| - Davin Keldan (1,040 BBY—950 BBY), later known as Davin Kreldin, was a Sith Lord and survivor of the New Sith Wars, the thousand-year conflict between the New Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. He would go on to begin the Kreldin family line, and pass his teachings on through a Sith Holocron that would later be discovered by his successor, Danik Kreldin. Davin later married to Misha Kazrath, a noblewoman from Tralus, thus cementing the Kreldin lineage in the Sith and nobility. Davin passed the Holocron down to his children, keeping it in the family line for generations.
| - Davin Keldan (1,040 BBY—950 BBY), later known as Davin Kreldin, was a Sith Lord and survivor of the New Sith Wars, the thousand-year conflict between the New Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. He would go on to begin the Kreldin family line, and pass his teachings on through a Sith Holocron that would later be discovered by his successor, Danik Kreldin. At a young age, Davin was inducted into the Brotherhood of Darkness towards the end of the New Sith Wars. Lord Kaan was impressed by - and fearful of - Davin's abilities, and kept him at the frontlines of the war, as a measure to ensure Davin would never get any ideas of betraying him. At the Seventh Battle of Ruusan, Davin was lucky enough to be off planet and away from the thought bomb that annihiliated both forces on the planet. After the war and the destruction of the Sith Empire, Davin went into hiding, changing his last name to Kreldin to avoid the Jedi Order. Unaware of Darth Bane and his Order of Sith Lords, Davin believed he was the last of the Sith, and created a Sith Holocron to preserve the Sith, in case he should be killed and for future generations to learn from. He later moved to Corellia, where he began establishing relations with influential and rich businessmen and politicians. Through subtle Sith manipulation, Davin earned his way to the King of Corellia, becoming a close adviser. He was soon made a nobleman, establishing the House of Kreldin and granted a large piece of land to control. This led to the construction of the Kreldin Estate. Davin later married to Misha Kazrath, a noblewoman from Tralus, thus cementing the Kreldin lineage in the Sith and nobility. Davin passed the Holocron down to his children, keeping it in the family line for generations. Davin passed away on Corellia, trusting his future generations to revive the Sith and bring down the Jedi. Davin Keldan is a Non-Player Character, for storyline use only.