| - [Source] Jake Lloyd, né le 5 mars 1989, est l'acteur qui joue Anakin Skywalker dans l'épisode I. Sa sœur, Madison Lloyd, joue une fillette Naboo non identifiée dans le film.
- Jake Lloyd is the actor that played Anakin Skywalker as a boy.
- Jake Lloyd is actor who played young Angelo/Timmy on The Pretender. Lloyd also played Ronny Collins in The Pretender episode Flyer before being cast as Young Angelo.
- Jake Lloyd (born March 5, 1989) played nine-year-old Anakin Skywalker in The Phantom Menace and provided the voice for Anakin in various games.
- Jake Lloyd (born on March 5, 1989) played nine-year-old Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace defeating Taylor Wells in the casting for the character, and provided the voice for Anakin in a number of Star Wars video games.
- Jacob Christopher Lloyd (nacido el 5 de marzo de 1989), alias "Jake", interpretó a un joven Anakin Skywalker de nueve años de edad en la película Star Wars Episodio I: La Amenaza Fantasma, venciendo a Taylor Wells en la audición final para el personaje, y también proporcionó la voz de Anakin en varios videojuegos de Star Wars.
- Antes de Star Wars, havia trabalhado no filme Um heroi de brinquedo, em que fez o filho do personagem de Arnold Schwarzenegger. Atuou tambem em filmes pouco conhecidos como De Bem Com A Vida e Madison. Atualmente nao trabalha mais como ator. Segundo ele, o principal motivo da sua desistência da carreira de ator foi por causa do bullying que sofria na escola devido à sua participação em Star Wars.
- Jake Lloyd, also known as "that dude that played Little Orphan Ani" by his stoner buddies, is perhaps the most expendable influential Star Wars actor in the entire Science Fiction society. Hailed as being the shithole king of Sci-Fi movies, Jake Lloyd's extensive career in acting includes working on such films as Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Jingle All the Way, Madison and Unhook the Stars. In fact, those four films previously mentioned are the only ones unlucky enough to have ever cast Jake Lloyd, so kudos to them.