| - dark TRUNKS lunges at Gohanten, punching him so hard, he hits the wall. "Unlike me, you can't stay like this forever. You also can't enter your current state alone. I will win," dark TRUNKS says as he fires a Dark Kamehameha at them. Gohanten barely dodges it. dark TRUNKS and Gohanten begin to fight again. They are kinda' equal, but dark TRUNKS is still better. "Almost out of time. Time to use our best move. KAMEHAMEHA!" Gohanten yells as he shoots a Kamehameha, pouring all his energy into it. "Fiddlesticks. Dark Kamehameha!" dark TRUNKS says as he fires his Dark Kamehameha. "Oh no," Goten says.
| - dark TRUNKS lunges at Gohanten, punching him so hard, he hits the wall. "Unlike me, you can't stay like this forever. You also can't enter your current state alone. I will win," dark TRUNKS says as he fires a Dark Kamehameha at them. Gohanten barely dodges it. dark TRUNKS and Gohanten begin to fight again. They are kinda' equal, but dark TRUNKS is still better. "Almost out of time. Time to use our best move. KAMEHAMEHA!" Gohanten yells as he shoots a Kamehameha, pouring all his energy into it. "Fiddlesticks. Dark Kamehameha!" dark TRUNKS says as he fires his Dark Kamehameha. The two beams hit and beam struggle. As the beam is about to hit and defeat dark TRUNKS, the fusion wears off. The Kamehameha splits into two, one being fired by Gohan and the other by Goten. "Oh no," Goten says. "This can't be," Gohan says. The Dark Kamehameha pushes the two to the side and splits through them, hitting Gohan and Goten, defeating them both. "I win," dark TRUNKS says as he flies away, still Super Dark Saiyan. "Next target...VEGETA!"