| - __Vlevel3ZUI_BOSSBARYLV7_FIX8bZLV6_PLASMA]LV4_MARTIN1_aZLV1_AMD_16ZLV2_INTER4\LV4_MARDOOR2ZLV2_DATA10]TIP_START_LV5[ABOUT_GAMESYLV3_DOOR4[LV1_AMD_11cXCREDITS2]LV1_RIFLE_GET[LV8_END3_10YLV1_DOOR2\UI_BOSS_ARCH\PICKUP_CELLSZTAP_PLASMA]LV5_GOSENTRY1[LV4_ONLINE4^LV5_SENTRYWIN2[LV1_AMD_13a]TIP_FIRSTGRAB[LV7_INTRO12[LV4_ONLINE1YLV2_DATA3ZLV7_INTRO8XTAP_DBSG\LV8_DRSTUCK4[LV7_INTRO16]CREDITS_TEXT3]TIP_HUD_PAUSEXLV7_FIX6VLV8_HK]TIP_START_LV8\LV5_SENHURT1XLV7_FIX8\LV4_MARTIN11[LV_CHAT_MD1^TIP_HUD_SWITCH]LV1_AMD_DOOR1\LV2_INTDONE4\LV7_FIXFAIL2ZLV8_END3_2[LV7_INTRO14]LV2_INTDONE12\LV4_MARDOOR1ZLV8_END3_3YMM_RESUME[LV7_INTRO13___WARNING_UNCOVER___NEW_DIALOG_520-2]PROMPT_DETAIL[LV4_CHANGE1]LV4_INT_TERM3[SENTRY_HURT[LV2_CHAT2_2___NEW_DIALOG_520-6TFP_D^OPT_PAUSE_MENUZLV1_AMD_12ZLV3_INTRO3YLV6_EXIT3\LV7_FIXWORK2YLV5_GUNS1[MM_FREEPLAYYLV1_AND_2[LV2_WHATTHE\LV7_FIXWORK5\TIP_FAT_GRABZLV2_INTER1ZLV3_INTRO1ZOPT_INVERT[LV1_AMD2_01ZLV2_INTER5ZLV5_INTRO1[LV5_SENTRY1XOPT_SWAP\LV2_INTDONE2YMENU_NEXT[LV5_SENTRY5^SENTRY_CURIOUS\LV2_INTDONE3YLV3_DOOR2YLV3_TERM1^LV3_PINKYDONE6^LV1_SENTRYFAST\LV2_INTDONE1[LV1_LOCKED2\LV2_INTDONE9ZLVS_LOCKEDYLV7_FIX8a]LV1_AMD_DOOR0^MM_RESUME_GAME]PICKUP_HEALTHVlevel5XCREDITS1\PROMPT_ERRORYSENTRY_NOVLOCKED[LV1_AMD_15b[LV4_ONLINE2\TAP_CHAINGUN[LV5_SENTRY2YTIP_COVER\LV1_DOORJAM1YLV3_DOOR1YLV2_DATA7[LV4_ONLINE7Vlevel2XOPT_HELP]PICKUP_SECRET[LV1_AMD2_02\LV2_INTER_STYTIP_ITEMS[LV1_SHOTGUN]LV4_MARTIN1_c___NEW_DIALOG_520-9\LV2_INTDONE8\TIP_HUD_FIRE]LV1_OPEN_TALK^LV1_CTRL_ROOM3ZLV5_INTRO2[LV1_AMD_07bZLV1_AMD_02^LV3_PINKYDONE5ZLV7_INTRO1[LV4_ONLINE3]LV5_GOSENTRY2Vlevel9[LVS_LOCKED1\LV1_DOORJAM2\LV2_GET_DBSGZLV1_AMD_14]WARNING_SHAKEXCREDITS3WTAP_BFG\LV7_FIXWORK4XLV4_DM_2]LV1_AMD_DOOR2YPROMPT_NO[LV4_ONLINE6[LV2_CHAT2_1]TIP_HUD_HELP1ZLEGAL_TEXT\LV7_FIXWORK1^LV3_PINKYDONE2[LV4_CHANGE3^TIP_ENEMYSHOOT___TIP_HUD_CURR_MAG^LV1_CTRL_ROOM4[LV4_MARTIN8XFP_PTIME^LV3_TERM_DONE2___PLAYER_GET_AMMO2XLV7_ACC1YLV2_DATA6[LV2_DOORJAM\LV3_CHAINSAW^LV3_PINKYDONE9YLV2_DATA5YLV2_DATA9[LV4_MARTIN4XLV8_BAR2[LV1_AMD_07aYLV1_AND_3ZTIP_NEWGUN\TIP_CONTINUEZLV7_INTRO7[LV4_MARTIN5[LV8_END3_12\LV4_MARDOOR3Vlevel7YLV2_CHAT1ZLV8_DEATH1ZCALIB_ERR1^LV3_TERM_DONE1]TIP_START_LV6YLV6_EXIT1]TIP_START_LV7YTAP_RIFLE\SENTRY_JMFC1]WARNING_DODGE[LV8_WARN1_1[LV2_CHAT2_3[LV5_SENTRY3\LV8_DRSTUCK2]LV1_AMD_DOOR5[LV7_INTRO15___TIP_CONTINUE_LC^PICKUP_BULLETSZLV1_AMD_07]LV1_DOOR_WORKYLV7_FIX7aZLV6_INTRO2ZLV3_INTRO2^LV5_SENTRYWIN1ZABOUT_HELP[LV2_CHAT2_6\UI_BOSS_MANC]LV4_MARTIN1_d^LV4_CHARBUILD1\LV5_SENHURT2___NEW_DIALOG_520-8[LV4_MARTIN3ZLV1_AMD_01^LV1_CTRL_ROOM1YLV3_DOOR5\LV7_FIXWORK6]TIP_HUD_DODGEZLV7_INTRO2XLV7_INT1ZLV7_INTRO3YLV1_AND_1[LV4_ONLINE5XLV7_FIX9ZLV7_INTRO5\LV7_FIXFAIL1[LV8_END3_11___NEW_DIALOG_520-1YUNLOCK_NMXMM_TITLEXLV7_ACC4XDIFF_MEDXLV7_FIX3[LV8_WARN3_1TFP_A]ABOUT_CONTACTZLV1_AMD_08^OPT_BRIGHTNESSVlevel1]RANK_TOTSCORE\LV4_MARDOOR5XFP_APLUS]LV4_HKBATTLE2ZUNLOCK_VET[TAP_SHOTGUNYLV6_TELE1]RANK_ACCURACY^LV3_PINKYDONE1]LV2_INTDONE11^LV1_CTRL_ROOM5\LV4_MARTIN10VPROMPTZOPT_RESUMEXMM_ABOUT]LV4_MARTIN1_b]SENTRY_URGENTYDIFF_EASY___OPT_CALIBRATE_FIN\TAP_CHAINSAW[MM_RESUME_U^LV3_PINKYDONE7[LV1_AMD_11a]LV8_EPILOGUEAYDIFF_HARDWFP_DIFF[ABOUT_TITLEZOPT_TTCONTYLV2_DATA8XLV7_INT3XLV7_ACC2]TIP_START_LV3YLV6_HURT1ZLV8_END3_1YLV7_FIX11XLV7_INT2ZLV8_END3_6ZLV1_AMD_06]WARNING_COVERZLV7_INTRO6___TIP_HUD_TOT_AMMOYLV3_DOOR3[LEGAL_TITLEXLV5_EXIT[LV4_MARTIN7YLV7_FIX10YLV7_EXIT1XNO_SCORE[LV1_LOCKED1[LV7_INTRO10WFP_TIME___NEW_DIALOG_520-5___OPT_CALIBRATE_UYLV1_DOOR1YFREE_PLAY]PICKUP_SHELLSYPROLOGUE2ZLV2_INTER3[LV1_AMD_11bYLV2_DATA1^LV4_CHARBUILD3TFP_B[LV5_SENTRY4___NEW_DIALOG_617-2YTIP_DODGEZLV8_END3_7___NEW_DIALOG_520-7]LV4_INT_TERM1XLV4_DM_1]LV4_HKBATTLE1ZLV4_TERMGOZMM_NEWGAMEWFP_RANKYLV7_EXIT2]LV1_DOORJAM1aXLV7_FIX7Vlevel4___RANK_SECRETSFOUNDYPROLOGUE1]LV1_EVERYDOOR]TIP_HUD_COVER]TIP_HELP_TILT___TIP_HUD_TILT_AIM[WARN_REBOOTXLV7_FIX1]LV4_INT_TERM2ZLV1_AMD_10___TAP_PICKUP_DISKZLV2_INTER2___TIP_HELP_FREEPLAY^TIP_HUD_HEALTHXLV7_ACC3___PROMPT_SAVEEXIT^LV4_CHARBUILD4]LV7_FIXWORK1a]ABOUT_CREDITSZLV6_INTRO1\SENTRY_HAPPYYMENU_PREV]TIP_START_LV2\LV2_INTDONE5Vlevel8YFP_RANK_U^LV3_PINKYDONE4\LV8_DRSTUCK3[LOAD_SCREENZLV1_AMD_05ZLV7_INTRO9XLV7_FIX4\LV7_FIXWORK3[LV4_MARTIN9ZLV8_THEEND]TIP_START_LV1[LV1_AMD_13c___NEW_DIALOG_520-4[LV4_MARTIN1___NEW_DIALOG_520-11ZLV1_AMD_04]LV1_AMD_DOOR3[LV2_CHAT2_5\UI_BOSS_PINK]LV5_INVASION1ZLV1_AMD_03XLV7_FIX5XLV7_FIX2___PLAYER_OUT_OF_AMMOZLV1_AMD_09^LV3_PINKYDONE8___RANK_HEALTHBONUSZUI_BOSS_HKZLV8_END3_5\LV1_DOORJAM3\LV2_INTDONE7\LV5_HURTREM2[LV_CHAT_MD2[LV2_CHAT2_4[LV4_CHANGE2[DIFF_SELECT]TIP_START_LV4ZTAP_ROCKET]LV3_DOORHURRYZLV8_DRFREEZTIP_RELOADZLV6_INTRO4YTIP_TITLE\OPT_SAVEQUITXLV8_BAR1\LV2_INTDONE6ZFP_SECRETS___MM_NEWGAME_TITLE___CHECKPOINT_REACHED]LV5_INVASION2]LV2_INTDONE10ZLV8_END3_4[DOOR_S_DONEYLV2_DATA4YLV6_EXIT2]OPT_CALIBRATEXFP_SCORE]LV1_AMD_DOOR6\LV2_JAMDONE1\SENTRY_JMFC2ZPROMPT_YESTSKIP[LV4_MARTIN2^TIP_HUD_RELOADVlevel6^DIFF_NIGHTMARE[LV1_AMD_13b___RANK_ITEMSFOUND\SENTRY_AGREE___WARN_REBOOT_CONFIRM[LV7_WEAPONS]ABOUT_SUPPORT[LV4_MARTIN6ZSENTRY_SADYLV3_TERM2ZLV7_INTRO4\LV4_MARDOOR4ZLV8_END3_9ZLV8_END3_8^LV3_PINKYDONE3[LV1_AMD_15a^LV4_CHARBUILD2[LV4_ONLINE8___NEW_DIALOG_617-1YLV2_DATA2^RESUME_CONFIRM\LV7_INTDONE1YOPT_DEBUG^LV1_CTRL_ROOM2\RANK_RESULTSTFP_C[LV7_INTRO11]LV6_MANCINTRO^RANK_HEADSHOTS[LV8_WARN1_2\LV8_DRSTUCK1___NEW_DIALOG_520-10___RANK_NEXT_LEVELTBACK___NEW_DIALOG_520-3\LV5_HURTREM1\SENTRY_ALERT___PLAYER_GET_AMMO1[LV8_WARN2_1^TIP_HELP_CALIBWTunnelsTBOSS__4I'll stand guard outside. Call me when you're done.__OA UAC Plasma Rifle? Well, what do you know. I found something I like in Hell.__ITHIS LINE SHOULD BE DELETED - YOU SHOULD NOT SEE THIS - DO NOT TRANSLATE.__WAlright. I'll send help. One way or another, we'll get you out. Uh... Sam, let's go.__=Not long, just keep Sam covered while she downloads the data.___Dr. Martin, open the door!___Alright. Let's get this done. ___Entering Unknown[Other Games__iSam's got a blowtorch?! Why didn't you tell me earlier? Geez, forget it! Just get the damned door open!__Ø Escalation Studios is: Jeff Cline John Faulkenbury Jesse Flanagan Shawn Green Bobby Hutson Jimmy Lewis Josh Martel Tom Mustaine James O'Donnell Marc Tardif__/ An assault rifle. I could definitely use this!___Guess that means no.XArchvile___You picked up %d cells.___Tap to pick up the Plasma Gun.___Sam, what are you doing?!YLook out!__¡The transport won't know that either of us are alive. If you make it, we'll both have a chance. Take this sentry bot, she has access to the facility's systems.__‡Look out for these fat zombies. They will try to grab onto you and make you their lunch. If they do, shake the device to push them off!__Sam, we need to get through this door. Find a way to open it!__PDelta is just ahead. Be careful. From what I can tell it's completely overrun.__¤I can't make sense of everything but it looks like the teams in Delta Labs were working on teleportation technology and something went wrong. Something... sinister.__˜Some of our scientists are not thinking clearly. Their minds... are not what they should be. I think they're planning an invasion of Mars. And Earth.___That looked easy!__MYes, Sam wasn't built for this kind of duty. I'm still working out the bugs.__tYou got a new gun! Remember, tap here to switch weapons. Some weapons are better than others for certain monsters.XCONTINUE__–If my data is correct, Hell contains thousands of teleportation gates. If we shut down the main teleporter here in Delta we may be able to stop them.__$No! Who are you? What do you want?ZAlpha Labs__-I always thought this place looked like Hell.__(Hey, you! HURRY! We have to leave NOW!___Cannot calibrate to this angle!__#This data is exactly what I needed!]Entering Hell___Ugh, the stench...___Entering Alpha Labs__!Tap to pick up the Assault Rifle.UDODGE__ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Following the regrettable accident at an off-world UAC Weapons Research Facility (Mars City), the UAC reports the complete loss of the facility and all personnel. The UAC extends our condolences to family members and friends. Those who lost their lives knew the risks of offworld research and development and the UAC salutes their sacrifice. An official investigation has been launched, and the UAC is dedicated to rebuilding the Mars facility with enhanced safety protocols. For more information please contact the UAC PR Department.WVeteranZDifficultyUABOUT___Tap to continue.__„I've looked for an alternate solution, but yes. It's the only way. We either get the tram working or we all die as monster kibble.___Ack! Monster! By the door!___Entering Tunnels___Just a little further, Sam.___Soldier, move out now!__;Sam, can you hear me? Are you okay? Why is she still red?__KI don't have the equipment to process the data any more, but Sam can do it.___What happened here?UCOVER__!This number shows your total ammo___Sam, use your blowtorch!ULegal__#I think this is it, Sam. Let's go!__5So, how do we shut down the main teleporter in Delta?___Okay, soldier. I'm done!__6Okay, doc. We're making our way outside of Mars City.SN/ATTimeYCALIBRATE__#Sam, can you open this door for me?YFREE PLAY___You picked up %d shells.___¼June 2145. UAC Research Facility, Mars City. At approximately 21:00 hours UMT, an experiment in the Delta Labs triggered an unknown event, resulting in the systematic invasion of the entire facility. Marine forces have been deployed to hot spots around the facility, with many teams encountering heavy resistance. Bravo Team was ambushed in the EnPro facility while searching for survivors. You are the last surviving member of that team.__$Doc, how long is this going to take?__^Marine, I think it's my turn to share some bad news. It looks like Delta Labs is ground zero.QB___Guess we're on our own.\Sam... no...__lThis enemy will throw projectiles at you. Tap this button to evade incoming attacks. Timing is everything!]Sam, come on.__4Sam, there's another interface terminal. Go for it.___Oh no! Dr. Martin!___Uh oh. This doesn't look good.__(There it is! Sam, get on that terminal!XNew GameTRankVHurry!__;Sam, you need to get this door open. Do you understand me?__%I can try. Let me take a look at it.ZDelta Labs]Secrets Found___‘The Union Aerospace Corporation is the largest corporate entity in existence. Originally focused on weapon and defense contracts, new ventures have expanded into: - biological research - space exploration - and other scientific endeavors With unlimited funds and the ability to engage in research outside of moral and legal obligations, the UAC controls the most advanced technology ever conceived.__#Is every door in this place locked?___Tap to toggle cover__)Aim and look around by tilting the device__éTilt your device to aim your crosshair The game will auto calibrate your crosshair at the start of each level based on the orientation of your device If the calibration is not to your liking, go to the pause menu and tap calibrate.__„Welcome to DOOM Resurrection! To ensure the best experience possible, don't forget to re-boot your device before starting the game!___How did you get in here?!__aInteresting, it looks like a colleague of mine is hiding in a secure room somewhere around there.__&*sigh* Alright then, let's get moving!___Tap to pick up the Data Card.__lAhh, that's an interface terminal! If Sam can link up with it I can access data from all over the facility.____Modes: Story Mode: Select NEW GAME from the main menu to begin Story Mode. Each time you enter a new level in story mode, that level will unlock and become available in Free Play mode. Free Play: In Free Play, you can start at any level you've unlocked and try for the best score!___This number is your health__.The explosives are gonna blow! Sam, Doc, Run!___Save and exit to the main menu?__tWait, I have something for you. We call it the BFG. It's an experimental weapon. I'm sure you'll find it useful.WCredits__1We must be stuck in Hell... or something like it.R:)TPrev___Entering EnPro Underground__pTeleporting? As in here-one-minute and somewhere-else-another? Can they... can they teleport to where you are?YMars CityTRANKWLoading__EI was told everyone was dead. And yeah, I thought you were a zombie.__«You can't. There's no time. If you don't get to the dropship soon, they'll leave without you. Mars City is overrun, the network is down, and the UAC is covering it up! __2Hey, you're a Marine! Can you get me out of here?__hI'll grant my access to your sentry. From there you can activate the tram and shut down the teleporter.___Thanks for playing!___Entering EnPro Labs__¬Sam's an experimental flying unit, I've been working on her AI for months. Take good care of her and she'll take good care of you. She'll help you get to the control room.__FThose monsters were trying to keep us away. I think we're close, Sam!___You thought I was a zombie?__“Great! While these zombies try to suck my brains out I'll ask them if they know of a weakness in the security system. That way Sam can be useful!UPinky__=These must be the teleporters Dr. Martin was talking about...__GZombies can't talk. You... you survived? I thought everyone was dead!__dThere's a dropship leaving shortly. But before we go I need you to help me repair this Sentry unit.___The door was open.\Out of ammo.__mUmm... yes. Also, before we can go to the transport we'll need to re-activate the tram system in Delta Labs.\Health Bonus[Hell Knight__;Trust me, we're going in the right direction, just hold on!__%Arrghh... *cough* it hurts! Urghh...___DIFFICULTY SELECTION___Entering Delta Labs__#Tap to pick up the Rocket Launcher.]Come on, Sam!___Sam, no. GET OUT!__pDon't forget to reload! Reloading when empty takes longer than reloading while there is still ammo in your gun.^Just hang on. STIP\ Save & Quit__DI can't get past this barricade. Sam, I need you to cut through it.___I don't know...WSecretsXNEW GAME[Checkpoint.__.I've got to destroy as many of these as I can!__QGood work Sam, I have the data! Let me work on this and I'll get back with you. ]Good job Sam!YCalibrateUScore__I can fill you in later. What happened to you? Are you okay?___I was sent by Dr. Garrett.__HPut simply, this invasion has only just begun... and UAC is responsible.__FDAMN! The Doc's in trouble. Sam, let's get to the tram and get help!__!Where the hell did he come from!?__? Are you sure? This will override your saved game.___Done? Let's go!ZDebug Menu__PGood! Sam will interface with the computer and override the emergency lockdown.WRESULTSQC__|The only thing that matters now is that you get Sam on that dropship. Her data will ensure that Earth sends reinforcements.__!This just keeps getting better...YHeadshots___We're on our way!__%You're stuck?! Come on Sam, get out!TBack___Argh! Die, hellspawn!__0Hang in there Sam, we'll find a way out of here!S!!!___Alright, time to stock up!__žDOOM's motion controls are best played with the device tilted from 0 to 70 degrees. Playing at other angles, or upside down is possible, but not recommended._