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- Peregrin was the daemon spirit of the legendary Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker. She was a majestic griffin (a mythical hybrid of a lion and an eagle), and stood for Anakin's courage, strong pride, and swift action. Peregrin fought beside the Chosen One in many battles in the Clone Wars, and believed in saving lives rather than letting them go, too. Her claws took down countless battle droids, and she also flew beside Anakin's Jedi starfighter in air and space (Peregrin had the unique ability to fly in the vacuum of space without suffocating or succumbing to the pressure). After Anakin became Darth Vader, Peregrin became a dark and avaricious griffin daemon, and easily killed any of Vader's intended victims whom Vader was unable to reach. After Anakin's redemption and death, Peregrin was also redeemed, and lived in the Force with him forever.