Full: Target foe loses 2...8 Energy. You gain 3 Energy for each point of Energy lost. Concise: Causes 2...8 Energy loss. You gain 3 Energy for each point of Energy lost. __TOC__
Attributes | Values |
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| - Energy Drain
- Energy drain
| - Full: Target foe loses 2...8 Energy. You gain 3 Energy for each point of Energy lost. Concise: Causes 2...8 Energy loss. You gain 3 Energy for each point of Energy lost. __TOC__
- Caster Level(s): Cleric 9, Wizard / Sorcerer 9 Innate Level: 9 School: Necromancy Descriptor(s): Negative Component(s): Verbal, Somantic Range: Short Area of Effect / Target: Large Duration: Permanent Additional Counter Spells: Save: Fortitude Negates Level Drain, halves damage Spell Resistance: Yes Description: The caster summons forth a huge burst of negative energy, creatures in the area of affect take 1d6 negative damage per 2 caster levels. Any hostile creature that fails their fortitude save also permanently loses 2d4 character levels.
- Energy Drain drains 2 levels from the victim.
- Energy Drain was a Tsuno spell which, drawing the power from Gaki-do, allowed the Tsuno Soultwister to release a ray that greatly reduced the chi and inner energies of the target.
- Spell level: cleric 9 sorcerer/wizard 9 Innate level: 9 School: necromancy Descriptor: negative Components: verbal, somatic Range: short (8 meters) Area of effect: single Duration: permanent Save: fortitude negates Spell resistance: yes Description: The target creature permanently loses 2d4 character levels.
- [[Category:]] Energy drain was a necromancy spell that could temporarily or permanently drain life energy levels from a creature. The older versions of this spell were the reverse of the necromantic restoration.
- This power travels in a straight line from the user to the target, hitting instantly.
- User can drain energy from individuals or objects. They can drain physical energy from a target or group, making the affected physically weaker or causing them extreme fatigue while gaining their strength and stamina.
- Level: , Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text for enervation
- The target creature permanently loses 2d4 character levels. There is no saving throw.
- Life Drain is an enemy ability used by Vampire Thorn, which inflicts Zombie to one target.
- !BGCOLOR="#CCAAFF" width="100"|Job !BGCOLOR="#CCAAFF" width="50" align="center"|Rating !BGCOLOR="#CCAAFF" width="50" align="center"|Level |- valign="top" BGCOLOR="#EEEEFF" | Thief | align="center" | A+ | align="center" | 55 |- valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEFF" | Dancer | align="center" | A+ | align="center" | 55 |- valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEFF" | Corsair | align="center" | B+ | align="center" | 56 |- valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEFF" | Red Mage | align="center" | B | align="center" | 56 |- valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEFF" | Warrior | align="center" | B- | align="center" | 56 |- valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEFF" | Bard | align="center" | B- | align="center" | 56 |- valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEFF" | Ranger | align="center" | B- | align="center" | 56 |- valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEFF" | Beastmaster | ali
- You grip on to your foe and drain them of their sustenance. As a standard action, make a touch attack on one creature within your reach. If the attack hits, deal normal damage as well as an additional 1d6 per level (Max 15d6). You heal a number of hitpoints equal to the damage dealt (Up to the creature's remaining hitpoints). The creature gains a will saving throw DC: 14+Charisma modifier for 1/2 damage. This attack deals d8's when used against an angel.
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fr name
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level innate
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es lore
| - Selecciona 1 monstruo boca arriba en tu Campo. Aumenta el ATK y la DEF del monstruo en una cantidad igual al número de cartas en la mano de tu adversario x 200 puntos hasta la End Phase.
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el name
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Romaji Name
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hr name
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ja lore
| - 自分フィールド上に表側表示で存在するモンスター1体を選択する。そのモンスターの攻撃力・守備力は、エンドフェイズ時まで相手の手札の数✕200ポイントアップする。
damage multiplier
| - 1(xsd:integer)
- 1(xsd:double)
- 1(xsd:double)
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Row 1 info
| - drain energy from individuals or objects
sneak attack
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Icon Number
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| - Select 1 face-up monster on your side of the field. Increase the ATK and DEF of the monster by an amount equal to the number of cards in your opponent's hand x 200 points, until the End Phase.
pt lore
| - Selecione 1 monstro virado para cima que você controla. O monstro selecionado ganha 200 de ATK e DEF para cada carta na mão do seu oponente, até a End Phase.
it name
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item code
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not usable by
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stat change
| - * Your monsters gain ATK
* Your monsters gain DEF
Casting Time
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spell code
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saving throw
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level sorwiz
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ko lore
| - 자신 필드 위에 앞면 표시로 존재하는 몬스터 1장을 선택한다. 그 몬스터의 공격력/ 수비력은 엔드 페이즈시까지 상대의 패의 수x 200 포인트를 올린다.
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level cleric
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de lore
| - Wähle 1 offen liegendes Monster auf deiner Spielfeldseite. Erhöhe die ATK und DEF des gewählten Monsters bis zur End Phase um die Anzahl der Karten auf der Hand deines Gegners x 200 Punkte.
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Row 1 title
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wc6 sets
| - Invasion of Chaos
All Traps
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