| - He has a fairly peculiar manner of speaking and seems to like choosing nicknames for people. He continually refers to the witcher as "Beastie baiter", how colorful... His other hobbies include kostky. He is a professional level player. During the day, he can be found at his house, or rather one of this houses, if the hostinský is to be believed. He is usually inside, but occasionally goes outside for a breath of fresh air. When asked about witcher work, he mentions that he will pay for the heads of Teyu and Ureus, monsters currently plaguing the peaceful surroundings.
- E' anche un giocatore di poker, a livello professionista. Durante il giorno, lo puoi trovare nella sua casa. Se gli si chiede del lavoro da witcher, Tobias menziona due mostri Teyu e Ureus, per i quali offre una lauta ricompensa.
- Tobias Hoffman is the mayor and chief of the village of Murky Waters. He has two daughters, Alina, the bride to be, and Celina, her jealous older sister, and is looking forward to having Julian, a rich merchant from Kovir, as his son-in-law. He considers Adam, whom he knows to be infatuated with his daughter, to be a fool. He has a fairly peculiar manner of speaking and seems to like choosing nicknames for people. He continually refers to the witcher as "Beastie baiter", how colourful... His other hobbies include dice poker. He is a professional level player.
- Tobias Hoffman ist der Bürgermeister des kleinen Dorfes in Trübwasser. Er hat zwei Töchter, Celina und die ältere Alina, die beide ebenfalls im Dorf wohnen. Alina ist die Verlobte von Julian, einem Kaufmann aus einer wohlhabenden Familie aus Kovir. Als Geralt ihnen in The Witcher begegnet, wollen Alina und Julian bald heiraten.
| - He has a fairly peculiar manner of speaking and seems to like choosing nicknames for people. He continually refers to the witcher as "Beastie baiter", how colorful... His other hobbies include kostky. He is a professional level player. During the day, he can be found at his house, or rather one of this houses, if the hostinský is to be believed. He is usually inside, but occasionally goes outside for a breath of fresh air. When asked about witcher work, he mentions that he will pay for the heads of Teyu and Ureus, monsters currently plaguing the peaceful surroundings.
- Tobias Hoffman ist der Bürgermeister des kleinen Dorfes in Trübwasser. Er hat zwei Töchter, Celina und die ältere Alina, die beide ebenfalls im Dorf wohnen. Alina ist die Verlobte von Julian, einem Kaufmann aus einer wohlhabenden Familie aus Kovir. Als Geralt ihnen in The Witcher begegnet, wollen Alina und Julian bald heiraten. Celina ist äußerst eifersüchtig und neidisch auf die Hochzeit ihrer älteren Schwester. Während einer Auseinandersetzung tötet Celina Alina. Kurz darauf wird Celina von Adam getötet, der heimlich in Alina verliebt war. Alina kehrt als Mittagserscheinung und Celina als Nachterscheinung zurück. Das Wohl der Gemeinde liegt dem Dorfprobst Tobias Hoffman sehr am Herzen. Er vergibt Aufträge an den "Bestientöter" Geralt, zwei Ungeheuer aus der Gegend zu stellen und zu töten: den Zemetaur Ureus und den Wodjanoi-Priester Teju. Von diesen beiden Ungeheuern erhält Geralt die zwei Trophäen des vierten Aktes. Hoffman ist tagsüber immer im Haus des Dorfprobstes anzutreffen. Tobias Hoffman hat keine gute Meinung von den ansässigen Anderlingen. Die Elfen, die am Flussufer leben, haben seine gute Geste, ihnen Essen zu bringen, mit Kälte erwidert. Das Fischvolk, die Wodjanoi, hält er für eine Geißel des Lebens – sie vertrieben die Menschen vom Wasser, verwundeten und töteten sogar einige.
- E' anche un giocatore di poker, a livello professionista. Durante il giorno, lo puoi trovare nella sua casa. Se gli si chiede del lavoro da witcher, Tobias menziona due mostri Teyu e Ureus, per i quali offre una lauta ricompensa.
- Tobias Hoffman is the mayor and chief of the village of Murky Waters. He has two daughters, Alina, the bride to be, and Celina, her jealous older sister, and is looking forward to having Julian, a rich merchant from Kovir, as his son-in-law. He considers Adam, whom he knows to be infatuated with his daughter, to be a fool. He has a fairly peculiar manner of speaking and seems to like choosing nicknames for people. He continually refers to the witcher as "Beastie baiter", how colourful... His other hobbies include dice poker. He is a professional level player. During the day, he can be found at his house, or rather one of his houses, if the innkeeper is to be believed. He is usually inside, but occasionally goes outside for a breath of fresh air. When asked about witcher work, he mentions that he will pay for the heads of Teyu and Ureus, monsters currently plaguing the peaceful surroundings.