| - There is also a portal page, at the MegaBloks Site. Nethilia, The Admin Apr 21, 2016 / BeForever Bundle Collection Sales More bundle sales are available at 25% off, specifically focusing on Julie Albright, Kaya, and Kit Kittredge. These are available both with and without the doll included, and include free shipping regardless. A small early spring release completes Lea's collection and adds to the Truly Me and Bitty Baby Lines. For Lea's Collection:
* Lea's Celebration Outfit
* Lea's Beach Picnic Set
* Special Edition Mini Doll (stores only) For Bitty Baby: Books:
| - There is also a portal page, at the MegaBloks Site. Nethilia, The Admin Apr 21, 2016 / BeForever Bundle Collection Sales More bundle sales are available at 25% off, specifically focusing on Julie Albright, Kaya, and Kit Kittredge. These are available both with and without the doll included, and include free shipping regardless.
* Julie’s Summer Fun Collection: Julie's Summer Skirt Set, Julie's Mix-Print Maxi Dress, and Julie's Pet Bunny. $60 Without Doll, $146 With.
* Kit’s School Days Collection: Kit's School Skirt Set, Kit's School Lunch, and Kit's Homemade Scooter. $72 without Doll, $158 With.
* Kaya's Horse-Riding Collection: Adorned Deerskin Dress, Steps High, and Kaya's Saddle. $105 without Doll, $192 With. These are available both online and in US stores; the sale runs until Monday, April 25th. Apr 28, 2016 / Small Mid-Spring Release A small early spring release completes Lea's collection and adds to the Truly Me and Bitty Baby Lines. For Lea's Collection:
* Lea's Celebration Outfit
* Lea's Beach Picnic Set
* Special Edition Mini Doll (stores only) For girls (inspired by Lea's collection):
* Lea Clark's Beaded Necklace
* Blue Wish Bracelet
* Pink Wish Bracelet
* Orange Wish Bracelet
* Green Wish Bracelet
* The DVD and DVD/BluRay combo for the movie, Lea To the Rescue are available for pre-order and will ship for free starting June 14th, 2016. For the Truly Me line:
* Stars and Stripes Set
* Spirit Squad Outfit
* Pomeranian Puppy
* Fur-rocious Pet Outfit
* Galaxy Pet Bed
* Rainbow Collar and Leash For Bitty Baby:
* Fruity Fun Outfit
* Bitty Baby Travel Seat
* Bitty Baby Gown and Bonnet Books:
* Doll Sports
* Doll School (new Truly Me edition)
* Styling Spaces
* Spa-mazing
* A Smart Girl's Guide: Worry
* School Rules!
* School Rules!: Math Still nothing for the Bitty Twins, and nothing for BeForever at present.