| - Stauropegic, also rendered stavropegic, stauropegial, or stavropegial (from Greek: stauros, "cross", and pegio, "to affirm") is a title or description applied to Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Christian monasteries subordinated directly to a Patriarch or Synod, rather than to their local Bishop. It derives from the Byzantine tradition of summoning the Patriarch to place a cross at the foundation of such monasteries.
| - Stauropegic, also rendered stavropegic, stauropegial, or stavropegial (from Greek: stauros, "cross", and pegio, "to affirm") is a title or description applied to Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Christian monasteries subordinated directly to a Patriarch or Synod, rather than to their local Bishop. It derives from the Byzantine tradition of summoning the Patriarch to place a cross at the foundation of such monasteries. Stauropegic monasteries should be distinguished from the greatest monasteries, called lavras, and from the patriarchal metochions, where the patriarch serves as a parish priest. The metochions of the Patriarch of Moscow are the Vysokopetrovsky Monastery and Nikolo-Perervinsky Monastery.