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| - Regiment
- Regiment
- Regiment
- Regiment
- Regiment
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- Ein Regiment ist eine militärischen Truppenformation mittlerer Größe. Es gibt sie zum Beispiel im Cardassianischen Militär. Commander Dolim, einer der Anführer der Xindi-Reptilianer während der Xindi-Krise, ist Kommandeur eines Regiments. Aus dieser Einheit wählt er 2153 persönlich den Piloten für die Xindi-Sonde aus. (ENT: ) Miles O'Brien führt während des Föderal-Cardassianischen Krieges eine Gruppe bei einem erfolgreichen Angriffs auf das Barrica-Lager auf Setlik III und schaltet dabei ein ganzes cardassianisches Regiment aus. (DS9: )
- Ein Regiment ist ein aus mehreren Fähnlein bestehende taktische und administrative Einheit. Regimenter werden üblicher Weise von einem Oberst befehligt.
- Regiment (nicknamed Claw) was the largest Crab fighting unit, but not the largest strategic unit, which included 4-6 brigades but rarely exceeded 5000 soldiers. A regiment was always led by a rikugunshokan. A regiment was expected to handle all but the largest of conflicts.
- 連隊はUNSCDF軍事組織の一つである。 連隊は合衆国海兵隊と同様にUNSC海兵隊を構成する多く存在する部隊の1種であった。連隊は持続的な作戦における主要な戦闘部隊として投入される。
- Chercher "regiment" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- A Regiment was one of the larger tactical units in an army typically commanded by a Captain. It would generally consist of several smaller units such as companies, legions or squads.
- A regiment is a military unit that in size and organisation is typically between a battalion and a brigade.
- A Regiment is a UNSCDF organizational unit. A Regiment is one of the many smaller units that makes up the UNSC Marine Corps, similar to the much older United States Marine Corps. These Regiments are the primary fighting force seen in sustained operations.
- Any organized troop with approximately a thousand men.
* Below it in size is the Company
* Above it is the Army
- Een regiment is een militaire eenheid. In vele legers is het regiment de administratieve organisatie die de tradities van een eenheid bewaart. Een regiment kan bestaan uit één of meer bataljons. Het regiment bestaat van oudsher uit gevechtseenheden van dezelfde aard (infanterie, cavalerie, etc.) met enkele ondersteunende eenheden. Een regiment staat onder leiding van een kolonel.
- A regiment was a military unit, in size usually above a battalion and below a brigade. The uniforms of regiments could include special regimental badges. The US 7th Cavalry Regiment was a regiment of the US Army. (TNG: "The Defector" ) Two characters from the play Cyrano de Bergerac, the lead character and Christien de Neuvillette, served in the same regiment. (TNG: "The Nth Degree" ) The Triannon D'Jamat served with the Holy Regiments when he was young. (ENT: "Chosen Realm")
- A regiment is a title used by some military units. The size of a regiment varies markedly, depending on the country and the arm of service. Historically, in the 17th and 18th centuries, a full-strength regiment was typically supposed to be a thousand men, and was commanded by a colonel. Today, there is no set size for a unit calling itself a "regiment", which may be:
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| - Top secret International Operations Bases
| - Incredible size and strength enhanced by experimental drugs given to him by Wildstorm project scientists.
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| - Regiment was a member of Team One: Stormwatch. Little is known about Regiment's origins prior to becoming a member of Team One. It is suggested however, during the two-part mini-series that Regiment had known operations head Miles Craven before being recruited as part of the experimental Team One program. Undoubtedly, Regiment is a military veteran, with a reference in issue 2 of the series as having served time in the "brig", it can be assumed he was a former US Naval serviceman. As with most of Image's powerhouse characters, Regiment was the biggest member of Team One and unquestionably the strongest. His already-given physical strength was enchanced through experimental injections administered by scientists under Craven's orders. Not unlikely, these injections had adversed side-effects on Regiments, likely akin to the side-effects of taking steroids. It could explain Regiment's overly-aggressive nature and disintegrating lack of control.
Regiment's last action was in the final mission for the team itself in Issue #2 of the series. Battling Daemonite aliens led by Helspont and rogue human mercenaries under the crime lord "Slaughterhouse Smith" at a military installation, Regiment went off to stop the launching of a missile programmed for New York. By the end of the mission, Regiment was killed in the resulting ride he took aboard the launched missile.
- Regiment was a member of Team One: Stormwatch. Regiment had known operations head Miles Craven before being recruited as part of the experimental Team One program.
Undoubtedly, Regiment is a military veteran having served time in the "brig", it can be assumed he was a former US Naval serviceman. As with most of Image's powerhouse characters, Regiment was the biggest member of Team One and unquestionably the strongest. His already-given physical strength was enhanced through experimental injections administered by scientists under Craven's orders. It was likely, the injections were some sort of advanced steroids. This could sufficiently explain Regiment's overly-aggressive nature and disintegrating lack of self-control and respect for authority.
Regiment's last action was in the final mission for the team. Battling Daemonite aliens led by Helspont and rogue human mercenaries under the crime lord "Slaughterhouse Smith" at a military installation, Regiment went off to stop the launching of a missile programmed for New York. By the end of the mission, Regiment was killed in the resulting ride he took aboard the launched missile.
| - From a Certain Point of View
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