| - This gallery depicts Jaclyn Schultz's Survivor career. Jaclyn Schultz Jon Misch.png|Jaclyn and her boyfriend Jon. jaclyn schultz intro.jpg|Jaclyn's shots at the opening. survivor.s29e01.hdtv.x264-w4f 023.jpg|Jaclyn and Jon on Day Zero. Jaclyn Jon Day 1.jpg|Jaclyn arriving with her boyfriend Jon on Day 1. jaclyn coyopa.jpg|Jaclyn as a member of Coyopa. Coyopa camp.jpg|Jaclyn at camp with her tribemates. survivor.s29e01.hdtv.x264-w4f 691.jpg|Jaclyn at Tribal Council. jaclyn votes dale.jpg|Jaclyn votes against Dale. Survivor sumo sjds.jpg|Jaclyn faces off against Kelley in Survivor Sumo. survivor.s29e02.hdtv.x264-w4f 373.jpg|Jaclyn with John and Val at the water well. confessional jaclyn.png|Jaclyn making a confessional. jaclyn votes baylor.jpg|Jaclyn votes against Baylor. S29 press images ep3 0026.jpg|Jaclyn and Baylor relaxing at camp. S29 press images ep3 0035.jpg|Jaclyn and John competing at the third Immunity Challenge. 0007-s29 press images ep4 0007.jpg|Jaclyn competing in the fourth Hero Duel. exileislanddrewjaclyn.jpg|Jaclyn at Exile Island with Drew. 0023-s29 press images ep6 0023.jpg|Jaclyn and Jon at Coyopa. Bloodisblood.jpg|Jaclyn with Jon, Dale and Kelley at the New Coyopa. 0011-s29 press images ep7 0011.jpg|Jaclyn, as a member of Huyopa with Jon. 0038-s29 press images ep7 0038.jpg|Jaclyn at the first individual Immunity Challenge. 0031-s29 press images ep8 0031.jpg|Jaclyn competing in Flashback with Missy and Keith. jaclyn votes josh.jpg|Jaclyn votes against Josh. 0008-s29 press images ep9 0008.jpg|Jaclyn takes on Natalie in Shake It Off. Reed jon jaclyn baylor alec reward.jpg|Jaclyn, Baylor, Alec, Reed and Jon enjoying a reward. Jaclyn_missy_the_game_is_afoot.jpg|Jaclyn and Missy competing in The Game is Afoot. Jaclyn_votes_jeremy.jpg|Jaclyn votes against Jeremy. Jaclyn Alec Jon Reed Reward Challenge.jpg|Jaclyn, Reed, Jon, and Alec competing for reward. Missy alec jaclyn jon reward.jpg|Jaclyn, Jon, Missy and Alec enjoying a reward. jaclyn uncomfortably numb.jpg|Jaclyn competes in Uncomfortably Numb. Baylor jaclyn cookies.jpg|Jaclyn and Baylor stepped down from the challenge for cookies and milk. jaclyn votes wes.jpg|Jaclyn votes against Wes. JaclynHuyopaConfessional.jpg|Jaclyn making a confessional. JonMischJaclynSchultzkiss.jpg|Jon and Jaclyn kiss. Alec flirt jaclyn.jpg|Jaclyn flirting with Alec. jaclyn paddle out.jpg|Jaclyn competing in the final eight Immunity Challenge, Paddle Out. Jaclyn jon fight kind of like cream cheese.jpg|Jaclyn fighting with Jon. Jaclyn_votes_reed.jpg|Jaclyn votes against Reed. Stillholdinon.png|Jaclyn, Natalie, and Jon enjoying a reward. jaclyn a bit tipsy.jpg|Jaclyn competing in A Bit Tipsy. jaclyn votes keith.jpg|Jaclyn votes against Keith. JonJaclynKissGoodbye.jpg|Jon kissing Jaclyn after his elimination. Pole_dancing_jaclyn.jpg||Jaclyn at the final five Reward Challenge. JaclynWonFinalImmunity.jpg|Jeff placing the Immunity Necklace on Jaclyn after she won the Final Immunity Challenge. Missy,_jaclyn,_natalie_final_tribal_council_san_juan_del_sur.png|Jaclyn with her fellow finalists at Final Tribal Council.