| - Aura (Japanese: はどう Hadō, lit. "pulse") is a mysterious energy given off by all things in the Pokémon world as presented in Pokémon Aether, Nether, and Tether Versions. It can be perceived by both humans and Pokémon (the latter being taught how to by the former) and exists in an exteneral (that given off by the setting, objects within it, and other lifeforms) and an internal (that produced by the individual in question) form. It can take the form of sound or air waves, as well as visible light. While it is considered all-permeating, there are several materials and ways to block the flow of aura; typically, these methods are the same used to block the current medium it is travelling through (blocking light, cutting off sound, etc all have this effect depending on the form aura is currently
| - Aura (Japanese: はどう Hadō, lit. "pulse") is a mysterious energy given off by all things in the Pokémon world as presented in Pokémon Aether, Nether, and Tether Versions. It can be perceived by both humans and Pokémon (the latter being taught how to by the former) and exists in an exteneral (that given off by the setting, objects within it, and other lifeforms) and an internal (that produced by the individual in question) form. It can take the form of sound or air waves, as well as visible light. While it is considered all-permeating, there are several materials and ways to block the flow of aura; typically, these methods are the same used to block the current medium it is travelling through (blocking light, cutting off sound, etc all have this effect depending on the form aura is currently in). It is most commonly released during the process of evolution, Mega Evolution, and the use of Z-Moves. Each living thing has a different aura type exclusive to them and them only. Going along with this, the color of a being's aura appears to differ, allowing them to picked out of a crowd by sight (even if in disguise) by a skilled Aura user if they are familiar with the Aura color of their target. The ability to sense the Aura of all things also allows the user to effectively "see" even when blindfolded or blinded. At times, one can even peer through objects in order to locate a desired Aura, though this is a rare occurrence and is usually the result of extensive training or pure dumb luck. All Pokémon possess the ability to sense and utilize outward aura, but only a certain number are capable of producing it themselves for use; this use of aura takes the form of the various pulse moves. Pokémon who have grown attached to a place and are adept in the use of aura can cloak themselves in it to greatly enhance their physical capabilities, resulting in the Totem Pokémon of Alola (though other Pokémon can achieve a similar state without being considered Totems). The number of humans who can produce their own aura is smaller, as the amount who can even sense it has fallen drastically in modern times. Once, a group known as the Aura Guardians used it freely alongside their partner Pokémon, but they disappeared in the years following Xeno's war with other regions. People and Pokémon with the power of Aura are believed to be naturally drawn to each other. The bond ritual was adapted from the training techniques of the Aura Guardians; while it is meant to help regain mankind's connection with Pokémon that was lost, those who follow it to "beyond the final stage" are capable of becoming fully-fledged Aura Guardians, and later on even Bond Masters, the highest rank achievable by a user of Aura in the olden times.