| - During the Swarm War, the Killik forces, under the influence of the Dark Nest, accidentally stumbled on the fringes of the Empire of the stars, after a portion of their fleet was lost in the Vaeryn Nebula. This fleet was lead by the joiner, Cody Alyn. Alyn, thinking they were facing the Chiss Ascendancy, prepared to attack. The Killik fleet then attacked the backwater world of Sk, just outside of the nebula. The planet was quickly colonized and the defenses swept away. However, the battered Star Destroyer Vrox managed to send a distress call to Lostar, the empire's capital. The aging Admiral Ildraan Vossuk organized his defense forces, centered around the Star Destroyer the Gallant, and ordered them to Sk. The taskforce was led by Marshall Mitth'in'nuroudo, who had been recently promoted for his exploits during Operation Farsight. He took a force of several large capital ships and nearly one hundred frigates and corvettes.