Jumbor Barutronica (重機人間ユンボル, Jūki Ningen Yunboru) is a mecha manga series created by Hiroyuki Takei, the author of Shaman King, and written by Mikami Hiromasa (加藤大悟). It was serialized by Shueisha in the manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump between issues 3 and 14 of 2007, and collected in a single bound volume (tankōbon). After the cancellation of the series, two short stories were published inside Ultra Jump in 2009 and 2010. These stories were written by Mikami Hiromasa and illustrated by Hiroyuki Takei. Following the success of the short stories, Hiroyuki Takei and Mikami Hiromasa decided to create a remake of the series, titled Jumbor. The new manga is being serialized in Ultra Jump since August 2010.
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- Jumbor Barutronica
| - Jumbor Barutronica (重機人間ユンボル, Jūki Ningen Yunboru) is a mecha manga series created by Hiroyuki Takei, the author of Shaman King, and written by Mikami Hiromasa (加藤大悟). It was serialized by Shueisha in the manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump between issues 3 and 14 of 2007, and collected in a single bound volume (tankōbon). After the cancellation of the series, two short stories were published inside Ultra Jump in 2009 and 2010. These stories were written by Mikami Hiromasa and illustrated by Hiroyuki Takei. Following the success of the short stories, Hiroyuki Takei and Mikami Hiromasa decided to create a remake of the series, titled Jumbor. The new manga is being serialized in Ultra Jump since August 2010.
- Jumbor Barutronica 「重機人間ユンボル Jūki Ningen Yunboru?」 es un manga mecha creado por Hiroyuki Takei en 2007.
- Jumbor Barutronica(重機人間ユンボルJūki Ningen Yunboru) is a mecha manga series by Hiroyuki Takei, the author of Shaman King. It was serialized by Shueisha in the manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump between issues 3 and 14 of 2007, and collected in a single bound volumes. It is the story of a Construction Warrior (or "Jumbor") named Barutronica Crow who, after he dies and has his memories implanted in a five-year-old clone of his body, embarks on a quest to restore the lost country of Dovork, along with the former Princess Rivetta and an EM pilot named Nipper Torrus. All character and place names were derived by Takei from construction terminology.
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| - Acción, Aventura, Mecha, Sobrenatural
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| - Jumbor Barutronica (重機人間ユンボル, Jūki Ningen Yunboru) is a mecha manga series created by Hiroyuki Takei, the author of Shaman King, and written by Mikami Hiromasa (加藤大悟). It was serialized by Shueisha in the manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump between issues 3 and 14 of 2007, and collected in a single bound volume (tankōbon). After the cancellation of the series, two short stories were published inside Ultra Jump in 2009 and 2010. These stories were written by Mikami Hiromasa and illustrated by Hiroyuki Takei. Following the success of the short stories, Hiroyuki Takei and Mikami Hiromasa decided to create a remake of the series, titled Jumbor. The new manga is being serialized in Ultra Jump since August 2010.
- Jumbor Barutronica 「重機人間ユンボル Jūki Ningen Yunboru?」 es un manga mecha creado por Hiroyuki Takei en 2007.
- Jumbor Barutronica(重機人間ユンボルJūki Ningen Yunboru) is a mecha manga series by Hiroyuki Takei, the author of Shaman King. It was serialized by Shueisha in the manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump between issues 3 and 14 of 2007, and collected in a single bound volumes. It is the story of a Construction Warrior (or "Jumbor") named Barutronica Crow who, after he dies and has his memories implanted in a five-year-old clone of his body, embarks on a quest to restore the lost country of Dovork, along with the former Princess Rivetta and an EM pilot named Nipper Torrus. All character and place names were derived by Takei from construction terminology.