| - Events
- Conferences
- Follow the link below.
- -under construction-
- This page is very outdated and no one in the clan currently has the rights to delete. Please use Runescape's main site and official site to look for updated info about Knights of the Abyss ~ Ice
- Azerothでの生活において、大規模な戦闘から少人数の遭遇戦に至るまで、いくつかのものはより儀礼的、もしくはむしろ公式行事とみなされるに至ったものもある。このページでは現在もゲーム内で進行中である、そういった対立あるいはお祭り ―その境界はあいまいであるが― を記していく。気軽に参加することで楽しめることと思う。 イベントに付随して変化のあるもの:
* 新たにエリア追加されるフェスティバル(キャラバン・テント・ワゴン)など。
* 既存の建物への装飾
* 新しいMobやクエストを提供するNOCなど。
* 特別なフード/ドリンクアイテム
* お祭り限定のクエスト、またその褒章アイテム
* お祭りのテーマに沿ったレシピ
- Glavna stran | English | Events | About Ljubljana | Sights of Ljubljana |
- Alle Pokemon Events bisher: Events in Deutschland Events in Japan :
* Pokémon Day (Äon Ticket)
* Pokémon Festa 2005
* Pokémon Colosseum Championship 2004
* PokéPark 2005
* Pokémon Day 2004
* Pokémon Jungle Tours
* Pokémon Day 2005
* Pokémon Day 2007
* Pokémon Day 2008
* Pokémon Day 2009
* Pokémon Championship 2009 in Berlin
- Events are common things in Fantage. Every once and a while, Fantage will have an event. During events, users can buy limited items, and play exclusive games. Events also are a time to get limited time medals and level up. As of 2014, there are so many events it is difficult to keep up with them all. If you find or heard about new events, just added it in new article in events!
- Events are events that are happening in different cities around the world. File:IMG 6564.png
- Events are meetings which are organized with the purpose of enjoying the community. they can divided into 3 categories: public, closed and official events. Public events are events such as soccer tournaments, anybody may come and take part (except for e.g. blacklisted people and specific guilds). Closed events such as weddings or dinners are often held in a guildhall or house to prevent uninvited guests from ruining the event. Official events are events created by Cipsoft to celebrate special days such as Valentine's Day and Halloween.
- Events are meetings which are organized with the purpose of enjoying the community. they can divided into 3 categories: public, closed and official events. Public events are events such as soccer tournaments, anybody may come and take part (except for e.g. blacklisted people and specific guilds). Closed events such as weddings or dinners are often held in a guildhall or house to prevent uninvited guests from ruining the event. Official events are events created by Cipsoft to celebrate special days such as Valentine's Day and Halloween.
- ThatGuyWithTheGlasses.com is known for it's semi-annual events, starting with the donation drive that took place on February 12th. From then on more special events will occur on the site.
- ExperienceRO has at least one event hosted every hour. Times are based on the server's time (+8 GMT). Check @time to see the server time. GM-triggered events are initiated by GM Experience.
- These are the recorded big events. Burning Time Events are not listed due to being very short and are only drop rate boosts/exp boosts.
- This page contains Ongoing Events, Event Dungeons you can clear in-game that's held on certain days of the week and the current Raid Boss being held. If you would like to see Past Events, then click here.
- Collect this exclusive item in honor of the first anniversary of Mafia Reloaded and share it with your friends. You can collect up to 10.
- Every so often, Events are held in the world of Mafia Wars. These appear to be weekly now. Mostly these include Loot Events, however occasionally additional Events are held that change the game up for a short time. This can include things such as giveaways or temporarily doubling job mastery's.
- Fantasy War Tactics hosts events for different occasions. During these events, the game may release new content ranging from hero costumes, set items, and even new heroes.
- With Facebook Events, you can organize gatherings and parties with your friends, as well as let people in your community know about upcoming events. The Events applications page displays your upcoming events, any invitations you have pending, and links to your own events.
- Events are released several times per month, adding special features, bonuses, and challenges. The Events reward Event Tokens which grant Gold, XP and Damage bonuses, as well as large amounts of Gold, Gems, Elixir and Food.
- Home > Regional info > Pacific Northwest > Events Home > Events
- Check the official site for more info.
- An "Event" is the reaction when two or more elements combine. Example: When Fire touches Gunpowder, it creates an explosion.
- Events 2010 soon HERE.
- Fanart and Fiction (6-25-2010 - 9-3-2010)
- There is no possibility to go back to a closed event. There are two kind of temporary events.
* Small Events are integrated into the Map of Amero Kingdom.
* Big events have their own realm. These realms are not marked on the world map and the only way to get there is via a special Ancient Portal which is located at the very beginning of the Amero Kingdom.
- Listing of events
- This event took place between October 26th to November 1st.
- Events will not include quests only staff and host events
- Siehe Event.
- Summer Island Winter World
- The following events have occured in the game:
- Op onderstaande link kun je meer informatie vinden over de events die SAP organiseert. Enkele events die regelmatig terugkeren zijn:
* SAP TechEd
* SAP World tour
- In Guild Wars finden immer wieder Events statt. Fast jede Woche kommt ein Bonuswochenende und ab und zu auch ein großes Fest. Hier eine Übersicht der Events/Bonuswochenenden in Guild Wars. (Ab April/08) Stand: -- Peter (15px|Diskussion|link=Benutzer Diskussion:Peter Petolino, 15px|Account|link=Peter Petolino (Account)) 15:17, 14. Mär. 2011 (UTC)
- This article describes events, as well as Global Switches and Variables. As these things are fundamental parts of RPG Maker XP, this article won't fully explain them, and will only mention the aspects that are specific to Pokémon Essentials.
- event is de afkorting voor het woord evenement. Events zijn evenementen die een clan doet.
- There have been several big events that have caught alot of attention. Here's a list:
* Metroid Invasion
* Bowser vs Lord Bowser
* The Five Spammers
* The Moderators
* Paper Peach vs Princess Peach
* War of September 1st
* Zelnor's Halloween Spree
- Na FunOrb, tak jak w RuneScape, odbywają się świąteczne wydarzenia (ang. Events). Do tej pory odbyły się:
* Halloween Event 2008
* Halloween Event 2009 60pxTo jest tylko zalążek artykułu. Jeśli możesz, [ rozbuduj go].
- Please go to the Events category to see a list of all articles on events.
- In Guild Wars finden immer wieder Events statt. Fast jede Woche kommt ein Bonuswochenende und ab und zu auch ein großes Fest. Hier eine Übersicht der Events/Bonuswochenenden in Guild Wars. (Ab April/08) Stand: 24.04.2008
- Events are some of the main things about the RPG that shape people's destinies, change the entire plot of how things may occur, or perhaps even be one of the smallest meeting one may see. Below is a list of the different types of events. Browse as you wish.
* Battles
* Meetings
* Wars
* Other
- Events are themed celebrations within Free Realms that often span more than one day.
- There are a lot of different types of events. Today we will only explain OnEvent and OnOneTimeEvent.
- 2012 August 23-27, Bamberg, Sandkerwa 2012 July 21-30, Forchheim, Annafest August 21-22 Dorn-Bräu, Ammernorf: Brauereifest August 27-30 Dorn-Bräu, Vestenberg: Kärwa August 27-30 Bischberg: Kirchweih
- Different events are held in Growtopia, one running at least every month. Events are generally held to celebrate holidays, and run for a week, with the Apology Weekend being an exception for both. They also usually come with at least one limited item which becomes impossible to obtain from splicing or from the Growtopia Store after the event.
- Events are generally referred to as player or GM-run storyline plots in the game. These can range from a raid on a city run by players to a special storyline event run by the Event ARK/GM community.
- Event ist die englische Bezeichnung von Veranstaltungen. In der Regel sind Events zielgerichtet, in einem bestimmten Zeitraum gefasst und nur für die jeweilig bestimmte Zielgruppe gedacht. Darunter fallen in der Regel Außerhaus-Aktionen, Messen, Tagungen, und alles war aus der normalen Planungsreihe fällt. In Events sollen bei Personen gewisse Emotionen gefördert werde wie z.B Freude, Gemeinschaftsgefühl, oder Informationen Vermittelt werden. Auch dienen Events zur Verkaufsförderung wie Messen und Ausstellungen. A.S.
- There are many events in BMC, which are shown on the right side of your game screen. You can also see them in the News tab. They give you all kinds of boosts, from generating City Cash faster to getting extra cash from MvM attacks and free extra lead in them. At least one Contested Territory event and one non CT-event is always active at any one time, which in this case is the Bloon Beacon.
- the error event happens on day 13, month 3, each 7 years. (1337!!!)
* Theme changes
* Evrything looks like code, and bloons look like viruses.
* Bloon changes
* All bloons based on 666, 1337, 9001, or glitches, gets there HP increased by 25%
* Beware: the great C.O.D.E. is after you!
* tower changes
* same effect as bloons, but instead of HP, its layer popping. rounded up.
* any tower based on code has its price reduced by 33%
- The following is the complete timeline of Radiant Historia with all 236 events as they appear in-game. This includes normal events, nodes, endings and sidequests.
- 1 killed boss (x-3 ~ x-10) = 1 letter (3-10H = 2 letters) Reward:
* 2 x Resurection Stone Choose from (box):
* Sieg: 30 items
* Eir: 30 items
* Dainn: 30 items
* Tia: 30 items
* Lime: 4 items
- In Pokémon GO finden zu besonderen Anlässen sogenannte In-Game-Events statt. Auf dieser Seite findet ihr alle bisherigen Events, beginnend mit dem neuesten bis hin zum aller ersten Event zu Halloween 2016.
- (can be moved to Recent history) Sydney Home Show 2005 12-15 MAY 2005 MindBodySpirit Festival 28 APRIL – 1 MAY 2005 The Australian Fitness Expo 29 APRIL - 1 MAY 2005 Sydney's Garden and Flower Show 2005 28 APRIL - 1 MAY 2005
- To see a list of all the event pages we have so far, click here.
- Pre-Historic Events
* Randi Cotton Candy Early Spook Age
* Creation of NSGM
* The Ass Burger War
* The Spookening!
* The Failed SGMWiki2 Incident
* The REEE'ening Silver Age
* Alecks Influx Age
* The Rottenverse
- In Kirby Air Ride, the Events that occur during City Trial have some curious effects on the game. Some Events are beneficial and give players good opportunity to power up, while other events are detrimental and only serve as a hindrance. Events can be enabled or disabled in the Game Settings menu.
- Events may refer to:
* April Fools'
* Birthday event
* Christmas event
* Easter event
* Hallowe'en event
* Midsummer event
* Random events
* Repeatable events
- Events ran by Ankama.
* Al Howin Event
* Kwismas Event
* Saint Ballotwine
* Saint Patsick
* Fleaster
- In The Isle (game), there will be different events that players can participate in, or be caught in.
- Dates and events may be change 1.
* Welcome to our Cyber Retreat - free poem composed for new arrivals, free oto for each participant 2.
* Peaceful sky watching with Star Gazers - Comet Machholz 3.
* Poems of Peace throughout the night 4.
* 1200 GMT - Happy New with Goodwill from all corners 5.
* Auld Lang Syne - the past is dying . . . 6.
* CELEBRATE The Celebration will compose of
* Celebration of Life
* Celebration of the Dharma
* Celebration of the New Year
- For info on musical events both in the UK and around the world see ["Concert Diary"] also:
* Music festivals
* Music Festivals in Italy
- Below is a list of X-Men centric events and major story arcs that have ocurred throughout the X-Men publication history.
- Events are seasonal instances or promotions that provide players with unique rewards, items, currency, and seasonal feats. While some events can be accessed game-wide, some events are only accessible from the On Duty Menu.
- The events application allows users to create an event. Generally, event pages are used to advertise a real-world or online event. Users can state if they will attend a certain event by submitting an RSVP events, making events very useful when trying to work out how many people would be coming to that event. Events can be created in the name of a single user or a group.
- Events are special occasions where players can find or buy clothes that they can't usually get at any other time of the year. These events are usually centered around a specific holiday, with Halloween and Christmas being the two biggest. Events are held for a limited amount of time, usually one to two weeks. These events usually include sending out Companions to search for items.
- The Program Board is the largest student-run event planning organization on campus. Along with annual events, they also plan events during every month of the year. There are almost always something going on for students to attend.
- Events is a mode in Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds. It is accessed in the Online section of the main menu, and provides the player with simple challenges to complete. There are 50 in total in Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds. The events were released in batches after the game's release. Events did not return for Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
- Do you know of somthing happening? Put it here! You Can do it yourself!
- In the PC/Mobile game, Events occur weekly on Mondays, coinciding with the weekly PvP rank reset. Events introduce new Troops and/or new Weapons, which are purchasable for Glory in the Rewards tab of the shop for the duration of the event. Originally, Events lasted for a fortnight, but became weekly from 18 May 2015.
- It was announced in August 31st that the event will be extended until September 4th. And during this period, everyday from 20pm to 23pm (UTC/GMT +9), players have a chance to encounter a more powerful version of Selvaria's squad.
- 100m: Race to the finish line. 110m hurdles: Race to the finish line while jumping over hurdles. 4X100m relay: Same as 100m, but every 100m pass the baton to another team mate. 400m: Race to the finish line, but not running too fast, due to stamina. If you run out of stamina, your character runs out of breath and slows down for a few seconds. 400m hurdles: Race to the finish line, while jumping over hurdles, but not running too fast, due to stamina. If you run out of stamina, your character runs out of breath and slows down for a few seconds.
- In Guild Wars gibt es Regelmäßige Events an denen jeder teilnehmen kann. Regelmäßige Events sind Halloween und Winter. Die Landschaft verschiedener Städte wird verändert und es werden besondere Turniere ausgetragen. Im Winter gab es z.B Schneeballschlacht. Es gibt auch Events die einmalig sind. Zu ehren des Community Relations Manager Gaile Gray wurde eine Guild Wars Party geplant.
- Bosses spawn 4 times their normal frequency, resulting in more boss spawns across the map. In addition, they all give double their normal amount of EXP and better quality loot. All bosses become massively overpowered! Movement speed, health, and damage will all be vastly increased. However it's not all bad news, the bosses grant far more exp and better quality loot.
- | style="border:none; color:#9AA5F0;font-size:30px;font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif; font-weight: bold; text-align: left; padding: 5px 5px;" valign="top" width="10"|“ | style="border: none; padding: 4px 10px;" valign="top"|A blank space on the Adventure Notes Event Page means that some adventures have yet to be tried. How many adventures are there? I'd like to try them all. | style="border: none; color: #9AA5F0; font-size: 30px; font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif; font-weight: bold; text-align: right; padding: 5px 5px;" valign="bottom" width="10"|” |- | class="cquotecite" colspan="3" style="border: none; padding-right: 4%"|
- Events are a period of time where a special dungeon is available that allows you to earn unique currency. Each event has a 5 star flower knight that can be earned and fully upgraded without spending any real money. This girl is referred to as the event 5 star girl/flower knight. Events tend to host the appearance of one new 6 star flower knight and three new 5 star flower knights. A new Selection Gacha also tends to become available to increase the rate of the new flower knights appearing if you choose to roll it. The event 5 star does not get featured in this gacha because event 5 star flower knights are not earnable from gacha. 4 star girls released during the event are also not featured in the Selection Gacha.
- Events are special occurrences that are designed to bring additional excitement to the World of Atlantica. Some events are ongoing with no designated finish date; others only run for a particular interval of time. Events are an area where Atlantica Online really shines, I have never played an MMORPG with so many events, other games don't even come close. Events happen almost year round in Atlantica. Sometimes there so many events that they overlap or run concurrently. Teleportation to event dungeons from the Event button on the left side of the user interface is always free.
- The Events style of composition uses the ?? Operator. Ports of type Event are represented as
* Event EventName = boolean methodName(parameterlist) Component EventTester{ Event Evt = boolean Trigger(int num); //Event Evt = public boolean Trigger(int num); //won't work - modifiers are not allowed //Event Evt = void Trigger(int num); //won't work - event return type cannot be void //Event Evt = int Trigger(int num); //won't work - event return type can only be boolean Event Evt = boolean Trigger( ); Handler Hnd = int Processor(int number); Sink Snk = void Pit(int finalnumber); }
- Auf dieser Seite könnt ihr alle Events nachlesen die es auf dem Server "Die Neue Welt" bisher gegeben hat.
* 2005
* Weihnachten 2005 2-24. Dezember
* Eine Frage der Ehre?!? 26. November - PvP-Event
* Halloween 2005 31. Oktober
* 3 Jahre Black Thorns 17. September
* Bash_the_Bot 13. August - Rubi-Ka Challenge I : Bash the Bot
* Borealis Modenschau 25. Juni
* 1. AORS.de Double Elimination Tournament 3. - 19. Juni - PvP-Event
* Team PvP Turnier 08. Mai - PvP-Event
* 2004
* Weihnachten 2004 2-24. Dezember
* Halloween 2004 31. Oktober
* 2003
* Weihnachten 2003 2-24. Dezember
* Halloween 2003 31. Oktober
* 2. Rubi-Ka Fightweek 8. Juni - PvP-Event
* 2002
* Weihnachten 2002 2-24. Dezember
* Halloween 2002 31. Oktobe
- On some days, the world stands still and watches. Momentous events occur from time to time that immediately attract large-scale public attention. And as it can perhaps be expected, people frequently differ on just what might have occurred...
- SketchyPhysics 3.1 added a new resource: events. With events you can know when the user clicks on an object and when the simulation ends. You can set procedures for each event. The events are described below: To add procedures to these events, you have to enable the "Scripting" box, below the "onTick" box, in the "UI Settings" window.
- Die GMs sind richtiggehend kreativ, wenn es um sogenannte CS-Events geht. CS - Abkürzung für Cash Shop - Also alles dass, was mit echtem Geld bezahlt werden muss. Irgendwie muss sich Gpotato ja finanzieren. ;) Genug gelästert, kommen wir zum Punkt: Die Gamemaster entwickeln immer wieder neue Geschichten und besondere Ereignisse, um uns Spieler zu erfreuen und bei Laune zu halten. Diese sind sehr unterschiedlich, lassen sich aber generell in 2 Kategorien einteilen: 1.
* Drop-/ Sammelevents (wie das derzeitige Vampirquest) oder 2.
* Exp-Events
- Next weeks events Monday Event: pvp Time: 16:00 Place: lumby World: w23 Requirements: d hide dds People needed: any1 Tuesday Event: stealing creation Time: 17:00 Place: ge World: any stealing creation world Requirements: nothin People needed: every1 that wants to come Wednesday Event: fight pits Time: 17:00 Place: karajama World: 71 Requirements: best armour u got People needed: any1 that wants to come Thursday Event: clan wars Time: 16:00 Place: clan wars World: clan war world Requirements: best armour and weap People needed: every1 that wants to come Friday Event: zammy god wars Time: 18:00 Place: ge World: 71 Saturday
- This one is probably the biggest question of all. The simplest answer is 'look around you, come up with an idea, try to act on it.' If we operate on my conclusion in point one (that staff wants players to take the initiative), then the next question to ask yourself once you see an opportunity is: "What IC and OOC resources do I need to act on my idea?" The IC resources are mainly up to the character. The OOC ones are what using +str is for. Post your idea, detail what you want to do, and ask what you need to do as a player to get the ball rolling. You may be pointed towards IC solutions, or you may be asked to provide descriptions or whatever else is deemed needed, or it may be as simple as writing a +news article.
- There are two different types of events. One type of event usually revolves around a single occasion in reality which is then emulated and altered to make it relevant in the game. For example, the Animal Crossing event Toy Day mimics the real-life event of Christmas, by having a themed special character called Jingle similar to (Santa Claus) Father Christmas distribute presents throughout the day. However, some events are purely made for the purpose of Animal Crossing, such as the Fishing Tourney, which is a fishing competition held monthly in some games.
- This is a list of past events. New events will be added as they happen.
* Regnum Online First Anniversary 2008
* Halloween 2008
* Christmas 2008
* Valentines 2009
* Regnum Online Second Anniversary 2009
* Halloween 2009
* Christmas 2009
* Valentines 2010
* Argentine Bicentenary and Regnum's anniversary 2010
* Regnum World Cup 2010
* Halloween 2010
* Alienware Arena
* Christmas 2010
* Easter 2011
* My kingdom for a T-Shirt
* Purple Fever 2011
* Christmas 2011
* Meu reino por uma camiseta (Piranha)
* Rey Momo 2012
* Saint Patrick's Day 2012
* Purple Fever 2012
* Halloween 2012
* Christmas 2012
* Valentines 2013
* Easter 2013
* Dawn of Freedom 2013
* Christmas 2015
* Champions of Regn
- Events are a special feature added to the game in Mushroom Garden Deluxe. By downloading an event and completing the related requests in the event's period of availability special items become available. The first event (and only one thus far) is the ColorFest event which began on the 23rd of August 2012 and included the new Colorful Log with new Funghi and had a Colorful Warmer as the prize for completing the event requests.
- The San Jose mayor's budget meetings are scheduled as followed: 1.
* April 7 at 7 p.m., District 1 (West San Jose), Archbishop Mitty High School, 5000 Mitty Way. 2.
* April 16 at 6:30 p.m., District 3 (Downtown), San Jose City Hall, 200 E. Santa Clara St. 3.
* April 21 at 6 p.m., District 4 (Berryessa), at Berryessa Community Center, 3050 Berryessa Road. April 24, 2008, Thursday @ 7 pm Oakland, CA @ Grand Lake Theater David Swanson & many others contact Cynthia Papermaster cynthia_papermaster@yahoo.com The San Jose mayor's budget meetings are scheduled as followed: