| - Cosine, also known as Cos, was a soldier of the Galactic People's Democratic States since 16,995 ABY, who later in life promoted to the rank of Corporal. He was one of many Avionic Mechanics, where he was given by his fellow comrades, the callsign "BlueDabadee," but usually, he preferred more the namely "Cos", and once participated with his crew an air raid against a Reptilian Starship in Wild Space, where he was injured. After the raid, he was being hospitalized and well treated on Polis Massa. Only to discover the other crew members on the gunship were dead or Missing in Action somewhere in the Wild Space Region. After a few days, he eventually was given Leave from duty for recreation and relief from the pressures of job-related duties.
| - Cosine, also known as Cos, was a soldier of the Galactic People's Democratic States since 16,995 ABY, who later in life promoted to the rank of Corporal. He was one of many Avionic Mechanics, where he was given by his fellow comrades, the callsign "BlueDabadee," but usually, he preferred more the namely "Cos", and once participated with his crew an air raid against a Reptilian Starship in Wild Space, where he was injured. After the raid, he was being hospitalized and well treated on Polis Massa. Only to discover the other crew members on the gunship were dead or Missing in Action somewhere in the Wild Space Region. After a few days, he eventually was given Leave from duty for recreation and relief from the pressures of job-related duties. For most of his time on leave, he traveled the Expansion Regions and the Outer Rim for the love of observing visiting different species. He later heard of the mystery folklore of the story of the legendary R.A.S. Prosecutor by observing a film document, from Onya Chuchi, a chemical engineer speculator and researcher, and a long descendant relative of the Chuchi family, from Riyo's other relatives. Corporal Cosine's next deployment was Companion Esk, from which he would have to deploy from GPDS Space Stations in Wild Space. There, he became lost. The communications and radar was out of order and sidetracked from an unknown fog in Wild Space, where he unexpectedly came face to face with the Ghost Ship.