| - Isabelles schlechtes Gewissen wächst, und so beginnt sie unauffällig, nach Katjas verbleib zu fahnden. Als Ben Isabelle wegen des anstehenden Prozesses bittet, ihre Falschaussage zurückzunehmen, bleibt sie ihm gegenüber hart. Doch dann holt ihr schlechtes Gewissen sie in einem Albtraum ein. Annette leidet unter dem Zerwürfnis mit Ingo, aber Ingo kann ihr den den vermeintlichen Fehltritt mit Tom nicht verzeihen. Ben gegenüber gibt Ingo jedoch zu, dass er Annette vermisst. Während seine Abwehr langsam bröckelt, muss Annette sich mit einem furchtbaren Verdacht auseinandersetzen: Womöglich ist sie schwanger - von Tom. Richard bereut seine öffentliche Bekanntgabe eines konkreten Hochzeitstermins sofort. Während Claudia sich am Ziel ihrer Träume wähnt, ist Simone doppelt so verletzt, denn Richar
- While Samantha is on the witness stand, she recounts that Quentin recently held a ceremony to contact someone who is dead. When Charles asks who, she says it's Joanna, and Daphne has also tried to contact her. Desmond tries to have Samantha's testimony thrown out, since Daphne is not involved in the trial, but the judge overrules him. Charles gives the judge Quentin's journal, which details the seance. Daphne is then called to the witness stand, but she refuses to testify against Quentin.
| - Isabelles schlechtes Gewissen wächst, und so beginnt sie unauffällig, nach Katjas verbleib zu fahnden. Als Ben Isabelle wegen des anstehenden Prozesses bittet, ihre Falschaussage zurückzunehmen, bleibt sie ihm gegenüber hart. Doch dann holt ihr schlechtes Gewissen sie in einem Albtraum ein. Annette leidet unter dem Zerwürfnis mit Ingo, aber Ingo kann ihr den den vermeintlichen Fehltritt mit Tom nicht verzeihen. Ben gegenüber gibt Ingo jedoch zu, dass er Annette vermisst. Während seine Abwehr langsam bröckelt, muss Annette sich mit einem furchtbaren Verdacht auseinandersetzen: Womöglich ist sie schwanger - von Tom. Richard bereut seine öffentliche Bekanntgabe eines konkreten Hochzeitstermins sofort. Während Claudia sich am Ziel ihrer Träume wähnt, ist Simone doppelt so verletzt, denn Richard will ausgerechnet am Jahrestag seiner Verlobung mit Simone heiraten. Doch dann überrumpelt Claudia Richard mit ihrem Einzug ins Penthouse.
- While Samantha is on the witness stand, she recounts that Quentin recently held a ceremony to contact someone who is dead. When Charles asks who, she says it's Joanna, and Daphne has also tried to contact her. Desmond tries to have Samantha's testimony thrown out, since Daphne is not involved in the trial, but the judge overrules him. Charles gives the judge Quentin's journal, which details the seance. Daphne is then called to the witness stand, but she refuses to testify against Quentin. The judges force Daphne to testify, where she admits that she and Quentin held a seance to contact Joanna. She says the seance was held because of strange happenings that were taking place within Collinwood. Desmond brings Samantha back to the witness stand and asks her many questions about Joanna. The testimony turns into a shouting match, with Charles becoming involved, before Samantha reveals she doesn't love Quentin and Joanna was his mistress. Charles believes that Quentin attempted to summon Joanna to haunt Samantha, but the judges don't buy it and Samantha finally steps down. Desmond again asks for Samantha's testimony thrown out because he feels it has nothing to do with Quentin's witchcraft trial, and the judges agree to discuss it. After a brief recess, the court throws out Samantha's entire testimony and adjourn the trial until the following morning. Later at Collinwood, Samantha is pacing around the drawing room when Daphne returns. The two argue over Daphne's feelings for Quentin, and Samantha tells her to not bother getting too attached, because he will be found guilty and die. Samantha admits she hopes Quentin is found guilty so she can finally have a peace of mind. Daphne wonders what Tad would think of Samantha's behavior, and bringing up Tad only further upsets Samantha. Samantha ends up firing Daphne and orders her to get out of Collinwood immediately. Before she leaves to get her things, Daphne tells Samantha that she is incapable of loving anyone and feels sorry for her, and the words appear to hurt Samantha very deeply. At the jail, Desmond and Quentin are very satisfied with how the first day of the trial went, but Quentin is still very cautious. Quentin says he still wants to talk to Gerard. Samantha then shows up and gloats to Quentin that she has fired Daphne. Quentin says she doesn't have the authority and Daphne will remain at Collinwood, and Tad would be very upset about it. Samantha says she doesn't care anymore and leaves. That night at Collinwood, Daphne has another dream in which she is looking for Gerard and sees a wedding gown. When she wakes up, she finds the dress in the bridal chamber at Collinwood.