| - John Bowler ist ein Sternenflotten-Crewman auf der USS Equinox im Jahr 2371, unter dem Kommando von Captain Rudolph Ransom. In diesem Jahr gerät er durch ein fremdes Wesen, bekannt als "Der Fürsorger", mit dem Schiff in den Delta-Quadranten. Bowler wird 2375 auf der Equinox durch eine nukleogenische Lebensform getötet, als diese Vergeltungsanschläge auf die Besatzung ausführen. (VOY: , )
- Lieutenant John Bowler was a Human Starfleet officer assigned to USS Equinox in 2370. Bowler was killed by an alien attack in Delta Quadrant in 2375. (VOY novelization: Equinox)
- John Bowler -oficer Floty Gwiezdnej. W latach 2370-2376 porucznik Bowler służył na U.S.S. "Equinox" NCC-72381. W 2370 roku "Eqiunox" wraz ze swoją załogą został przeniesiony do Kwadrantu Delta przez Opiekuna. Bowler zginął w czasie jednej z walk jakie załoga "Equinox" była zmuszona stoczyć w trakcie swego powrotu do Federacji. Jego nazwisko wymienił Ransom w czasie, odbywającej się na pokładzie U.S.S. "Voyager" NCC-74656, ceremonii upamiętniającej poległych członków załogi U.S.S. "Equinox". (VGR: Equinox, Part I)
- Lieutenant John Bowler was a Starfleet officer serving aboard the USS Equinox under the command of Captain Rudolph Ransom in 2371. In that year, the Equinox was stranded in the Delta Quadrant by the alien entity known as the Caretaker. This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
- John Bowler (born 13th September 1952 in Islington, London) appeared on Coronation Street in two roles: firstly in May 1984 as Gary Dewhurst, a friend of Brian Tilsley; and he returned to the programme between February and March 2002 as John Wilding, whose wife Hazel had a short-term affair with Vikram Desai.
| - John Bowler ist ein Sternenflotten-Crewman auf der USS Equinox im Jahr 2371, unter dem Kommando von Captain Rudolph Ransom. In diesem Jahr gerät er durch ein fremdes Wesen, bekannt als "Der Fürsorger", mit dem Schiff in den Delta-Quadranten. Bowler wird 2375 auf der Equinox durch eine nukleogenische Lebensform getötet, als diese Vergeltungsanschläge auf die Besatzung ausführen. (VOY: , )
- Lieutenant John Bowler was a Starfleet officer serving aboard the USS Equinox under the command of Captain Rudolph Ransom in 2371. In that year, the Equinox was stranded in the Delta Quadrant by the alien entity known as the Caretaker. Bowler was killed in 2375 as the result of retaliatory attacks on the Equinox crew by a series of nucleogenic lifeforms, whom the crew had been murdering for the purpose of converting the remains into a source of fuel. After the surviving Equinox crewmembers were rescued by the crew of the USS Voyager, Bowler's name was mentioned during a memorial service aboard that ship. (VOY: "Equinox") This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
- Lieutenant John Bowler was a Human Starfleet officer assigned to USS Equinox in 2370. Bowler was killed by an alien attack in Delta Quadrant in 2375. (VOY novelization: Equinox)
- John Bowler (born 13th September 1952 in Islington, London) appeared on Coronation Street in two roles: firstly in May 1984 as Gary Dewhurst, a friend of Brian Tilsley; and he returned to the programme between February and March 2002 as John Wilding, whose wife Hazel had a short-term affair with Vikram Desai. He studied at The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow and upon graduating, worked with theatre companies throughout Scotland and toured the Highlands and Islands with Pitlochry Festival Theatre. As well as acting he has written comedy sketches with director Rick Platt, primarily for corporate videos. Other credits include roles in The Paper Lads; Danger UXB; Crown Court; Auf Wiedersehen, Pet; Vanity Fair; Minder; Spender; Maisie Raine; Holby City; Watching; Castles; Peak Practice; EastEnders; Wycliffe; Crodoile Shoes; Inspector George Gently; Steel River Blues; Cadfael; Agatha Christie's Poirot; An Unsuitable Job for a Woman; The Bill; Doctors and WPC 56. His many other theatre credits include Royal Shakespeare Company productions of Beauty and the Beast, A Patriot for Me, The Merchant of Venice, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Much Ado About Nothing and The Danton Affair, London productions of No Sex Please, We're British, Waiting, Operation Elvis, and national/international tours of Popcorn and Look Back in Anger.
- John Bowler -oficer Floty Gwiezdnej. W latach 2370-2376 porucznik Bowler służył na U.S.S. "Equinox" NCC-72381. W 2370 roku "Eqiunox" wraz ze swoją załogą został przeniesiony do Kwadrantu Delta przez Opiekuna. Bowler zginął w czasie jednej z walk jakie załoga "Equinox" była zmuszona stoczyć w trakcie swego powrotu do Federacji. Jego nazwisko wymienił Ransom w czasie, odbywającej się na pokładzie U.S.S. "Voyager" NCC-74656, ceremonii upamiętniającej poległych członków załogi U.S.S. "Equinox". (VGR: Equinox, Part I)