31 May is the 151st day of the year (152nd in leap years). There are 214 days remaining until the end of the year.
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| - 31 May is the 151st day of the year (152nd in leap years). There are 214 days remaining until the end of the year.
- 31 May is a date in Stellar Dawn.
- The following is a list of events that happened on 31 May.
- On 31 May 5,000,000,057, the Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones defeated a Cyberman and Judoon plot to upgrade the inhabitants of New Earth, which was in the process of rebuilding after the opening of the Motorway four years before. (WC: In-Flight Entertainment)
- 31 May is a date in the Gregorian calendar. In Gielinor, the date is equivalent to .
- A list of events which occurred on the 31st of May. 1896 Ernest Haller is born. 1946 Danny Goldring is born. 1958 Sharon Schaffer is born. 1960 Tommy Hinkley is born. 1962 John Earl Burnett is born. 1966 Fifth day of filming on TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver" . Makeup test is made with Clint Howard as Balok. Final draft script for TOS: "Mudd's Women" is revised. 1967 First day of filming on TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?" . The bridge scenes are filmed today. 1968 First day of filming on TOS: "Elaan of Troyius" .
- A list of events which occurred on the 31st of May. 2008
* Lady Gaga performed at the MOOD Nightclub in the United States. 2009 "Video debuted on Aussie Sunrise. The Haus is dancing!..."Just a little homicidal soft porn on a Sunday morning"- best quote ever" 12:18 AM via web 2012 "#25milliontweetymonsters wow! I'm officially feeling like the luckiest girl in the world today. Last sold out show in Singapore in 2 hrs!" 3:08 AM via Twitter for iPad "Can you believe that freakin bird is still outside my room whistling! I feel like he's auditioning" 3:09 AM via Twitter for iPad "Go to my sweetheart Nick Knight's SHOWSTUDIO now and see unreleased footage from the Born This Way video! showstudio.tumblr.com" 10:37 AM via Twitter for iPad "laying in bed looking at costume jew
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| - 31 May is the 151st day of the year (152nd in leap years). There are 214 days remaining until the end of the year.
- A list of events which occurred on the 31st of May. 2008
* Lady Gaga performed at the MOOD Nightclub in the United States. 2009 "Video debuted on Aussie Sunrise. The Haus is dancing!..."Just a little homicidal soft porn on a Sunday morning"- best quote ever" 12:18 AM via web 2012 "#25milliontweetymonsters wow! I'm officially feeling like the luckiest girl in the world today. Last sold out show in Singapore in 2 hrs!" 3:08 AM via Twitter for iPad "Can you believe that freakin bird is still outside my room whistling! I feel like he's auditioning" 3:09 AM via Twitter for iPad "Go to my sweetheart Nick Knight's SHOWSTUDIO now and see unreleased footage from the Born This Way video! showstudio.tumblr.com" 10:37 AM via Twitter for iPad "laying in bed looking at costume jewelry online. Only thing difficult about being on the road. NO QVC!!! Home Shopping Network where r you!" 8:18 PM via Twitter for iPad "don't judge me if 35 years from now I have a clothing line like Liza. sort of a suppressed dream. I WANT TO SELL VELOUR and sparkly CHARMS!" 8:23 PM via Twitter for iPad "How did I not know @cindycrawford was on Twitter!! Im obsessed with her workout videos! And her melon face scrub! Help. #ilovesupermodels" 8:33 PM via Twitter for iPad "Haha and workout VHS! RT @ThatSexyMonster: wouldn't be surprised if fans throw @cindycrawford's melon face scrub on stage to you now!" 8:39 PM via Twitter for iPad
- 31 May is a date in Stellar Dawn.
- The following is a list of events that happened on 31 May.
- A list of events which occurred on the 31st of May. 1896 Ernest Haller is born. 1946 Danny Goldring is born. 1958 Sharon Schaffer is born. 1960 Tommy Hinkley is born. 1962 John Earl Burnett is born. 1966 Fifth day of filming on TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver" . Makeup test is made with Clint Howard as Balok. Final draft script for TOS: "Mudd's Women" is revised. 1967 First day of filming on TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?" . The bridge scenes are filmed today. 1968 First day of filming on TOS: "Elaan of Troyius" . 1969 The Fifth UK Story Arc continues in Joe 90: Top Secret #20 with the second of four installments. 1971 Eli Golub is born. 1982 Felisha N. Grice is born. 1991 Thirty-third day of filming on Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Khitomer peace conference scenes are filmed today. 1994 Forty-fifth day of filming on Star Trek Generations. 1996 Thirty-ninth day of filming on Star Trek: First Contact. 1998 Sherman Labby dies. 2001 Thirteenth day of filming on ENT: "Broken Bow". 2011 Kazuhiko Sano dies.
- On 31 May 5,000,000,057, the Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones defeated a Cyberman and Judoon plot to upgrade the inhabitants of New Earth, which was in the process of rebuilding after the opening of the Motorway four years before. (WC: In-Flight Entertainment)
- 31 May is a date in the Gregorian calendar. In Gielinor, the date is equivalent to .