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- The Primal Being of Fire or Sky.
* Also known as Aether Primolt
* He sat upon the Glorantay.
* He thought Yelm, Dayzatar, Lodril and Arraz into existence before retiring behind the Sky.
- The Aether (pronounced ēTHər) is an Infinity Stone, the remnant of a singularity that predates the universe. A force of ancient and catastrophic power, the Aether has the potential to transform the entire universe. This "stone" is unique since it is in the form of a dark, red, viscous liquid, rather than a literal stone, like the other five. However, evidence from the Collector's Museum, suggests the Aether may not have always been this way and may have originally been a stone similar to the others. It is currently located in the Collector's Museum. The Aether represents the Infinity Stone of Reality.
- Aether is an action-platforming game submitted by Edmund McMillen and Tyler Glaiel on September 8, 2008. It tells the story of a boy and a creature that visit five planets. Each of the planets symbolizes a human emotion, such as loneliness or fear of rejection, and has characters who provide in-game dialogue to set the mood.
- AETHER is an ancient artificial intelligence located within the gas planetoid, Ragnarok. It is one of the most advanced machines in the known galaxy, reaching sentience, and is capable of turning other AI into sentient beings aswell.
- Aether is an element created by Xa'an. It is also sometimes referred to as the Upper Airs, the Upper Aether, and the Great Up and Out.
- Aether (天空 Tenkuu, Sky in the Japanese version, Éther in the French version, Etere in the Italian version) is a mastery skill learned by Ike in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, and by Great Lords in Fire Emblem Awakening and Fire Emblem Fates.
- Aether (*e-th-er*) is a world that is paralell to ours. Its Oceans and lakes substitute our own landmasses and our oceans are land on Aether. The entire world of Aether is vast and yet to be fully explored. With 70 percent land, it is somewhat hard to transport water to the huge landmass. The Islands have water all over, and the areas next to the lakes have much water. Its time period is followed by ours; the current time is the same here than Earth. The world has still much to learn with world thirst growing and resources diminishing. Although these challenges affect the whole world, there is war and fights for territory. Since the land is so big, the land still has not been equally divided.
- Aether refers either to the unbound aether that fills all of space and permeates all things, or to solid aether, an immutable and imperturbable substance.
- Aether is a strange black liquid which has a galaxy-like appearance when placed or discovered. It can be found on some Penumbra worlds.
- thumb|right|270 px Aether (pol. Eter) – ukryta melodia występująca na mapie Origins.
- Aether believes in fighting for the cause, not the commander. Seeks only to aid the Empire. While respecting her commanders' positions and stations, she is willing to cautiously disregard orders for the greater benefit of her faction. Extremely fast and agile, both as robot and pyramid-jet seeker. Highly skilled pilot; able to fly a transport vehicle almost as nimbly as herself. Armed with twin Negative Ion Projectors that can erode a hole in a 6" thick metal plate in seconds. Loyalty to Decepticon cause can be exploited. Somewhat naïve, not too tough.
- AETHER is a computer system used by the Office of Naval Intelligence "to correlate seemingly disparate entities and relationships, to identify networks of interest, and to detect patterns."
- "Aether" is an original song composed by FROM∆GE featuring Aoki Lapis.
- The Aether was one of the two dominant pantheons that emerged out of the remaining Praecursor civilization in the galaxy after the Great Division. Less than three centuries after their summit of influence, the Aether entered into a galactic-felt war with their enemies, the Novus. The Aether were worshiped by many in the galaxy, and were revered as gods due to their Force powers. Little is known about them aside from the fact that they and the Novus destroyed each other in their war.
- By exerting their chakra through the clouds and blending it with the energy encompassed by these natural structures, the user can then establish a link between them and that particular lightning. Using that link, the user can teleport anywhere within the vicinity through a lightning strike from the clouds in an instant. Additionally, the user can inflict tremendous harm on a target by teleporting exactly in a position whereby they make contact, thus hitting them with the full force of the lightning strike.
- Aether is extracted from Aether vortexes. Aether can only be extracted by Daevas while flying.
- The Aether is one of the six Infinity Stones.
- Aether was a Dalkian soldier. He fought under Queen Aurelia Dichalla Dolce's command during Chronicle 12 of Chronicles of the Sword mode in Soulcalibur III. Aether later appeared in Tower of Lost Souls from Soulcalibur IV in the descend mode using Cervantes' style. His look resembles that of Siegfried Schtauffen.
- Aether was an elemental Protogenoi the upper air that the gods of Olympus breathe. He was the son of Erebos and Nyx.
- Aether to planeta, o której nikt poprzednio nie wiedział. Leży w nieznanym układzie planetarnym. Wiadomo o nim tylko tyle, że żyją tam aetherowcy i blobfishe(!) i oczywiście Darth Smile ze swoją armią. Planeta Jest dość mała i posiada ciemną i jasną stronę. Kategoria:Kroniki Kairon/Planety Kategoria:Nowe Kroniki Kairon/Planety
- Aether Darasuum was a female Force-Sensitive human. She held a prominant position in the Cult of Ragnos before leaving to persue her own intrests, eventually falling in with the Mandalorians, and renouncing her old way of life, though she kept her skill set. She became a master of combat in it's many forms, deadly with a blade, blaster, or bare fists.
- Name: Aether Location: Dasha Galaxy Discovery Date: 2XX4 Mass: 5.6 trillion teratons Class: XXI Planet Size: 32,000,000 Atmosphere: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, and Hydrogen. Distinct Features: Features a "dark" version of the planet that lives parrellel to its light counterpart.
- |- valign="bottom" | width="16" | File:Substances Small Aether.png | width="16" | File:Substances Small Albedo.png | | width="16" | File:Substances Small Aether.png | width="16" | File:Substances Small Nigredo.png | | width="16" | File:Substances Small Aether.png | width="16" | File:Substances Small Rubedo.png | |}
- Aether is commonly known as the fifth element of alchemy. It was thought to be the substance that makes up heavenly bodies. In Greek myth Aether is the name of primordial diety (deity from before the Gods or Titans). Aether was also used to describe the substance breathed by the Greek Gods, much like mortals breath air.
- Aether, označený purpurovou barvou, patří mezi základní alchymistické substance. Obsahují ho různé ingredience: rostliny, minerály i části těl příšer.
- CCCCCCccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Categoria:Planetas
- Aether is a puzzle platformer with washed-out pastel colors where you swing through the clouds and stars to reach other planets. The game was made by a collaboration of Edmund McMillen and Tyler Glaiel, and it was published by Armor Games. __TOC__
- Aether (/ˈiːθər/ or Aither (Æthere, Ancient Greek: Αἰθήρ, pronounced [aitʰɛ̌ːr]) is a Primordial Deity of the Atmosphere, Air, Space and Heaven, and is the deity husband of Ritsu, and father to the legendary Wizard Saint, Gregory.
- "Aether", known as "Etherweapon" (イーサルウェポン Īsaruwepon) in the OCG, is an archetype consisting of Level 6 Dragon monsters with 2300 ATK and 1600 DEF. While the monsters debuted in Starter Deck 2014, it was not until Clash of Rebellions that they received support. They're related to the "Empowered Warrior" archetype.
- The Aether was a speeder bike produced by Praxon during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.
- Aether(天空 Tenkū, lit. "Heavenly Sky") is Ike's Up Special Move. He first throws his sword in the air and crouches. After the sword hits the apex of its trajectory, he jumps up, catches it, and hurtles toward the ground. It appears functionally similar to Kirby's Final Cutter.
- Aether or Aither, was the protogenoi of the upper air. He was the consort of Hemera, who was also his sister. He was a son of Nyx and Erebus.
- Aether is a badly fluctuating planet, home to the Luminoth, with a horrible dark twin known as Dark Aether that was created by a Leviathan impact. It is an exact replica surrounded in darkness, only acsessable by portals and rifts.
- Aether is the power of what lies beyond what regular people of Knightmare can see.
- thumb Aether ist der Name einer Subroutine des Gaia-Terraformingsystems. Diese Subroutine war für die Säuberung und Rekonstruktion der Atmosphäre zuständig, die nach dem Krieg gegen die Faro-Plage vollkommen vergiftet war. Zu diesem Zweck entwickelte sie die Idee für die fliegenden Maschinen, wie beispielsweise den Sturmvögeln, die dann von Hephaestus umgesetzt wurden. Aether gelang wie den anderen Subroutinen die Flucht, weil Hades einen Virus freisetzte, der die Verbindung zwischen Gaia und den Subroutinen trennte. Was aus der Subroutine wurde, ist unbekannt.
- Five thousand years ago, during a Convergence of the Nine Realms, the Dark Elf Malekith sought to return the universe to eternal night by releasing the ancient, destructive force of the Aether. Asgardian King Bor and his armies opposed the Dark Elves, defeating Malekith and hiding the Aether. In modern times, another Convergence weakened the borders between realms, allowing human scientist Jane Foster to stumble upon - and become host to - the Aether. Taking note of these events, Malekith attacked Asgard seeking the Aether, but was driven back by Thor and Asgard's army. Thor took Foster to Svartalfheim, where he intended to destroy the Aether, but failed. Malekith seized the Aether and brought it to Earth to release during the Convergence and destroy the universe. After a prolonged battle
- Aether is a rogue planet in the Dasha region of space. It is the home of the Luminoth. Fifty years ago, a Leviathan from planet Phaaze crashed into the Aether with unusual force, destroying the planet's natural beauty and bringing with it pure darkness in the form of the Ing Horde and their home, the alternate dimension of Dark Aether. The exact details of the event and how the Dark dimension was created are still unclear; however, it is believed that a combination of the Leviathan's Wormhole-creating abilities, the tremendous power of Phazon and Aether's fragile Light energy resulted in the creation of Dark Aether. The meteor was transported to Dark Aether before impact, causing the crater which scarred a whole face of the planet. Despite there being no sign of the meteor or its mark, Aet
- The Aether (also Ether) is a theorized place of dwelling for the spirits of the dead. It it variously called the realm beyond the world, the Fields of Dionar, the Arms of Salma, the Halls of Gwathor, and many other names by the cultures that hold such a concept. It is important to note that not every waiting place for the dead or intermediate cosmic afterlife stage in every culture is related or exactly the same concept. Rather the tradition of the Aether is rooted in Dionaric religions and the worship of the Most High, which many cultures have adopted. It is suggested that there may be very early related religions which branched off millenia ago and thus stem from the same root but would not be considered strictly Dionaric. Their Aether-like traditions would thus be considered to descende
- [[Datei:Heller_Aether.png|thumb|left|185px|Aether ohne Überschattungen durch den dunklen Aether]] Der Planet Aether war bis zu seiner Entdeckung durch die Luminoth ein unbewohnter Planet, der von zahlreichen Tieren bevölkert wurde. Als die Luminoth ihn entdeckten entschieden sie sich, ihr Dasein als Nomaden zu beenden und besiedelten den Planeten. Infolge dessen bauten sie nicht nur eine Zivilisation auf Aether auf, sondern lebten auch im Einklang mit den dort heimischen Kreaturen. Um das Leben ihrer neuen Heimat zusätzlich zu verlängern, wurden auf Aether innerhalb von Tempelanlagen sogenannte Energieregulatoren errichtet. Diese bildeten mithilfe der Energie des Planeten (von den Luminoth 'Licht des Aethers' genannt) über einen weiteren Energieregulator im 'Erhabenen Tempel' der Luminoth
- Aether is released from the body upon death and then disappears from the physical realm. Only so much of it can cross over at a time, and any excess remains to form a glowing mist, crystals, or even ghostly apparitions. As aether is akin to soul energy, more violent and dramatic deaths tend to yield more excess aether.
- The Kingdom of Aether (German: Königreich der Aether, commonly known as Aether is a sovereign state located off the northwestern coast of continental Europe. It is an island country, spanning an archipelago including Great Britain, Ireland, and many small islands. Aether shares no land borders and is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the English Channel and the Irish Sea.
- Aether is the Sword of Time. It is created when the blades of the Four Swords of Power (Durendal, Sword of Air, Clarent, Sword of Fire, Excalibur, Sword of Water, and Joyeuse, Sword of Earth) all touch each other. When it is created it causes excruciating pain to whoever merges the four swords. It has vast powers. In The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, Aether is Marethyu's hook. The Sword of Aether is a flat, silver metal hook that takes the place of Marethyu's left hand.