"Let It Be" is the final episode of the long-running television sitcom The King of Queens. It aired on CBS May 14, 2007, to modest ratings and mixed reviews. The episode was written by series stars Kevin James, Evil Kevin James, Jerry Stiller, and Victor Williams, as well as series writers Bob Carrol, Jr., and Robert Petrie... and also guest starred Henry Winkler, Lou Ferrigno, Lemmy, George W. Bush, Josh Server, Michael Bay, Rob Zombie and the cast of Halloween, and Charles Nelson Reilly in his final role.
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| - Let It Be (King of Queens episode)
| - "Let It Be" is the final episode of the long-running television sitcom The King of Queens. It aired on CBS May 14, 2007, to modest ratings and mixed reviews. The episode was written by series stars Kevin James, Evil Kevin James, Jerry Stiller, and Victor Williams, as well as series writers Bob Carrol, Jr., and Robert Petrie... and also guest starred Henry Winkler, Lou Ferrigno, Lemmy, George W. Bush, Josh Server, Michael Bay, Rob Zombie and the cast of Halloween, and Charles Nelson Reilly in his final role.
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| - "Let It Be" is the final episode of the long-running television sitcom The King of Queens. It aired on CBS May 14, 2007, to modest ratings and mixed reviews. The episode was written by series stars Kevin James, Evil Kevin James, Jerry Stiller, and Victor Williams, as well as series writers Bob Carrol, Jr., and Robert Petrie... and also guest starred Henry Winkler, Lou Ferrigno, Lemmy, George W. Bush, Josh Server, Michael Bay, Rob Zombie and the cast of Halloween, and Charles Nelson Reilly in his final role.