| - Jessie returned home, thinking she would have to sacrifice her music career for her personal happiness. But her performing days had not ended; she continued to find opportunities to share her talent. Jessie began recording her own music. At sixteen, she was hired for a themed compilation CD. Soon she was working with the Sounds of Zion Company. Her CDs include “Clay in His Hands” and “Better than I,” which earned her eight FCMA Pearl Awards. She recently released her newest album “Everything Speaks His Name.” The album "Be an Example," was recorded for Especially for Youth, a camp experience that builds character and testimony of Christ held in U.S. locations and abroad. Jessie's strength and testimony are evident in the lyrics in each song, including "True Believers": "We are a beacon for all believers in word, in spirit, in faith and purity. We know the truth and we’ll live it, embracing virtue as we serve the King of Kings. We are true believers. He gave us eyes to see the truth and ears to hear and a heart to feel the cries of those in need. We can reach and rescue others when He is our guide. And show the world by how we live our lives. As the storm rages on, we will be strong." Jessie's husband Jim is a songwriter-producer and studio-owner. Jessie and Jim work together on her albums, while raising two children in Centerville, Utah.
* Jessie's Official Website