| - When this arte is activated, a large seal of light forms on the ground around the user as they draw divine energy from their surroundings before rising into the air to manifest the collected energy around them through the glyph, creating a large and extended blast of light. All enemies caught within the glyph are lifted into the air with immense force until the seal is dispelled, and they are thrown away as the user floats back to the ground. Holy Binds first appeared in the PlayStation 2 release of Tales of Symphonia. It is used by four different characters in the game: Kratos Aurion, Zelos Wilder, Mithos Yggdrasill, and Abyssion. Since three of the characters have angelic abilities, they manifest their wings as they float into the air. Abyssion, however, stands his ground as the attack performs around him. Additionally, when Kratos uses the attack, his weapon changes into the Flamberge for the duration of the arte. After Zelos uses Shining Bind for the first time, he learns the Angel Skill Judgment. In the localized version of the PlayStation 3 release, the arte banner says "Holy Binds", but both Mithos and Kratos voice it as "Shining Bind", while Zelos says "Luminous Bind". The arte is later adapted as the mystic arte used by the Magic Knight class in Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology and its sequels. Kratos continues to use this attack as his own mystic arte in both games, later making use of it during his appearance in Tales of Vesperia. However, Zelos does not have access to Shining Bind in Radiant Mythology 2 and Radiant Mythology 3, instead replacing it with his other mystic arte from Tales of Symphonia, Divine Judgment, though he regains it in Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World and Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave, although it is now influenced by the Lightning attribute in the former.