| - This term is highly offensive in both formal and informal communication. It is a form of linguistic objectification, used to suppress alleged enemies. douche, from Germanic dich, douch, deuoch "water"; cf. deush "wet"; by extension, "covered in slime, slimy; filthy"; from Proto-Germanic *deutz "water, sea, river"; cf Kanjzi *deuztr "wet; slimy; tending to flow wildly"; by hyperanalysm deuchez "wild flower (that which flows), lunatic, deranged person, criminal, wild beast"
| - This term is highly offensive in both formal and informal communication. It is a form of linguistic objectification, used to suppress alleged enemies. douche, from Germanic dich, douch, deuoch "water"; cf. deush "wet"; by extension, "covered in slime, slimy; filthy"; from Proto-Germanic *deutz "water, sea, river"; cf Kanjzi *deuztr "wet; slimy; tending to flow wildly"; by hyperanalysm deuchez "wild flower (that which flows), lunatic, deranged person, criminal, wild beast" 1.
* a dirty, filthy, contemptuous person; one who is worthy of hatred; an indecent, despicable, wild entity 2.
* a sexual wanderer; one who gives himself/herself to sexual intercourse with strangers; a slut 3.
* a vagabond, a pauper, a restless/homeless wanderer 4.
* a wild beast, vicious animal, one given to instinct 5.
* an idiot, fool, retard; compare kaka