| - When news of a man fighting the oppressive Beastmen army with a stolen Gunman began to spread, Jorgun and Balinbow were inspired to hijack one of their own. Joining other like-minded individuals, they met up with Kamina and were inducted into the new Team Dai-Gurren. The twins would aid the rest of the team in their attempt to commandeer the Dai-Gunzan from Supreme General Thymilph, throwing boulders at the waiting Beastmen forces before launching into the fray themselves. Jorgen and Balinbow would continue to participate in Team Dai-Gurren's activities after Kamina's death led to Simon becoming the leader. On one notable occasion, they attempted to battle Adiane and her submerged fortress, Dai-Gunkai, but were forced to sit out the fight when they discovered that Twin Boukun was not watertight. Later on, team mechanic Leeron was able to outfit the twin's mecha with a miniature Levisphere, allowing it to fly. This came in handy when Jorgun and Balinbow found themselves engaging the massive force of Gunmen protecting the capital city of Teppelin, allowing Simon to battle and defeat Lordgenome.