| - Widows' Hill acquired its name because women used to wait on the cliff and look out to sea, watching for their ill-fated husbands' ships to return. When Jeremiah Collins decided to build Collinwood on the hill in the 1790's, he turned the widows away and told them to go home and keep their grief to themselves (12). (It was later revealed it was Joshua Collins that built Collinwood.) Some people in Collinsport claimed that the widows still walked the hill 175 years later as ghosts. The wailing sounds coming from the hill were believed to be the sobbing widows, rather than the wind, and some old timers in town claimed to have seen widows walking the hill from a distance (12). By 1967, two people had thrown themselves off the cliff. Josette Collins jumped to her death because she wasn't welcomed in town and a Collinwood governess had done the same. Legend told of a third person who would one day be found dead at the bottom of the cliff (5, 9, 50, 51). David Collins predicted that Victoria Winters would die at the cliff. He was eventually proven correct (967). As a child, Carolyn Stoddard used to go to the cliff whenever something was bothering her. She thought the wind or the waves would give her the answers to her problems (50). Elizabeth Collins Stoddard attempted to jump from Widow's Hill to avoid marriage to Jason McGuire twice. She was saved by Mrs. Johnson (266) and Victoria Winters (268). After escaping from jail, Adam jumped from Widow's Hill when he was about to be taken into police custody, probably saving Carolyn Stoddard's life (505). He was assumed dead (506), but later discovered to have survived the leap (508). In 1970, both Philip Todd and Jeb Hawkes fell off its cliff edge. First Philip, in a struggle with Jeb, and then later Jeb whilst attempting to save Carolyn from Sky Rumson (968, 980).