| - Lo squalo o pesce cane (Megapiscis bau bau) è un gigantesco pesce assassino che può attaccarti e divorarti in qualsiasi momento. Anche mentre sei nella tua vasca da bagno. Secondo l'OMS, il Ministero della Salute e Focus, lo squalo rappresenta la più frequente causa di morte per i bagnanti, seconda solo al bagno subito dopo pranzo. Il nome pesce cane deriva dal fatto che lo squalo abbaia. Il nome squalo invece deriva dal film Lo squalo di Steven Spielberg.
- Squalo is one of the first Kranites ever created
- El Squalo es uno de los barcos más rápidos junto con el Jetmax (más bien el segundo puesto en velocidad pero el primero en manejo), que aparece en Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Grand Theft Auto IV, Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City y Grand Theft Auto V.
- thumb|270px|Squalo de Grand Theft Auto VLe Grotti / Shitzu Squalo (spelt Squallo dans Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories) est un bâteau go-fast de la série Grand Theft Auto disponibles dans :
* Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
* Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
* Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
* Grand Theft Auto IV
* Grand Theft Auto V
- The Squalo (spelt Squallo in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories) is a go-fast boat in the Grand Theft Auto series available in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Grand Theft Auto IV, Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online. It is manufactured by Grotti in GTA IV, and Shitzu in GTA V.
- Squalo(スクアーロSukuāro) is a minor antagonist featured in Vento Aureo. As a member of Passione and by extension the Boss's Guard Squad, he partners up with Tiziano in Venice in order to assassinate Bucciarati's Gang after they defect from Passione.
- Sqaulo is NSGM's other other castle guard alongside Hiei. He constantly gets his ass kicked, so NSGM uses him as canon fodder to test the power scaling of their current enemy. Due to his lack of basic human speech, he is only able to spout a singular word which is "Voi". He typically drags out the word depending on his mood. A tiny soft Voi for yes and loud autistic Voi's for no. He secretly CAN speak English and communicate properly, but he's just an asshole and doesn't feel like it (maybe).
- Squalo – łódź sportowa występująca w Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (jako Squallo), Grand Theft Auto IV i Grand Theft Auto V. Squalo przypomina inne łodzie sportowe, jest długie, ma opływowy kształt, co pozwala mu na osiąganie wysokich prędkości. Nazwy, pojawiające się na łodzi („Squalo II” w Vice City i „Squalo III” w San Andreas), sugerują, że Squalo jest tylko nazwą serii łodzi. W GTA IV, łódź tak jest krótsza, ma bardziej nowoczesny wygląd. W Vice City, Squalo występuje ze spoilerem, w San Andreas bez, w Vice City Stories, spoiler znów się pojawia. W GTA IV, występują warianty z lub bez spoilera. We wszystkich grach z serii, Squalo może wstępować w wielu kolorach. W Vice City, kolory te występują razem z białym. W GTA IV