| - The Gangreen Gang, despite being a group of juvenile delinquents, does not have any: Ice Breath, Elasticity, Super Speed, Rock Slam, Supersonic Burp, Power Punches, Shock Wave, Heat Vision, or any superpowers the PowerPuff Girls have. And Johnny Test and Wakko Warner will not explain any of those superpowers to them. Nor will they attempt to get them any. If they do, then they will get in trouble by Flynn Rider and his girlfriend, Rapunzel. "Why did you give the Gangreen Gang these superpowers?" Flynn demanded. "Yeah, honest." Wakko said. Tod, Copper, and Frog Tiana then came in the room.
| - The Gangreen Gang, despite being a group of juvenile delinquents, does not have any: Ice Breath, Elasticity, Super Speed, Rock Slam, Supersonic Burp, Power Punches, Shock Wave, Heat Vision, or any superpowers the PowerPuff Girls have. And Johnny Test and Wakko Warner will not explain any of those superpowers to them. Nor will they attempt to get them any. If they do, then they will get in trouble by Flynn Rider and his girlfriend, Rapunzel. In the living room, Flynn Rider and his girlfriend, Rapunzel, glared at Johnny Test and his friend, Wakko Warner. They were very angry at them because they got the Gangreen Gang Ice Breath, Elasticity, Super Speed, Rock Slam, Supersonic Burp, Power Punches, Shock Wave, and Heat Vision to join forces with the PowerPuff Girls! "Why did you give the Gangreen Gang these superpowers?" Flynn demanded. "Flynn, Rapunzel, Wakko and I gave them those superpowers so that they would be able to join forces with the PowerPuff Girls!" Johnny tried to explain. "Yeah, honest." Wakko said. "You and Johnny are not supposed to do that, Wakko!" Rapunzel shouted, "Because of it, the Gangreen Gang now have their superpowers, and they will really take over Townsville like last time!" Johnny and Wakko gasped in horror. So did Flynn and Rapunzel's best friends, Eddy, Ed, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Double D, and Webby. Tod, Copper, and Frog Tiana then came in the room. "We're not in trouble!" Johnny snapped. But then he asked, "Are we, Tiana?" "Yes, you are!" Tiana said coldly. "You heard Flynn and Rapunzel! You two were not supposed to give the Gangreen Gang those superpowers!" Tod shouted. "You tell them, Tod!" Copper said. "Because of it, you two will be punished!" Flynn said. And Rapunzel said, "Go to your rooms! You two will be going to bed without dinner and without Yakko and Dot tonight." Johnny and Wakko became very angry. They glared angrily at Flynn and Rapunzel and told them, "You two are as evil as Bling Bling Boy and King Salazar!" They then went upstairs to their rooms in tears, where Johnny's sister, Mary Test, Wakko's sister, Dot Warner, and his brothers, Yakko Warner and Young Baloo, were waiting for them.