Years later, Hosteen was once again called to translate something; this time, it was alien writing from an artifact found on the Ivory Coast. Hosteen was later taken to a New Mexico hospital, due to an unexplained illness, with his doctors fearing the worst. He spent two weeks in a coma, during which his spirit appeared to Scully several times in her apartment, imploring her to find and save her missing partner, before Syndicate scientists could remove and study an immunity Mulder had to an alien virus inside him, using it in their plans for surviving Colonization. Hosteen subtlely guided her to Mulder's location, encouraging a more spiritual route; Hosteen, together with Scully, prayed for Mulder. That night, Hosteen died. The representation of his spirit had vanished by the next morning.
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| - Years later, Hosteen was once again called to translate something; this time, it was alien writing from an artifact found on the Ivory Coast. Hosteen was later taken to a New Mexico hospital, due to an unexplained illness, with his doctors fearing the worst. He spent two weeks in a coma, during which his spirit appeared to Scully several times in her apartment, imploring her to find and save her missing partner, before Syndicate scientists could remove and study an immunity Mulder had to an alien virus inside him, using it in their plans for surviving Colonization. Hosteen subtlely guided her to Mulder's location, encouraging a more spiritual route; Hosteen, together with Scully, prayed for Mulder. That night, Hosteen died. The representation of his spirit had vanished by the next morning.
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| - Years later, Hosteen was once again called to translate something; this time, it was alien writing from an artifact found on the Ivory Coast. Hosteen was later taken to a New Mexico hospital, due to an unexplained illness, with his doctors fearing the worst. He spent two weeks in a coma, during which his spirit appeared to Scully several times in her apartment, imploring her to find and save her missing partner, before Syndicate scientists could remove and study an immunity Mulder had to an alien virus inside him, using it in their plans for surviving Colonization. Hosteen subtlely guided her to Mulder's location, encouraging a more spiritual route; Hosteen, together with Scully, prayed for Mulder. That night, Hosteen died. The representation of his spirit had vanished by the next morning.