| - The Ancients were groups of cats living in the Lake Territories, long before the Clans moved to the lake. One of these groups would eventually leave the lake to form the Tribe of Rushing Water.
- The Ancients are mentioned in Crash Bash by Aku Aku and in the Wrath of Cortex in the instruction manual, and, considering the fact that Aku Aku is a floating mask, that gives the possibility that they have the same general appearance. The Wrath of Cortex manual also states that the Ancients were powerful enough to inprison the Elementals forever unless awoken. Aku Aku stated in Crash Bash that him and Uka Uka had promised to the Ancients that they would never fight again, but, it is unknown why they fought in Warped, which was placed two years before that game. So possibly this promise was made in between games.
- The Ancients are a group of time travellers and conquerors who intend to take control of all time periods. They are first introduced at the end of season 2 and are the archenemies of the Network. Unlike the Network, whose members consist of Internet celebrities, the Ancients consist of major corporate figures. After a series of battles on their Halo ring, all of the Ancients but Ronald are dead.
- They are powerful beings, who don't exist anymore
- The Ancients are a species of a spirit , capable of changing its form into a pyshical shape such as snakes of the cobra family, water snakes, and even pythons. The Ancients hold great power and took the forms of Pythons and King Cobras to rule the land of magic and to protect all who lived within the planet. However some took on other forms such as one took the form of a Kamerian and the other a Shisa.
- The Ancients were the first generation of nephalem. The cultures they fostered developed along very different lines. None of these cultures had writing involved at the time. Akarat believed (or at least claimed) that they embraced the Light completely. Image:D1 item repair skill.jpg This section is a . You can help the Diablo Wiki to become more awesome by expanding it.
- The Ancients were an ancient race that had predated the Terrans and Vasudans by several thousand years. They had once owned many of the worlds colonized by the Terrans and Vasudans, including Altair, Deneb and Beta Aquilae. They were eventually exterminated by the Shivans.
- The Ancients were scareactors from the house Vampyre: Castle of the Undead at Halloween Horror Nights: What Fear Fears Most
- The Ancients are a powerful breed of archaic humans, divided into many warring factions. Their strength was feared by whoever dared to challenge them, but that did not stop their inter-species war. Their desire for power, control, and strength caused them to fight out of ignorance, out of evil, hatred, and their hunger for power. Many of the Ancients soldiers discovered a powerful psychic ability inside them that allows them to read minds and manipulate the brain. It is unknown where the Ancients got their powers from. The last of the Ancients were gone, but not their memories.
- The Ancients (z angielskiego - Starożytni) to jeden z największych gangów w Ameryce Północnej. Na początku go-gang działający w Seattle (to jeden z ich największych "oddziałów") i stworzony z elfich, politycznych wyrzutków z Tir Tairngire, the Ancients mają członków w Boston, New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Chicago, Los Angeles, Denver, Atlanta, i Miami. Mają też powiązania za granicą, sięgające do Anglii, Francji, Niemiec i Hiszpanii. The Ancients twierdzą, że mają powiązania w Tir Tairngire.
| - The Ancients (z angielskiego - Starożytni) to jeden z największych gangów w Ameryce Północnej. Na początku go-gang działający w Seattle (to jeden z ich największych "oddziałów") i stworzony z elfich, politycznych wyrzutków z Tir Tairngire, the Ancients mają członków w Boston, New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Chicago, Los Angeles, Denver, Atlanta, i Miami. Mają też powiązania za granicą, sięgające do Anglii, Francji, Niemiec i Hiszpanii. The Ancients twierdzą, że mają powiązania w Tir Tairngire. Specjalizują się w działalności pro-elfiej/pro-metaludzkiej, wymuszeniach oraz przemycie (z Salem i Portland do Seattle). Opierają sie na klanowej naturze wielu metaludzkich sąsiadów, by bronić własnych interesów. >>>>> Zaskakująco dobry opis, jak na Lone Star. The Ancients prowadzą wiele poważnych interesów w elfickich rejonach Tarislar w Puyallup. Wielu tubylców widzi siebie jako niemal romantyczne postaci, i nikt w okolicy nie pomyśli o tym, by zdradzić gang "tym humanisom" z Lone Star. Oznacza to, że the Ancients mogą działać otwarcie; jedynym problemem są konkurencyjne gangi, takie jak the Princes i the Spikes.<<<<< -Corvus >>>>>[Ancients są śmiercionośni, cisi i jest ich sporo.]<<<<< Aktualnym liderem jest elf zwany Sting. Porucznikiem w Seattle jest Green Lucifer. (Książka Wolf And Raven) Ich symbolem jest litera A pisana tak samo, jak symbol anarchistów - zielony lub czerwony kolor.
- The Ancients were groups of cats living in the Lake Territories, long before the Clans moved to the lake. One of these groups would eventually leave the lake to form the Tribe of Rushing Water.
- The Ancients are mentioned in Crash Bash by Aku Aku and in the Wrath of Cortex in the instruction manual, and, considering the fact that Aku Aku is a floating mask, that gives the possibility that they have the same general appearance. The Wrath of Cortex manual also states that the Ancients were powerful enough to inprison the Elementals forever unless awoken. Aku Aku stated in Crash Bash that him and Uka Uka had promised to the Ancients that they would never fight again, but, it is unknown why they fought in Warped, which was placed two years before that game. So possibly this promise was made in between games.
- The Ancients are a group of time travellers and conquerors who intend to take control of all time periods. They are first introduced at the end of season 2 and are the archenemies of the Network. Unlike the Network, whose members consist of Internet celebrities, the Ancients consist of major corporate figures. After a series of battles on their Halo ring, all of the Ancients but Ronald are dead.
- They are powerful beings, who don't exist anymore
- The Ancients are a species of a spirit , capable of changing its form into a pyshical shape such as snakes of the cobra family, water snakes, and even pythons. The Ancients hold great power and took the forms of Pythons and King Cobras to rule the land of magic and to protect all who lived within the planet. However some took on other forms such as one took the form of a Kamerian and the other a Shisa.
- The Ancients were the first generation of nephalem. The cultures they fostered developed along very different lines. None of these cultures had writing involved at the time. Akarat believed (or at least claimed) that they embraced the Light completely. Image:D1 item repair skill.jpg This section is a . You can help the Diablo Wiki to become more awesome by expanding it.
- The Ancients were an ancient race that had predated the Terrans and Vasudans by several thousand years. They had once owned many of the worlds colonized by the Terrans and Vasudans, including Altair, Deneb and Beta Aquilae. They were eventually exterminated by the Shivans.
- The Ancients are a powerful breed of archaic humans, divided into many warring factions. Their strength was feared by whoever dared to challenge them, but that did not stop their inter-species war. Their desire for power, control, and strength caused them to fight out of ignorance, out of evil, hatred, and their hunger for power. Many of the Ancients soldiers discovered a powerful psychic ability inside them that allows them to read minds and manipulate the brain. It is unknown where the Ancients got their powers from. But, in most of the factions, the Ancient soldiers stretched their powers to the very limit that created a dark and unspeakable evil; beasts, demons, and monsters with immense powers. They were called the Evils, and their force grew stronger and larger, until they began to spread across the world ("and even to parallel dimensions.")destroying more and more of the Ancients and leaving their planet a charred wasteland. The Evils soon became very well known, as they began to strike into every part of the world killing all Ancients that reside in that area. This massacre had brought the remaining Ancient factions to form a tense alliance to counter-attack the Evils. The Evils fought the allied factions of the ancients and obliterated them one by one. The Evils had started a genocide on a species-wide scale. With all the power they had left, the remaining Ancients made a final stand on the last Ancient territory. Then, the most powerful and Ancient of them all, The Wise One, used his powers to seal away each and every Evil in three castles. The Wise One gave up his own life to seal them away. Two books were made to pinpoint the location of the Ancients main power source; an artifact, a small heavy orb that holds The Wise One's greatest power and the world's energy. But there was more to the orb than it first appears.The artifact kept away and held every Evil in all three Castles and sealed away their demonic leader and soon began to spread . The only thing left was The Wise One's memories, of the past, present and future. The Wise One used his powers to and imprison the Evils in three Castles to protect the books and the power. The last of the Ancients were gone, but not their memories. It is believed that what seems like a Lloyd-turned-zombie in castle repercussions part a might be controlled by evils using a power that the ancients also had (though this is not yet confirmed).
- The Ancients were scareactors from the house Vampyre: Castle of the Undead at Halloween Horror Nights: What Fear Fears Most