| - Unlike the parallel quest for the Kurzicks, the available quests do not give enough faction to reach 10,000 -- you will be short 3,500 faction. Non-repeatable quests offering Luxon faction as part of the reward, which you can use for this quest are:
* 250 for Journey to Cavalon
* 500 for Charting the Jade Sea
* 1,000 for The Halcyon Job
* 750 for Protect the Halcyon
* 750 for Night Raiders
* 750 for Attack the Kurzicks!
* 750 for Challenge of Strength
* 750 for More Cowbell
* 1,000 for Return of the Yeti
| - Unlike the parallel quest for the Kurzicks, the available quests do not give enough faction to reach 10,000 -- you will be short 3,500 faction. Non-repeatable quests offering Luxon faction as part of the reward, which you can use for this quest are:
* 250 for Journey to Cavalon
* 500 for Charting the Jade Sea
* 1,000 for The Halcyon Job
* 750 for Protect the Halcyon
* 750 for Night Raiders
* 750 for Attack the Kurzicks!
* 750 for Challenge of Strength
* 750 for More Cowbell
* 1,000 for Return of the Yeti However, there are other methods of gaining faction such as repeatable quests, competitive missions, alliance battles, and the Blessing of the Luxons. A good way to combine a number of repeatable quests together is to start by clearing a path from Cavalon to Breaker Hollow (via Archipelagos). Then, after accepting the Luxon Supply Lines quest, retrace your steps and fulfill it. Then return to just south of Breaker Hollow, go to The Jade Arena and complete this quest. This will give you 800 faction in a short time. See also: for a list of quests offering Luxon Faction points as part of their reward.