wyspę Mata Nui i włączyła do ekosystemu. Kiedy Toa Mata Lewa przybył na Mata Nui, prawie zabił Taku, gdy wylądował na gałęzi drzewa i wyrzucił go z gniazda. Za pomocą mocy elementarnej wrzucił go z powrotem do gniazda. W ten sposób nauczył się kontrolować moc.
- Taku were a species of very small bird-like Rahi on Mata Nui and Metru Nui. They were aquatic and could dive to great depths to catch fish. Shortly after he washed up on Mata Nui, Toa Lewa used his Air powers to save a baby chick of this species from falling to its death; ironically, the Toa of Air was the reason the chick fell out of its nest in the first place. After the death of Makuta, the Taku race fled from the Matoran Universe onto Spherus Magna.