| - Sector Zero(セクターZEROSekutā Zero) was a mostly unexplorable area of the BOTTLE SHIP, designed after Tourian. The entrance can still be reached through an elevator in the Cryosphere. This sector contained Metroids, most of which were genetically altered to be unfreezable, as well as MB's original body, the latter within the Section 4 Gravity Block. MB's new body informed Samus of it while she was posing as Madeline Bergman, though she did not mention the unfreezable aspect of the Metroids. When she arrives, she encounters a Baby Metroid at the entrance that reminds her of the baby. After Samus takes some time to think about whether or not she should kill the infant (having a flashback of the Baby's hatching in Metroid II: Return of Samus), she ultimately decides to destroy it. Just as she is about to, however, Adam shoots Samus in the back to keep her from doing so. She falls to the ground with her Power Suit disappearing. Adam then steps in and kills the infant just as it decides to attack her. Adam shooting Samus was to not only keep her from killing the infant, but to keep her energy low so she that she could not strongarm her way through Adam and into Sector Zero. Adam mentions that the Metroids are genetically altered, and thus, cannot be destroyed by their weaponry. Adam decides to sacrifice himself by creating enough damage throughout Sector Zero to detach and self-destruct as programmed, destroying the Metroids, Sector Zero, and Adam, and proceeds into the main airlock of the sector, leaving a heartbroken Samus. She must then escape Sector Zero before the rest of the entrance falls off, sucking Samus into the vacuum of space. She enables her Gravity Feature in order to do so, and must race against time to flee from the breaking portions. Super Zebesians are present in the area as she escapes. If Samus returns, a large indestructible hatch blocks the way prior to the detached sector. Different music also plays during these visits, which contains a sad ambience in reference to Adam's death.