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Dragon Ball AF is a series that takes place 100 years after the events of Dragon Ball GT.

  • Dragon Ball AF
  • Dragon Ball AF
  • Dragon Ball AF
  • Dragon Ball Af
  • Dragon Ball Af
  • Dragon ball af
  • Eintrag im WikiIndex ansehen Kategorie:Projektbeschreibungen Dragonball AF ist eine Art Fan-Art über Dragonball („Fanon“), da viele Fans sehr traurig darüber waren, dass Dragonball mit Dragonball GT beendet war. Wenn du nur an offiziellen Informationen über Dragonball („Canon“) interessiert bist, schau doch mal in der Dragon Ball vorbei.
  • Dragon Ball AF is a series that takes place 100 years after the events of Dragon Ball GT.
  • Dragon Ball AF è una fantomatica serie messa in giro su internet da Akira Toriyama per vendetta, stanco delle proteste dei fan per aver terminato Dragon Ball, con delle trame orrende che incredibilmente hanno fatto sognare tutti dagli emo ai bimbominkia... La cosa fantastica, per così dire, è che dopo più di 1000 anni di smentite si vedono ancora i mocciosetti entrare nei forum di Dragon Ball che chiedono se esiste AF, quando lo trasmettono, se Goku raggiunge il Super Saiyan di quinto livello, se Piccolo perde la verginità ecc...
  • ''''''''''Esta é a nova série lançada a pouco no Japão.Conta a historia de Goku SSJ4, que ao ter as sete esferas fusionadas ao seu corpo, chega ao verdadeiro nível conhecido como Lendário Sayajin das lendas da raça Sayajin, mas as esferas voltam a se encher de maldade, depois de muito esforço, Goku consegue se libertar das esferas, mas essas se unem formando uma cópia do Goku, mas uma forma carregada de maldade, seu aspecto é a deu um vulto negro, parecido com uma sombra. Mais uma vez os Guerreiros Z se juntam para enfrentar essa nova ameaça, Vegeta consegue evoluir para SSJ3 e depois para SSJ4 sem o uso da invenção de Bulma, Gohan chega a SSJ4, Goten e Trunks se fusionam e surge Gotenks, mas dessa vez como Gotenks SSJ4.''''''''''
  • Dragon Ball AF war ursprünglich ein Aprilscherz aus dem Jahr 1997, der nach dem Ende von Dragon Ball GT kursierte – AF steht als Abkürzung für April Fool, engl. für Aprilscherz – in dem ursprünglich eine vierte Anime-Serie angekündigt wurde. Den Fake begleitend erschien unter anderem auch gefälschte Werbung für die nicht existente Serie, mit der der Serienstart belegt werden sollte, aber letztlich keinerlei Basis hatten.
  • Taking place after Dragon Ball GT, the story goes as far back to when Frieza was defeated by Goku, where it is revealed that Frieza's mother is the Western Supreme Kai (implying that she survived her battle with Majin Buu, despite being believed to have been killed). Apparently, Western Supreme Kai created Frieza with King Cold to create the ultimate warrior, but seeing Frieza defeated, she begins her search to find the one who had done this, showing little concern with her son. Cooler also appears with Frieza and King Cold.
  • Después de la finalización definitiva de Dragon Ball, comenzaron a circular en Internet varios videos que supuestamente eran una continuación de Dragon Ball GT, llamado Dragon Ball AF (April's Fools62 ); en realidad era un fanart dibujado con un estilo similar a los dibujos de Akira Toriyama, en el cual se mostraban cosas como Gokū Super Saiyajin 5 y otras trasformaciones o fusiones.
  • 2008-11-12(xsd:date)
  • Dragon Ball AF Wiki
  • Dragon Ball AF Wiki
  • Inaktiv
  • Menu Screen for the DBAF project.
  • it.dragonballaf
  • it.dragonballaf
  • no
  • no
  • Claudio84
  • 26(xsd:integer)
  • 2012-01-26(xsd:date)
  • Dragon Ball AF-Wiki
  • dragonballaf
  • Beta
  • Taking place after Dragon Ball GT, the story goes as far back to when Frieza was defeated by Goku, where it is revealed that Frieza's mother is the Western Supreme Kai (implying that she survived her battle with Majin Buu, despite being believed to have been killed). Apparently, Western Supreme Kai created Frieza with King Cold to create the ultimate warrior, but seeing Frieza defeated, she begins her search to find the one who had done this, showing little concern with her son. Cooler also appears with Frieza and King Cold. Several years later, the world has been deprived of Goku and the Dragon Balls, but peace has been restored. Goten attends Orange Star University with his brother Gohan as his teacher and also as Great Saiyaman 3. When a scuffle happens in the nearby city, Goten checks it out and transforms to his Saiyaman state, finding Emperor Pilaf, Shu and Mai doing a stick-up. Before Goten can do anything, a new superhero, Papayaman (actually Uub) arrives and easily dispatches of him. As Papayaman is praised by the citizens, Goten finds a survey that shows the town's "Top 100" favorite superheroes (in which we can see many characters from various Akira Toriyama's works), and finds himself being their least favorite. Disappointed, Goten heads home. Meanwhile, 2 Space Pods have landed in a wasteland, with the Western Supreme Kai emerging with her son, Xicor. The two immediately head to find Earth's Greatest Power and come across Goten, whom they nearly kill and cause a great shockwave around the whole planet. Gohan senses the power and comes to his brother's safety, questioning who Goten's attackers are. Xicor reveals himself as Gohan's brother and son of the Western Supreme Kai (implying that the Western Supreme Kai fulfilled her goal to find Goku and somehow made love to him), greatly shocking Gohan. Vegeta and Trunks arrive as well to combat the invaders. Xicor then demonstrates his power by destroying half of the Earth. An enraged Vegeta battles Xicor but despite his Super Saiyan 4 (we can notice that Vegeta didn't need Blutz Waves to transform this time), he is no match. As Vegeta is pummeled, Gohan's tail suddenly appears and Gohan transforms into Super Saiyan 4 (he may got his tail back somehow and achieves this transformation while training). Super Saiyan 4 Gohan, Vegeta and Super Saiyan Trunks battle Xicor but despite their combined power and Gohan's attempt to call Goku (due to Goku being in a sealed world, the attempt fails even though something had caught Goku's attention), they are ultimately no match for Xicor and waste all their power.
  • Eintrag im WikiIndex ansehen Kategorie:Projektbeschreibungen Dragonball AF ist eine Art Fan-Art über Dragonball („Fanon“), da viele Fans sehr traurig darüber waren, dass Dragonball mit Dragonball GT beendet war. Wenn du nur an offiziellen Informationen über Dragonball („Canon“) interessiert bist, schau doch mal in der Dragon Ball vorbei.
  • Dragon Ball AF war ursprünglich ein Aprilscherz aus dem Jahr 1997, der nach dem Ende von Dragon Ball GT kursierte – AF steht als Abkürzung für April Fool, engl. für Aprilscherz – in dem ursprünglich eine vierte Anime-Serie angekündigt wurde. Den Fake begleitend erschien unter anderem auch gefälschte Werbung für die nicht existente Serie, mit der der Serienstart belegt werden sollte, aber letztlich keinerlei Basis hatten. Mit der Zeit verselbstständigte sich dieser Aprilscherz und wurde immer mehr zu einem hartnäckigen Gerücht, zumal in der Zwischenzeit eine Vielzahl von Dōjinshi erschienen, also von Fans gezeichneten, kostenlosen oder zum Selbstkostenpreis veröffentlichten Mangas, in denen die Handlung nach eigenen Vorstellungen fortgesetzt wurde, so dass beispielsweise Son-Goku zum fünffachen Super-Saiyajin mutierte.
  • Después de la finalización definitiva de Dragon Ball, comenzaron a circular en Internet varios videos que supuestamente eran una continuación de Dragon Ball GT, llamado Dragon Ball AF (April's Fools62 ); en realidad era un fanart dibujado con un estilo similar a los dibujos de Akira Toriyama, en el cual se mostraban cosas como Gokū Super Saiyajin 5 y otras trasformaciones o fusiones. Este dōjinshi, realizado por un grupo de dibujantes nipones que responden al nombre de Toyble, ha gozado de tanta aceptación entre los fans que se ha convertido en una serie regular (a razón de una o dos páginas mensuales), con 3 tomos en su haber.
  • ''''''''''Esta é a nova série lançada a pouco no Japão.Conta a historia de Goku SSJ4, que ao ter as sete esferas fusionadas ao seu corpo, chega ao verdadeiro nível conhecido como Lendário Sayajin das lendas da raça Sayajin, mas as esferas voltam a se encher de maldade, depois de muito esforço, Goku consegue se libertar das esferas, mas essas se unem formando uma cópia do Goku, mas uma forma carregada de maldade, seu aspecto é a deu um vulto negro, parecido com uma sombra. Mais uma vez os Guerreiros Z se juntam para enfrentar essa nova ameaça, Vegeta consegue evoluir para SSJ3 e depois para SSJ4 sem o uso da invenção de Bulma, Gohan chega a SSJ4, Goten e Trunks se fusionam e surge Gotenks, mas dessa vez como Gotenks SSJ4.'''''''''' Tudo começa em uma galáxia distante, Goku ao absorver as 7 dragon balls se teleportou para muito longe pois ainda não tinha idéia de seu poder, nesta galáxia Goku testa seus limites pela primeira vez, ele então ao tentar se tornar ssj, acaba por descobrir o novo nível ssj5, mas seu poder faz ocorrer uma grande explosão e mais da metade da galáxia desaparece. Ele então vendo que seu poder é imenso resolve se dividir em 2 cortando então seu poder pela metade, mas sua metade cria autonomia própria e passa a se chamar Goku-Sam, este por sua vez é igual a Goku em todos os critérios até mesmo na amizade e tudo mais, só que Goku-Sam se sente rejeitado e por isso odeia Son Goku ainda nesta galáxia ocorre a primeira luta entre eles onde eles irão medir suas forças, mas por serem iguais eles empatam, o engraçado é que eles são ligados mas se um morre o outro não.
  • Dragon Ball AF is a series that takes place 100 years after the events of Dragon Ball GT.
  • Taking place after Dragon Ball GT, the story goes as far back to when Frieza was defeated by Goku, where it is revealed that Frieza's mother is the Western Supreme Kai (implying that she survived her battle with Majin Buu, despite being believed to have been killed). Apparently, Western Supreme Kai created Frieza with King Cold to create the ultimate warrior, but seeing Frieza defeated, she begins her search to find the one who had done this, showing little concern with her son. Cooler also appears with Frieza and King Cold. Several years later, the world has been deprived of Goku and the Dragon Balls, but peace has been restored. Goten attends Orange Star University with his brother Gohan as his teacher and also as Great Saiyaman 3. When a scuffle happens in the nearby city, Goten checks it out and transforms to his Saiyaman state, finding Emperor Pilaf, Shu, and Mai doing a stick-up. Before Goten can do anything, a new superhero, Papayaman (actually Uub) arrives and easily dispatches of him. As Papayaman is praised by the citizens, Goten finds a survey that shows the town's "Top 100" favorite superheroes (in which we can see many characters from various Akira Toriyama's works), and finds himself being their least favorite. Disappointed, Goten heads home. Meanwhile, 2 Space Pods have landed in a wasteland, with the Western Supreme Kai emerging with her son, Xicor. The two immediately head to find Earth's Greatest Power and come across Goten, whom they nearly kill and cause a great shockwave around the whole planet. Gohan senses the power and comes to his brother's safety, questioning who Goten's attackers are. Xicor reveals himself as Gohan's brother and son of the Western Supreme Kai (implying that the Western Supreme fulfilled her goal to find Goku and somehow made love to him), greatly shocking Gohan. Vegeta and Trunks arrive as well to combat the invaders. Xicor then demonstrates his power by destroying half of the Earth. An enraged Vegeta battles Xicor but despite his Super Saiyan 4 (we can notice that Vegeta didn't need Blutz Waves to transform this time) , he is no match. As Vegeta is pummeled, Gohan's tail suddenly appears and Gohan transforms into Super Saiyan 4 (he may got his tail back somehow and achieves this transformation while training). Super Saiyan 4 Gohan, Vegeta, and Super Saiyan Trunks battle Xicor but despite their combined power and Gohan's attempt to call Goku (due to Goku being in a sealed world, the attempt fails even though something had caught Goku's attention), they are ultimately no match for Xicor and waste all their power. As they fought Xicor, in the sealed world Goku is in, Goku and Pikkon are training together, and as they spar, Goku is shown to have achieved the Super Saiyan 5 form. During his allies on Earth's struggle with Xicor, he manages to receive a small piece of Gohan's call, but due to being in a sealed world, Goku does not arrive. With all their energy exhausted, the heroes stand no chance for Xicor. However, before Xicor can act again, Kibitoshin appears and attempts to seal Xicor with the "Kai-Kai Divine Sealing Wave" into the Z-Sword, but the Western Supreme intervenes and manages to prevent the sealing. Before Xicor can destroy the sword, Gohan picks it up and attempts to attack Xicor with it, but is actually distracting him, buying time for Dende to restore Kibitoshin's strength. Kibitoshin attempts to seal Xicor once again and despite Western Supreme Kai attempting to interfere once again, they succeed. An enraged Western Supreme Kai attacks the heroes but before she can undo the seal, Vegeta attempts to stop her. Even though Vegeta tires out before he can do any damage, the Western Supreme Kai was distracted long enough for Kibitoshin to sneak up on her with a surprise attack, bodylocking her. Warping into another planet, Kibitoshin self-destructs, apparently killing himself and the Western Supreme Kai, his sister, also known as Lila. The self destruction catches the attention of the heroes and even Piccolo in Hell. Including Goku and Pikkon in the Seal World, They were confirmed by Nouva Shenron (AKA Sì Xīng Lóng) that Kibitoshin is dead much to their shock. Gohan mourns the death of Kibitoshin, but Vegeta tries have Gohan understand that he's making up for his personal mistakes. However their victory would end shortly as they noticed that the Z-Sword is starting to crack, They were telepathically informed by Old Kai that the seal has failed somehow. The seal will last for another month and when it breaks Zaiko will be free, Gohan believes that there's nothing that they can do but try to surpass him in one month and even if they try, it may still not be enough to stop the abomination. Old Kai commended kibitoshin for barley doing a good job, thinking that such power couldn't be sealed away by one Kai. However, he speaks too soon when a dead Kibitoshin approaches Shocking Old Kai along with Tapion, Minotia, Sugoro and Shusugoro. Kibitoshin claimed that he had nowhere else to go, in which an angry and annoyed Old Kai scolded him for his actions. The Z-Fighters are seen recovering (and Mr. Popo picking up an unconscious Dende), Vegeta begins to question who Zaiko really is and Gohan could only remember when he was still a boy, A long time while bathing with his father at the time and Goku revealed that Planet Yardrat was not the only planet he vistied, but another planet there he met a Princess and she supplied him with lots of food, after eating Goku began to fall asleep, giving the Princess a chance to steal his blood. When Goku woke up and came to the feast, she and everyone else were all gone. Vegeta figured that his genetic information was stolen.
  • Dragon Ball AF è una fantomatica serie messa in giro su internet da Akira Toriyama per vendetta, stanco delle proteste dei fan per aver terminato Dragon Ball, con delle trame orrende che incredibilmente hanno fatto sognare tutti dagli emo ai bimbominkia... La cosa fantastica, per così dire, è che dopo più di 1000 anni di smentite si vedono ancora i mocciosetti entrare nei forum di Dragon Ball che chiedono se esiste AF, quando lo trasmettono, se Goku raggiunge il Super Saiyan di quinto livello, se Piccolo perde la verginità ecc...
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