| - Minetown is one of seven different maps, located on the 3rd or 4th level of the Gnomish Mines. Monster creation on this level is biased towards lawful monsters. In most games, Minetown is also the largest collection of shops; some players call it the "toll plaza" (the RNG might be cruel enough to give you only Izchak's shop). There is a division between retail and security; shopkeepers do retail, while watchmen and their captains do security. The Watchmen patrol randomly to protect the merchandise and features of Minetown. A player cannot, while in sight of a Watchman:
* Apply a lock pick, credit card or skeleton key on a locked door
* Kick down or use a pick axe or mattock on a door
* Use a spell of force bolt on a door
* Dig in to walls
* Kick or cut down a tree
* Dig down on a fountain
* Attack peaceful shopkeepers, priests, or watchmen (note, however, that a watchman drowning due to an overflowing fountain is perfectly acceptable)
* Steal from a shop (even accidentally, e.g. unexpected teleportation) For all except the last two cases you get a single warning to stop. However, as digging with a wand or spell cannot be interrupted, these vandalisms receive no warning. Should you continue after the warning or commit a crime without a warning, the Watchmen will attempt to place you under arrest (i.e. try to kill you), shouting "Halt! You are under arrest!" and alerting other guards by blowing their tin whistles. They will then be made hostile and attempt to attack you. In addition, causing a fountain to dry up through overuse will anger the watch regardless of whether they are within sight. In most cases, you will receive a warning before the fountain dries up, either "The flow reduces to a trickle" or a watchman yelling "Hey, stop using that fountain!", but a player successfully dipping for Excalibur will receive no warning. Receiving Excalibur will dry up the fountain and anger the watch, so dipping for Excalibur in Minetown is generally a Bad Idea. If being attacked as part of being under arrest, only the crime of stealing can be reversed, by paying ALL debt to the shopkeeper. Note that the shopkeeper, like all others within the dungeons, will still be angry at you, zapping you with wands and attacking you; however, payment can be made from afar. The Watchmen and shopkeeper will revert to peaceful, although you will be placed under arrest for any further breaking of the law. This can be used to pacify the watch if they are angry for something else. Killing a hostile watchman is still considered murder.