| - ああ、そのお姿は神々し過ぎて見えません。それにしても、慧音はなん
Aah, your shape is too bright to be visible.
So, why does she wear that weird skirt anyways? Same for her hat.
To unlock: Capture more than 50 spell cards in Spell Card Practice, all characters combined.
- 幽々子の最大奥義、彼女の死。ゲーム中では彼女の能力を見せる機会
Yuyuko's ultimate move, her "death". It's really shame that there's not many chance to
reveal her true ability. It doesn't look cool that brat's killing anything and such.
To unlock: Beat main game with Lunatic difficulty. Continue/Character doesn't matter.
- ローレライ。どうも私はローラレイとよく言い間違う。んん~ローラ。
Lorelei. I often misspell her name as "Lorarei". Ahh, Lora.
It looks as though she has only 3 fingers from these pictures, but she actually has 5 fingers.
To unlock: Beat main game through Final B with more than 3 teams, difficulty doesn't matter.
- 色々と究極奥義。霊夢はありとあらゆるものから宙に浮き無敵となる。
Supreme Master-Arts by any means. With Reimu's ability to float, she floats from everything in reality and becomes invincible.
If it wasn't just for play , no one could beat her with any method.
To unlock: Capture all spell cards of Normal difficulty in Spell Card Practice with Marisa Solo.
- 根っからの詐欺師。人を騙す度に報復を受けるが、全く懲りてない。
Natural born duper. She always gets paid back for her dupe, but she never learns.
White ears and black hair... It's hard to tell if she's really a white rabbit.
To unlock: Face No.209, No.210 and No.211 at least once .
- 月の力を借りて斬る。この一振りだけで物凄く広いといわれる西行寺
Slash that borrows the power of the Moon. One slash can cover the whole garden of Saigyouji, which is very huge. Power of the Moon calls more power, making its width infinite.
To unlock: Beat main game through Final B with more than 6 teams, difficulty doesn't matter.
- 時空を縮小させる咲夜の変化球。小さくなった時間は、短期間の過去と
One of her secrets that compresses the flow of time. Compressed time allows the past and future to exist in the present at the same time. You have to deal with all of them, so it's quite a tough move.
To unlock: Capture more than 120 spell cards in Spell Card Practice, all characters combined.
- 如何なる者も逃さない天にも地にも張り巡らされた光の蜘蛛の巣。
Spider's web that reaches from the ground to the sky, not allowing anything to escape.
It's impossible to avoid this. In addition she monitors ACoMPCE too.
To unlock: Capture No.138 (Apollo 13 -Hard-).'''
- 妹で紅、って誰かを彷彿させる名前だが、本当は、自分”も紅”色に
妹 and 紅 may remind you of someone else's name, but actually, it can mean "paint me red" as well. If it was any more red, though, it'd just be a fireball.
To unlock: Capture No.146 and No.196, face No.205 at least once .
- 方位磁石が狂うのは、実は回転罠の所為だったと専らの評判の樹海。こ
The ocean of trees that is famous for its turning trap, making compasses inoperative. If you're thinking of going there after you're done with this game, think twice.
To unlock: Capture more than 15 different Last Spells in Spell Card Practice, all characters combined.'''
- 自らが彗星となる究極の体当たり芸。かなり直球。彼女らしい。
Her ultimate charging attack where she turns herself into a comet. Plain straight, very her-ish.
It's no longer a danmaku, but it's Marisa anyway, so no one really minds.
To unlock: Beat Hard or Lunatic main game with Reimu Solo, you need to choose Final B.
- この人形は奇怪な人形だけで構成されていて気分が悪い。普段は封印
This doll only consist of bizarre dolls and is really weird, so she seals it most of times.
This doll can self-indulgently drop tear, its hair grows, and even more.
To unlock: Beat Extra with 3 or more different teams and/or characters.
- 高速の紅。小細工無しの直球で力を見せ付ける。レミリアは実は魔法
High speed scarlet. Showing her power straightly without any cheap tricks. In fact she's more of the physical type than magic type, dominating everyone with her superior physical strength. Melee > Danmaku.
To unlock: Capture 30 or more separate Last Spells in Spell Card Practice, all characters combined.'''
- 変なあだ名で呼ばれまくりの宇宙兎。その腹いせにスペルカードは
The space rabbit with many stupid nicknames. To vent her anger, she named her spellcards with weird captions. She likes these card names, though.
To unlock: Beat Final B with more than 4 teams, difficulty doesn't matter.
- リグルは少々頭が弱い感じがする。というか、今回の主人公達相手じゃ
I think Wriggle is a bit slow in the head. It's a pity, since she has to face player characters in this title. Cirno might be better for her to play with.
To unlock: Beat main game through Final B with more than 2 teams, difficulty doesn't matter.
- 世界再生。人間が自然保護とか言っているのがちゃんちゃらおかしい。
World reconstruction. It's really stupid for humans to say something like nature conservation.
They're being conserved by nature after all, but they speak like if they're above nature...
To unlock: Face No.206, No.207, No.208 and No.212 at least once .
- 弾幕結界は無限に続くSTGの万華鏡。紫のさじ加減一つで生きる
Danmaku Bounded Field is the kaleidoscope of everlasting shooting games, Yukari's tip of finger decides its life and death. How frail humans... and shooting games are.
To unlock: Face every other Last Word at least once, no need to capture them all.