| - "Every Man for Himself"
* Benjamin Linus wakes James "Sawyer" Ford before sunrise for a walk. He reveals the pacemaker deception, shows him that they are on a small island from which escape is impossible, and continues his mind games with the 815 survivor. "The Cost of Living"
* Sayid Jarrah, Hugo "Hurley" Reyes, and Charlie Pace watch over the recovering Eko Tunde before leaving him in his tent. He has a vision of Yemi Tunde, his brother, telling him he has to be judged. Immediately after the vision, Eko's tent catches fire through unknown means, and Charlie pulls him to safety before he disappears, having set off toward the beechcraft - his brother's resting place.
* Jack Shephard guesses Ben has a spinal tumor from the x-rays he saw. He is brought to attend Colleen Picket's funeral, where Ben asks Juliet Burke how Jack knew of his ailment.