| - Oh brother, where do we begin? Maybe with a disclaimer: it's important to note that this character is NOT a parody or satire on Mary Sue characters. If it were, it would be pure and absolute genius... but sadly, the author is actually serious. With that being said, our story begins. They managed to singlehandedly defeat Cardassian Gul Dukat trying to invade Earth (with exactly one ship), humiliating him by burning "I was beaten by a bunch of kids" on the hull of his disabled invasion fleet. Picard & company bring Tasha and Sela back after swinging by The Original Series, and that's the end.
| - Oh brother, where do we begin? Maybe with a disclaimer: it's important to note that this character is NOT a parody or satire on Mary Sue characters. If it were, it would be pure and absolute genius... but sadly, the author is actually serious. With that being said, our story begins. In late 1993, one Stephen Ratliff wrote a Star Trek: The Next Generation Fix Fic to rescue the alternate-timeline Tasha Yar and redeem her half-Romulan daughter Sela, and posted it to the UseNet group alt.startrek.creative. As a B-plot, Ratliff took several of the minor preteen characters who appeared in single episodes of the series (including Worf's son Alexander) and gave them the keys to the saucer while the grown-ups were away. See, they've been playing at being Starfleet officers in the holodeck, and it turns out they all had fantastic survival times in the Kobayashi Maru simulation -- better even than Data's -- so no less than Spock himself gives the plan the A-OK. They managed to singlehandedly defeat Cardassian Gul Dukat trying to invade Earth (with exactly one ship), humiliating him by burning "I was beaten by a bunch of kids" on the hull of his disabled invasion fleet. Picard & company bring Tasha and Sela back after swinging by The Original Series, and that's the end. Except that Ratliff took a shine to his "Kid's Crew", and brought them back to headline his other fanfic. His favorite was the captain of the crew, Marissa Flores. He renamed her (probably not intentionally) 'Marrissa Floras', cured her canonical timid diffidence really quick, had Captain Picard adopt her after her real parents met the fate of all redshirts, and sent her rising swiftly through the ranks until she became a fully commissioned starship captain while still a preteen. Shortly before which she had been discovered to be the long-lost princess and heir of a small planet (itself apparently a colony of the United Kingdom). And she was placed in charge of Starfleet by the time she was twenty-one. And won the Kentucky Derby Triple Crown. And was instrumental in finally bringing Picard and Doctor Crusher together. And... well, Marrissa doesn't like overly long titles. Just read the stories. Most of them can be found MSTed here and here. The Fan Fiction Critic has reviewed Field Trip and Enterprized. Absolutely no relation to Marrissa Roberts.