| - CC-1211, nicknamed "Dodge," was a clone marshal commander during the Clone Wars, who led the renowned 56th Battalion alongside Jedi General Viera Cacete. He was born on Kamino as a Force-sensitive prototype, something that was unknown to everyone but few of the Kaminoan cloners. Throughout the Clone Wars he became a hero, and eventually removed his inhibitor chip prior to the execution of Order 66, when he helped Viera escape with the aid of Siege Platoon's surviving members. After several years, Dodge became a Jedi Master and sat on the Jedi High Council.
| - CC-1211, nicknamed "Dodge," was a clone marshal commander during the Clone Wars, who led the renowned 56th Battalion alongside Jedi General Viera Cacete. He was born on Kamino as a Force-sensitive prototype, something that was unknown to everyone but few of the Kaminoan cloners. Throughout the Clone Wars he became a hero, and eventually removed his inhibitor chip prior to the execution of Order 66, when he helped Viera escape with the aid of Siege Platoon's surviving members. Later on, Dodge became a general in and led several of them from a base on Ryloth. Throughout his time there, he learned from Viera to be a Jedi, after finding out about his Force-sensitivity. After their base was destroyed, he oversaw the construction of their new base on Rishi, Striker Mountain. After the Battle of Rishi occurred, The Survivors joined with the rebellion on Atollon, and eventually formed the Rebel Alliance. He participated in the Galactic Civil War, and later became a Jedi Knight in the New Jedi Order and a general of the New Republic's military. In 6 ABY, he married Cryshta Ubahn, a Mandalorian warrior whose clan he had earned honor with. After several years, Dodge became a Jedi Master and sat on the Jedi High Council.