A border pattern seen frequently on useful ware. It may be impressed, enamelled, or printed. There are several varieties. Sometimes it is placed between gadroons, sometimes It has a serrated edge, at others the serrated edge dies away on the body ; but the general rule is for the feathering to die away into the body colour. Feather- edge is found in almost every colour. Categoría:Wedgwood handbook: Glosario: F Categoría:Glosario EN F Categoría:Diccionario F
A border pattern seen frequently on useful ware. It may be impressed, enamelled, or printed. There are several varieties. Sometimes it is placed between gadroons, sometimes It has a serrated edge, at others the serrated edge dies away on the body ; but the general rule is for the feathering to die away into the body colour. Feather- edge is found in almost every colour. Categoría:Wedgwood handbook: Glosario: F Categoría:Glosario EN F Categoría:Diccionario F