| - Reginald "Reggie" Ledoux is a brutal and vile drug dealer that manufactures meth for violent criminal biker gang Iron Crusaders and a accomplice and right-hand man of Errol Childress. He also kidnaps, rapes and kills children, for these activities he becomes a major suspect and target for two highly skilled CID detectives, Rustin Cohle and Martin Hart. Ledoux serves as the secondary antagonist in the first season of True Detective. Reggie had killed at least three people (the drowning victim, Lange, and the young boy), however, like Childress, possibly (and likely) killed much more.
| - Reginald "Reggie" Ledoux is a brutal and vile drug dealer that manufactures meth for violent criminal biker gang Iron Crusaders and a accomplice and right-hand man of Errol Childress. He also kidnaps, rapes and kills children, for these activities he becomes a major suspect and target for two highly skilled CID detectives, Rustin Cohle and Martin Hart. Ledoux serves as the secondary antagonist in the first season of True Detective. Reggie first appeared as a suspect in 1995, when Cohle linked the death of a young woman years prior, listed as an accidental drowning death, to the murder he (Cohle) and Marty were currently investigating. After visiting that victim's family, and gathering details from her youth, they discovered Reggie Ledoux was her ex-boyfriend. They also found out that Ledoux had a prior arrest for the statutory rape of a 12-year old girl years prior, but the charges against him were dropped. He was later incarcerated on an unrelated drug charge, and became cellmates with a prisoner. That prisoner was the husband of Dora Lange, and he showed Ledoux pictures of her during their time together. Reggie, his cousin Dewall, and Errol Childress later tortured, raped, and murdered Lange. This was the crime that Louisiana State Police Detectives Martin “Marty” Hart and Rustin “Rust” Cohle were assigned to, ultimately leading them to discover the Childress Family, their cult, and their history of brutal, heinous killings. In the end, when Marty and Rust surrounded his meth lab, Marty, disgusted at the site of two young children, one dead, shot Reggie execution-style. Dewall tried to flee however died when he stopped on a homemade landmine. For the next 17 years, it was believed that the killer had been found, that killer being Reggie. Reggie had killed at least three people (the drowning victim, Lange, and the young boy), however, like Childress, possibly (and likely) killed much more.