| - Early Life
When Nelson was a young boy growing up in Hell's Kitchen, he had a rivalry with Brett Mahoney that lasted the majority of their childhoods. Sometime later, Nelson heard about another boy named Matt Murdock, who had been blinded in an accident where he had tried to save an old man. Nelson learnt some skills working at his father's hardware store; however Nelson had dreams of becoming a lawyer. His mother was desperate for him to become a butcher instead; he often suspected she simply liked the idea of free ham.
College YearsMeeting Matt Murdock
Years later, Foggy Nelson got into Columbia University law school. Shortly after he arrived, he met his new roommate Matt Murdock; when Nelson saw that Murdock was a young blind man from Hell's Kitchen, he immediately remembered Murdock from the news story about him being blinding while saving an old man many years previously and called him a hero. They agreed to be wing-men for each other when attracting women and decided to get to know each other better over coffee.
The pair struck up an immediate friendship that would last their entire lives; Nelson often teasing Murdock about his blindness while Murdock would tease Nelson about many of his poor life choices, such as his decision to join a course studying Punjabi simply to get close to a girl. While walking through the university, Nelson asked Murdock about a Greek girl who had been seeing; Murdock told him it had not worked out. They then agreed to strike a professional partnership and work together in the future as lawyers.
Landman and Zack
After graduating, the pair got work as interns for a large corporate company called Landman and Zack; during this time Nelson had a brief sexual relationship with his co-worker Marci Stahl. During their time at the law-firm, Nelson and Murdock were refined to working in a tiny storage room which had been converted into an office while they worked on law-suit cases involving innocent people who were being counter-sued by large selfish companies like the Roxxon Oil Corporation, ruining their lives and taking everything they had.
Eventually both Nelson and Murdock were offered paid jobs with the company; although Nelson was highly enthusiastic about the idea due to the incredible money opportunities, Murdock did not like the thought of working for such a large soulless company, noting that they had ruined the life of an innocent man. Murdock expressed his belief that this was not the right direction for them and convinced Nelson that they should instead create their own firm. Nelson agreed so they refused the offer and set about building Nelson and Murdock, stealing bagels from Landman and Zack before they left.
While drinking at Josie's Bar a little while later, Nelson commented on a bruise on Murdock's face which he claimed to have gained after tripping while taking out the trash. Nelson drew an image on a napkin of his design for a sign for Nelson and Murdock's law company and handed it to Murdock. Although Nelson made it clear the idea terrified him, he insisted that if Murdock believed that this was the right direction for them to take then he would stand with him for better or worse. They agreed to share the work load and the crushing bills that the future held for them, with Murdock insisting there was no one he would rather do it with and Nelson happily agreeing as they raised their glasses to the future.
Nelson and Murdock
A little while later, Nelson booked a meeting with a realtor to look at new office spaces for their law firm; he called Matt Murdock to remind him and mockingly asked if he had a girl in bed with him. While on his way to the offices, Nelson visited his old friend Brett Mahoney and gave him a bag of cigars for his mother in exchange for any tip-offs about new cases in which they could work as the lawyers.
During the office tour, Nelson arrived first and when Murdock finally appeared they both teased the realtor about her awkwardness regarding Murdock's blindness; Murdock told Nelson he was welcome to have the room with a view. Murdock told the realtor that the office was perfect and he wanted to put an offer down, although Nelson argued that they might not be able to afford it before they debated the direction of their law-firm. Despite Nelson reservations, they then put an offer in for the office and moved in the same day.
Defending Karen Page
Nelson later received a phone call from Brett Mahoney regarding a homicide, in which a young woman named Karen Page had seemingly stabbed her co-worker to death after drinks. Nelson and Matt Murdock spoke to Page who insisted that she was innocent. Although she informed them she did not have any money to pay them, Murdock decided to take the case regardless.
Although Nelson was unsure that they should take the case as Page seemed to be undoubtedly guilty, Murdock insisted that they do as he had a feeling that she was telling the truth. Nelson commented that Murdock's judgement was never as good when their client was a beautiful woman leading to a discussion on how Murdock could always tell that a woman was beautiful despite being blind. Murdock convinced Nelson to back him up on the case and they discussed how could be the guilty party, with Nelson noting that Page might not be telling the whole truth.
Before the case could go to trial however, Page was nearly assassinated in her jail cell by officer Clyde Farnum, leading to Nelson and Murdock to have her released by Detectives Christian Blake and Carl Hoffman on the grounds of her life being endangered while in their care and they had failed to press charges against her. The detectives reluctantly agreed to free Page and before they left Blake threatened Murdock, telling him he would kick the shit out of him if he spoke to him out of turn again. Nelson and Murdock then collected Page from her cell.
Nelson and Murdock took Page back to their office where they interviewed her again and gained new details as to why Union Allied Construction were trying to kill her. She told them that she had found a document which detailed huge numbers of funds disappearing into the system, being used purely for profit and basically being stolen. She told them that she had wanted to tell Daniel Fisher and knew that this was what had gotten him killed. Although Page insisted she had to leave, it was agreed that she should sleep at Matt Murdock's Apartment to ensure she was not targeted again.
The next morning however she explained that she had returned to her apartment during the night and was attacked again, only to have been rescued by a man in a mask, who had later exposed Union Allied Construction as the ones responsible for the attacks, resulting in the story being on the front page of the newspapers. With her case cleared, Nelson, Murdock and Page celebrated and Page was offered a job as their new secretary at Nelson and Murdock, but only after she had offered to work for them for free.
Late Night Drinking
While Nelson was working late in the office, he sang loudly and happily to himself, but was horrified when Karen Page called out to him to tell him that she was also in the office and could hear him. Nelson asked her why she had not gone home and she revealed that she did not want to go home after the attacks; Nelson suggested that she should instead join him for a drink. At Josie's Bar, Nelson spoke to Page about her experiences; when it became clear that she was desperate not to return home, he told her that they would instead spend the whole night together drinking.
As the night wore on, Nelson spoke to Page about his past and how he was an extremely awkward character in Law School. At one point during the night they went to Matt Murdock's home and tried to convince him to go out drinking with them; however, Murdock did not answer his door and their loud shouting and banging awoke his neighbor. They soon gave up on Murdock and continued to walk through the city; Nelson joking that Page had made him terrified of the city. Page thanked Nelson for taking care of her and cheering her up.
Defending John Healy
The next morning, Nelson returned to the office with a terrible hangover and asked Page never to let them go out drinking all night again. Matt Murdock arrived shortly afterwards and teased the pair before they were interrupted by a knock at the door. The three stood confused for a moment as this was the first visitor they had had and Murdock asked Page to open the door, welcoming James Wesley into their office.
Wesley explained that he represented an individual who was interested in their law firm because of Nelson and Murdock's history of living in Hell's Kitchen. He offered them the chance to represent his client John Healy, who had been arrested for murder. When Matt Murdock tried to learn more about his reasons for coming to them and his client, Wesley insulted Karen Page's employment at Nelson and Murdock. Murdock initially showed rude distrust towards Wesley, as he did not like the fact Wesley had not given up his name to them, much to Nelson's annoyance. Murdock left the office and told Nelson to go to the court house to meet with Healy.
Nelson met with John Healy at the police station and it soon became clear to him that Healy was highly experienced in courtroom proceedings. Healy gave all the right answers to Nelson's questions, showing little to no fear towards his situation. Just as Nelson made the decision not to take the case as Healy was clearly guilty, Murdock arrived, apologising for his lateness and informed him that they would take on his case and they began their interview again. Nelson and Murdock worked out a case of self-defense based on missing evidence and poor witness testimonies.
During the trail, Nelson gave the first speech to the jury in which he defended Healy passionately, claiming the law had not been followed correctly and it would be justice for Healy to be set free. As Murdock gave the second speech the next day, he took a long pause before speaking; Healy questioned what he was doing but Nelson assured him that Murdock knew what he was doing. Murdock gave a long speech to the jury persuading them to free Healy. The jury came to a Hung Jury and allowed Healy to go free. However the very same night, Healy committed suicide.
Late Night
As Nelson and Murdock were leaving their offices late one night, Nelson regaled Murdock with the tale of how his mother wanted him to be a butcher rather than a lawyer. He began moaning to Matt Murdock about the lack of legitimacy of their office as it lacked office equipment before questioning if they had made the wrong choice in leaving Landman and Zack, Murdock argued that they were making a difference with Nelson and Murdock. As Nelson called a taxi, Murdock received a phone call on his new phone and told Nelson to head off without him.
Karen Page phoned Nelson the same night and asked him to return to the office. When he arrived, she revealed that she had brought a massive bundle of old second-hand office equipment from an auction, including a fax machine from the early 90's and there was more on the way. She nervously informed him that she had paid for it using the company's bank details although she insisted that she had a plan to pay for the equipment. Rather than getting annoyed however, Nelson told her the tale of his mother wishing him to be a butcher.
Helping Elena Cardenas
The next day, Nelson found Page trying desperately to make the fax machine work with little success; he jokingly mocked her about the idea that she should be nicer to machines before machines take over the world.
Murdock began asking the pair about a Russian having his head cut off but they were interrupted by a knock at the door. They welcomed Elena Cardenas who revealed that they had been recommended to her by Brett Mahoney's grandmother; Cardenas explained that she needed help as the landlord who owned her property was trying to kick her out and demolish her home without her permission. They learnt that the landlord was being represented by their previous employers Landman and Zack. Murdock revealed that he was too busy to go there and told Nelson to go in his place.
Nelson arrived at the Landman and Zack Building, bringing Karen Page along for comfort. He was greeted by his ex-girlfriend Marci Stahl, who had taken the job he and Murdock had been offered and revealed she was now part of the team representing Armand Tully, Mrs. Cardenas' landlord. Stahl mocked Nelson for his current work position. Nelson and Stahl argued about what move should be made, Stahl claiming that it was in Mrs. Cardenas' best interest to move while Nelson and Page argued that the workman acted illegally. Nelson remained confident and told Stahl that he would see her in court as they were acting illegally; as he left, he commented on Stahl's lack of a soul since working for Landman and Zack.
Hell's Kitchen Burns
Nelson and Karen Page later visited Elena Cardenas at her home. Seeing the abysmal state the property had been left in, Nelson offered to help her with her housework. After he and Page had cleaned her home, Mrs. Cardenas insisted on making the pair dinner, to which they happily agreed. The pair sat down and enjoyed their client's cooking and joked about whether or not they were technically now on a date. Nelson proceeded to tell her tales of him and Murdock in Columbia University, including a tale of how they moved all of Murdock's furniture to the room down the hall to confuse him.
While they were eating their food, a massive explosion happened just outside the building, knocking the pair from their chairs and causing damage to the building. Mrs. Cardenas arrived with a head injury and Nelson went to check if anyone else was injured before taking her to Metro-General Hospital. Once at the hospital, Nelson ensured that Mrs. Cardenas received medical attention from Claire Temple before getting his phone to call Matt Murdock to ensure he was alright. Before he could make the call, Page noticed the blood coming from his side. At this point, Nelson discovered he had been injured in the explosion with a piece of glass embedded in his side and was taken away by the doctors.
While recovering from his treatment in his hospital bed, Nelson and Karen Page watched the television as footage of the masked man attacking a group of policeman was featured; Page revealed that he was the same man who had saved her a few days before, but Nelson became convinced that the masked man was responsible for the bombings across the city. Nelson asked about Matt Murdock, and Page told him they had not been able to get ahold of him. Nelson tried to go look for him but Page insisted that he stay where he was; he then tried to call him again but got no reply.
Protecting Karen Page
Nelson made a quick recovery and soon returned to work. While reading the newspaper, Nelson commented on the report of the Devil of Hell's Kitchen, who had attacked the police officers the night before, Nelson expressed a desire to rip the man's mask off so he could punch him. Karen Page defended the man, claiming it was only speculation that he was a terrorist, but Nelson claimed he was just a nut-job while Matt Murdock insisted that he should not be tried and tested by the newspapers. Seeing that the mood was going down, Nelson pitched the idea of putting together a company softball team; Nelson awkwardly tried to ask Page out but was turned down. Nelson spoke to Murdock about whether or not Page was in danger before discussing Murdock's love life.
Feeling nervous about Page's life outside the office, Nelson followed her and witnessed her being attacked by two men as she left Elena Cardenas' Apartment. Nelson snuck up behind the men and hit them with his baseball bat, leading to Page angrily demanding why Nelson was following her and insisting that she could handle herself as she maced her attacker. Nelson told her to discuss this away from her attackers; as Page ran away, Nelson hit one of the men with his bat again, knocking him out before running away and chasing after Page.
Once she had calmed down, Page took Nelson to Ben Urich's office to discuss what she had been working on behind his back. When Urich expressed his displeasure at Page having told someone else about their work, Page defended Nelson, insisting that he was a great attorney who could kick ass and he could be trusted. Page showed Nelson a chart showing the crime rings in Hell's Kitchen, leading to the unknown man in charge. They discussed if the man in charge was connected to the man in the mask, Urich and Page claimed that he was more likely working against the "King of Diamonds".
Lying to Murdock
In the Nelson and Murdock Law Office, Nelson and Page discussed why they must not inform Matt Murdock of their continued investigation, as Page noted that Murdock would call them foolish although Nelson claimed them to be courageous. In an attempt to lighten the mood, Nelson teased Page about her terrible coffee, before they could continue their talk however, Murdock walked into the office and Nelson tried to pretend they were discussing his hair. Murdock demanded to know what they weren't telling him and, despite Nelson's warnings, Page immediately confessed they were looking into the Union Allied Construction case. Murdock insisted that they stop but Page refused to be defeated so Murdock agreed to help as long as they approached the case from a legal position, which Nelson agreed to.
They spent the night going through Union Allied Construction's legal papers looking for clues, Murdock found a connection between the men who attacked Page and Westmeyer-Holt Contracting who were still employed by Union Allied. Page then saw that Detective Christian Blake had woken up from his coma, Nelson commented that Blake was a douchebag but did not deserve to be shot my the Masked Man and they commented on how he would be one of the only people to know what really happened on the night of the Bombing of Hell's Kitchen.
The next morning, Nelson was buying himself a cup of coffee when he saw a WHiH World News Report which showed Wilson Fisk stepping forward to condemn the actions of the Man in the Mask who he called a terrorist who had mercilessly attacked Leland Owlsley. Fisk told the people of New York not to bow down to fear and stand together to make Hell's Kitchen a better place. Nelson watched the report closely and soon realised that their investigation was in great danger as this man was clearly the Kingpin they had been searching for.
Losing the Battle
Ben Urich was invited to the Nelson and Murdock Law Office to discuss what should be done next, despite Karen Page and Nelson insisted nothing had changed, Urich insisted Fisk was now in the best position possible as the people's viewed him as nothing but good. Matt Murdock then arrived as Urich explained that he had met the Man in the Mask who was also hunting Fisk, although Nelson still called him a terrorist. Urich explained the man had given him documents that could expose Fisk with the right evidence to back them up. Page insisted that they keep digging to find something to bring Fisk down although Nelson advised against trusting the Masked Man.
To continue the investigation, Nelson contacted Marci Stahl and learned that Armand Tully was indeed on an island where he could not be contacted and Wilson Fisk had just become the owner of the properties he had owned. They were interrupted by the arrival of Elena Cardenas, who explained the offer to evict the tenants had been doubled but Nelson insisted that she should keep fighting. Once she left Matt Murdock claimed it to be dangerous to keep ahold of the property when Fisk wanted it so much. Murdock relented under Page and Nelson's arguments and told them to keep digging while he went to speak to Fisk's girlfriend Vanessa Marianna. That night they successfully identified their attackers from the night before as Joseph Pike and Stewart Schmidt.
The next morning Nelson found Matt Murdock speaking to Karen Page about him not having gotten what he wanted from Vanessa Marianna. Nelson and Page explained how they had identified Pike and Schmidt although this still did not give them a solid lead. To lighten the mood however, they presented Murdock with a sign for Nelson and Murdock that they had had made based on Nelson's design from years earlier. Their good times were stopped when Page answered the phone to the police, who asked them to come to the morgue as Elena Cardenas had been murdered.
The Death of a Friend
They arrived at the morgue where Brett Mahoney presented Elena Cardenas' body, which they identified to be her. Mahoney explained that she had been robbed and stabbed by a Junkie outside her front door. Karen Page explained to Mahoney that she did not have any family left so Nelson agreed to see to the arrangements of her funeral. Nelson then comforted Page as she cried into his shoulder, he then looked at Murdock who remained silent but clutched his walking stick tightly.
The three went to Josie's Bar to drown their sorrows as Josie gave them free drinks out of sympathy. Nelson told Matt Murdock about how Marci Stahl had warned them of the criminal activity in Cardenas' building but they had put it aside as nothing more than a fear tactic. As Murdock began to explain how Wilson Fisk could be responsible, Fisk appeared on the television making a statement about the incident where he claimed to be in mourning for her death and defending his own involvement in the case. Nelson received a phone-call about funeral arrangements and left the table.
As the night wore on, Matt Murdock left and Page and Nelson continued drinking until Nelson could barely stand. Nelson could no longer hold back his emotions was he openly wept over Elena Cardenas' death, expressing his regret at not advising her to take the money that was offered. He went on to explain how the Hell's Kitchen he grew up in was unpleasant but at least had a heart, which it had lost. Nelson asked Karen Page how they should fight Wilson Fisk, and she claimed that they had to make him pay.
Having left Karen Page, Nelson went to Matt Murdock's Apartment to seek his friend's comfort and insisting that had to make Wilson Fisk pay for what he had done. Nelson then heard a loud crash inside the Apartment and managed to break in via the roof. Nelson found the apartment was trashed and searched for his friend. Much to Nelson's horror, the Man in the Mask appeared in the apartment, with torn clothing and blood pouring out of him, the man collapsed without a word. Before calling the police, Nelson removed the man's mask, only to discover the man was in face Matt Murdock along.
Nelson v. Murdock
When he briefly regained consciousness, Murdock asked Nelson to call Claire Temple instead of an ambulance. Nelson did as instructed and once Murdock was patched up, he waited for him to awaken. When he did, Nelson explained what had happened; however he remained furious due to his discovery. Nelson demanded to know if Murdock was really blind. Murdock explained that he could see due to his heightened senses but this only infuriated Nelson further, but Murdock insisted he had never told anyone.
Nelson asked if Murdock was responsible for the Bombing of Hell's Kitchen but Murdock insisted that he was not, blaming it on Wilson Fisk, claiming Fisk and Nobu had been the ones who had attacked him. They were interrupted by Karen Page's call; Nelson answered and claimed Murdock had been in an accident and told her to stay at the office. Furious for lying to her, Nelson insisted that Murdock tell him the whole story. Murdock showed Nelson his uniform and explained that he had been trained by an old blind ninja named Stick. Murdock demonstrated his abilities by explaining that he could sense what Nelson had eaten two days ago and that he could tell when he lied from his heartbeat.
Nelson was called by Brett Mahoney who informed him that the junkie who killed Elena Cardenas had been found dead; Murdock told him that he must have been murdered by Wilson Fisk. Murdock assured him that he had never killed anyone but he had wanted to kill Fisk in revenge for Cardenas' murder. Nelson allowed Murdock to get some sleep; when he awoke, they continued their discussion where Nelson yelled at him about the foolishness of what he was doing. Murdock told him how he started by beating up a pedophile; Nelson suggested that it was not about justice but purely rage.
Nelson insisted that if Murdock continued down this path he would surely die and he questioned what would happen to him and Karen Page. When Nelson suggested that he should leave the case to the law, Murdock reminded him of what had happened to Cardenas, insisting that he was doing everything he could to make the world a better place. Nelson then compared Murdock to Wilson Fisk. Nelson pushed the idea of how no one would believe he was not involved if Murdock was ever caught before telling him that he would never have kept this secret from him if it was the other way around before leaving.
Having left Matt Murdock's Apartment, Nelson travelled to the Nelson and Murdock Law Office to collect his belongings, having decided he could no longer work beside his former best friend in light of this betrayal. Nelson looked at the placard he had had made for the law-firm and thought back to the days when they first agreed to work together in the company, before dumping it in the rubbish bin and walking out with a box of his belongings, leaving Nelson and Murdock and his friendship behind seemingly for good.
Avoiding Murdock
That night Nelson met with Marci Stahl and they had sex at her apartment. The next morning, Nelson laid in bed while Stahl prepared to go to work; Nelson received a call from Karen Page which he ignored. Stahl teased Nelson by calling him by his nickname Foggy Bear, which annoyed him. Nelson told her that he had no intention of going to work with Matt Murdock again. Stahl told him that she did not care about his dramas and left.
Nelson drank alone at Josie's Bar until Page found him and took a drink for herself. Nelson insisted that he had been too busy to answer her calls and told her that her story of Marlene Vistain revealing that Wilson Fisk had murdered his own father as a child was not enough to bring him down. Page argued that as Fisk's mother was supposed to be dead this proved that Fisk had been lying. Page tried to learn what had happened to Matt Murdock but Nelson refused to answer, claiming that he and Murdock were going through a very rough patch in their friendship. Page informed Nelson that Elena Cardenas' apartment block was being torn down and they needed to continue to fight against Fisk while they still could.
The Case Continues
Nelson went to the Nelson and Murdock Law Office to continue collecting his belongings when he accidentally startled Karen Page. Nelson attempted to apologize for his fall out with Matt Murdock affecting her. As Nelson went to collect more of his belongings, he vowed to continue going after Wilson Fisk and asked for the documents Ben Urich had given her from the Masked Man, with Nelson admitting he no longer viewed the man as a terrorist. As Nelson exited, he found Murdock standing in the doorway; Murdock let him go pass without a word.
Nelson arranged to meet Marci Stahl at Josie's Bar, where she complained about Josie's service. Nelson revealed he needed her help to go after Fisk as he had been targeting more homes like Cardenas'. Although Stahl attempted to leave citing c"conflict of interest" as Landman and Zack represented Fisk, Nelson convinced her to read the research he had done into the case and draw her own conclusions. Stahl read the entire document and asked for the sources; although Stahl attempted to defend Fisk and Leland Owlsley, Nelson was able to make her rethink the case.
Rebuilding Relationships
Nelson went to Fogwell's Gym to speak to Matt Murdock. Nelson told him that Marci Stahl had been copying documents from Landman and Zack about Fisk and Leland Owlsley, but Murdock told him to stay away from the case. They discussed rebuilding Nelson and Murdock so they could use the law to bring down Fisk and move forward in their friendship.
Agreeing to work together, Nelson and Murdock went to see Brett Mahoney for any information he could give them. He revealed that he had had a run in with the masked man during a fire at a Chinese drugs warehouse where he had told him that many of the cops at the precinct were working for Wilson Fisk. Once Mahoney had left Murdock revealed he overheard another cop Corbin discussing killing Carl Hoffman for Leland Owlsley.
Returning to the Nelson and Murdock Law Office, Nelson, Murdock and Karen Page went through the documents Marci Stahl had given them to try and find a clue to Carl Hoffman's location. Nelson joked about his chances at becoming a butcher while Page commented on how happy she was to have them all back together again. They discussed what they were looking for and Nelson and Murdock were forced to lie about seeing the man in the mask who had told them about Hoffman. Eventually Page found a building on the records which seemed to have been secretly removed and Murdock went to investigate despite Nelson's protests.
Wilson Fisk's Downfall
Murdock was able to find Carl Hoffman and saved him from Wilson Fisk's assasination attempt at the hands of Corbin. Hoffman requested to be represented by Nelson and Murdock as he made his statement against Fisk. Nelson was present with Murdock and Karen Page as Hoffman told the FBI everything he knew in exchange for nothing but the freedom of guilt. As a result Fisk, Randolph Cherryh, Parish Landman, Corbin, Turk Barrett and many other were arrested.
As they watched the news report of Fisk's arrest, Nelson, Murdock and Page shared drinks in their office to celebrate. Nelson made acknowledgments to Marci Stahl's involvement in their win while Murdock commented that having Nelson and Murdock back together was greatly important to him as it meant the people closest to him were safe and they'd gotten closure for the ones they had lost. They raised their glasses in respect to Elena Cardenas and everyone else Fisk had hurt or killed.
To their horror however, the van carrying Fisk came under fire as Fisk was rescued as the FBI agents were murdered in the road. Nelson recommended that they make their way home before the roads were shut off due to the chaos. As they got in a taxi to go home, Murdock and Nelson told to get Page back home without him. Nelson confronted him Murdock asked him to trust him as he promised he knew what he was doing. During the night Wilson Fisk was attacked by Murdock now calling himself Daredevil and was rearrested and sent to jail.
Moving Forward Together
Nelson, Murdock and Page gathered outside Nelson and Murdock the next day to discuss Wilson Fisk's arrest while Nelson put up the sign outside their building. Page and Nelson joked about Daredevil's costume and name. Nelson then left to help Marci Stahl get herself a new job and they commented on how they were the ones to have put Fisk away, they then joked about the need for clients for Nelson and Murdock but Nelson assured him they would just take it one day at a time.