Starbuck's is everywhere. As they say, "friends don't let friends..." Better yet, there's Uncommon Grounds, Muddy Cup, Daily Grind, and others throughout the region. Then there used to be Caffe Dulce in Schenectady and Albany, but that's long gone. Is it just a place to drink coffee? Meet people? Listen to Alternative Rock? Study? People watch? That's up to you. This article is a stub. You can help by [ expanding it].
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| - Starbuck's is everywhere. As they say, "friends don't let friends..." Better yet, there's Uncommon Grounds, Muddy Cup, Daily Grind, and others throughout the region. Then there used to be Caffe Dulce in Schenectady and Albany, but that's long gone. Is it just a place to drink coffee? Meet people? Listen to Alternative Rock? Study? People watch? That's up to you. This article is a stub. You can help by [ expanding it].
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| - Starbuck's is everywhere. As they say, "friends don't let friends..." Better yet, there's Uncommon Grounds, Muddy Cup, Daily Grind, and others throughout the region. Then there used to be Caffe Dulce in Schenectady and Albany, but that's long gone. Is it just a place to drink coffee? Meet people? Listen to Alternative Rock? Study? People watch? That's up to you. This article is a stub. You can help by [ expanding it].