Leveling Summoner to level 5, along with Squire, Chemist, Orator, Geomancer, and Dragoon, will unlock Mime. Leveling the job to level 5 as well as Orator will unlock the Bard job as well for males.
Leveling Summoner to level 5, along with Squire, Chemist, Orator, Geomancer, and Dragoon, will unlock Mime. Leveling the job to level 5 as well as Orator will unlock the Bard job as well for males.
Leveling Summoner to level 5, along with Squire, Chemist, Orator, Geomancer, and Dragoon, will unlock Mime. Leveling the job to level 5 as well as Orator will unlock the Bard job as well for males.